Chapter 19

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Kai grunted, chained up to a large ice block deep in the Hypnobrai tomb. The supposed general, Slithtraa, had caught him off-guard and captured him as soon as he had entered the tomb. It was a surprising outcome; the general seemed like a real idiot. Instead of hypnotizing him on the spot, he deployed his second-in-command to perform the task.

"Are you sure you wanna do that?" Kai shivered through his taunt, turning his head towards the warrior. God, he hated the cold.

"I don't want to." The snake hissed at him. "I have my own plansss."

"Well good, because so do I." Kai huffed and glanced at the entrance of the tomb, praying for a miracle.

Almost a second later, a loud scream echoed throughout the icy tomb. Kai glanced up, laughing to himself as the young boy tumbled onto the ground and slid to a halt. His prayers had been answered.

"Well, well, well..." Slithraa's tail rattled. "Another one. Look into my eyesss..."

Lloyd cried out in fear as he ducked from the snake's gaze, causing it to ricochet off of a block of ice and back to the general. Slithraa slid backwards, swaying in a trance. Kai grinned, proud of the kid.

Lloyd laughed wickedly. "No. I will control you from now on."

"What shall you have usss do, young master?" The general bowed to Lloyd as dozens of Hypnobrai stalked towards him.

"My own army of snakes." Lloyd whispered in disbelief. He glanced around and made eye contact with Kai and the snake guarding him, who was reluctant to follow the rest. "Tell that snake to release my friend! He's your master now, too!"

"Skales!" Slithraa boomed. "Release the prisoner!"

Skales' mouth dropped open. "Bu- But sssir-"

"Do as I say! I am your general!"

Skales glared at him and the boy before releasing Kai. "You'll come to regret thisss." He whispered into Kai's ear as he passed by. "You and the boy."
"We're wasting time!" Nya growled in frustration, clinging onto Jay's back as he and the others rode their dragons back to the temple. God, she hated having to hitch a ride with Jay, even if it was nice to ride along with him. When was she going to get her own dragon?

"We must inform Sensei about his nephew, as well as your brother's return." Zane stated for the millionth time. He was flying ahead of them as usual, focused on the task ahead.

"We could've caught up to them by now!" Nya shot back. "What's the point in going back and getting him? He has his own dragon for fuck's sake!"

The others ignored her outburst as they landed on the floor of the monastery. Why were they always ignoring her?! Nya didn't even bother to get off of Wisp as the other three stumbled towards Sensei.

"Sensei!" Zane called out to Wu, sitting on the steps of the monastery. "Kai has returned, and we believe he has intentions of releasing the Serpentine army!"

"And we think your nephew is working with him!" Cole added.

"What are you four waiting for?" Sensei asked, slightly upset. "Chase after them!"

Nya's right eye twitched slightly. That's what I was saying the whole time, assholes. She thought, growling to herself as she waited for Jay to get back on.

"I don't know why they don't listen you." Jay sighed, hopping onto Wisp. "You're always full of good ideas."

"Then maybe you should set an example for them and agree with me if you think something's stupid." She muttered.

In an Alternate World (NINJAGO)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz