Chapter 14

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Nya opened her eyes slowly, awoken by the sound of running water. She yawned softly and stretched, noticing she was on a comfortable bed with an abundance of silky pillows. She sat up quickly and surveyed her surroundings, trying to figure out where she was, and how to escape.

The bed was the only comfortable thing in the room she was placed in, aside from the small waterfall built into the wall. The same rocky walls and purple-flamed torches adjourning them made up the remainder of the cold, dreary room. She shivered and clutched one of the many blankets spread across the bed to her chest. She spotted a door in the distance, shrouded by darkness and guarded by two skeletons. That was her only escape.

She jumped down from the massive bed and realized her captors had changed her clothes. A flowing black robe hugged her body and swept around her bare feet. She was wearing a black undershirt and matching silk shorts underneath it. Feeling violated, she covered up her body more and searched the area, trying to find her weapons and gi.

"Good luck trying to escape." One of the skeletons cackled. "They left you with nothing except a warm bed and a place to stay. You should be grateful."

Nya ignored them, staring at the waterfall. They did leave me with one thing. Moving towards the waterfall, she sat down in front of it and dipped her fingers in the smooth water. She left some fill her hand and played around with it, getting used to the substance.

"What do you think you're doing?" The other skeleton growled from the door.

Nya frowned, still concentrated on the water. "Am I not allowed to entertain myself? This is literally the only thing I have in here, other than the bed."

The skeletons grumbled but let her proceed, becoming disinterested in her activity after a mere three minutes. Nya smirked, watching them fall into boredom while attempting to make a small ball of water. "Come on..." She whispered, closing her eyes. Feeling the water leave her palm, she widened her eyes at the large ball of water hovering over it, astonished.

"Hey, you're-" The skeletons rushes towards her, weapons aimed high. She thrusted the ball of water at them, knocking their bones out of place. With quick thinking, she dashed under their swings and performed a series of attacks on them, realizing she was spinning in an aura of dark teal. Spinjitzu! It's just like the training course! Grinning, she slid to the door, making her escape. Now to find a way out...

She turned the corner as she ran down the corridors, seeing nothing but darkness and violet flames for miles. Is this a maze of some sort? Am I trapped? She knew the Underworld was, well, another world. There had to be some sort of magic lurking in the realm.


Nya gasped, turning around. She could have sworn she heard the echo of Jay's voice. No, I'm going crazy. It's just a trick of the Underworld... I'm starting to hear voices...

"Nya! Thank god!" Jay's voice was becoming much clearer now, as if he was right behin-

She turned around and came face-to-face with her companion. Shaking her head and looking him up and down, she backed away. No, it couldn't be...

"Nya, it's okay!" He reached out for her. "We came back for you- Sensei told us where you were being held! We used the dragons to get here! Isn't that exciting?" He was teary-eyed, walking towards her. "I've missed you."

Nya frowned, holding up her fists. "You aren't Jay. You're trying to trick me, whoever you are!"

He bit his lip, growing agitated. "Nya, please. What makes you think I'm not myself?"

"Because Jay gave me his coat before I was kidnapped." She pointed to the coat draped over his shoulders, identical to the one that was stripped from her. "B-Besides, you look far too cleaned up. Jay was on a wild journey with us; he was definitely roughed up a little."

"Clever girl." Jay purred in a voice unknown to her. His eyes glowed a dark red as his body was engulfed in shadow. Nya backed away, gasping in fear as the walls around her collapsed into nothing but dark mist, revealing a large, circular arena. She glanced around in terror, surrounded by bones and flame, a single throne adjourned with bones sitting in the center. Skeletons surrounded her at every corner, the skeleton with four arms pushing her forward and pinning her arms behind her back.

"Where am I?" She demanded, struggling to get out of the skeleton's grip. "Who are you?!"

She shuddered, her heart beating quickly as her eyes widened at the approaching figure. He was terrifying, beyond description and wicked in all ways. He was wearing impenetrable armor and dark robes, his blood-red eyes burning into her skull.

"I sense your fear, child. Do not be afraid, for I am your new master."

Lord Garmadon... so we meet at last...

His cold, cursed hands stroked her cheek. "You have powers beyond your imagining, abilities no mortal can fathom. You have the ability to destroy the undead and their realm. To drown your enemies and flood all obstacles that stand in your way. You have the potential to become the strongest warrior in the world, wielding the most powerful element, the element that is so dire for us to survive. All you need to do is unlock your power within and obey my every command."

Nya turned her head away, spitting at him. "Fuck off."

Garmadon drew his hand away, disgusted. "You should be taught a lesson. Perhaps my loyal generals can persuade you." He outstretched his arm, Kai and Cole arriving on cue.

"I don't care much for them." Nya growled. "And I've already turned two of your 'loyal' generals. Don't think I won't hesitate to show them the light, too."

Garmadon growled back at her, sitting atop his throne. "Get her back into her room. I want my Master of Earth to watch the door this time. I've had enough of you numbskulls failing to get the job done right." The skeletons grumbled at this but backed away, letting the two generals pass by.

Cole grabbed her by the back of her robe, dragging her along the cold ground. Kai strolled beside Cole, smiling down at her struggling to escape. "You'll come around, sis. Everyone does. Eventually."

"Not everyone!" A voice boomed behind them.

Confused, Cole and Kai turned around, their eyes widening. "You've gotta be kidding me." Kai breathed, exasperated. "You're back?!"

Nya grunted, turning her head and beaming when she saw her trio of saviors standing atop dragons. "Sensei Wu! Jay, Zane! You guys found me!"

Jay smiled at her and waved hello before hopping down, calling out to Kai again, "Of course we're back, shit-for-brains! Now get ready to receive the shock of your life!"

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