Chapter 5

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"Try again." Wu instructed Nya when she once again failed to complete the training course. She sighed heavily, lifting herself off of the stone floor, warm from the summer sun, and returning to the beginning of the course. Glancing back at the training planks, she realized she wasn't even a quarter of the way through.

"I don't know if I can do this, Sensei." She mumbled, walking towards him and taking a small sip of water. "Maybe I can build some machinery instead. I'm good at that..."

Wu sighed softly, watching her with knowing eyes. "You cannot avoid your destiny, Nya. In order to grow stronger, you must learn to embrace failure and learn from your mistakes." He took a sip of tea and added, "You may enjoy what comes easy to you, but it is also important to train the areas you are weaker in." He gestured to the course. "Try one last time, and we will work again in the morning."

Nya nodded, turning away from Sensei and hiding her face in shame. It was true, everything he said; she liked what came easy to her, things that she could never fail at, guaranteed. One thing's for sure, though. She thought, preparing to take on the course.

I am not weak.
That night, Nya rested on the cot Sensei prepared for her and stared at the ceiling, wondering what her brother was doing right now. Perhaps he was having trouble sleeping too, or perhaps he was thinking about her, if he still remembered her. Nya shook her head and closed her eyes.

No. He was resting easy, a high-ranking general with wicked motives, sleeping among murderers and thieves, people he probably called friends. Considering what she had heard about her brother made her realize one thing; the man she was growing to fear was not her brother anymore.

What was she thinking? Of course he was her brother. No, no, she just needed to save him, turn him back to the light, let him see her face once again. Let him-

"Don't scream." A hushed voice to her left interrupted her thoughts.

Nya recognized the thin figure right away, even if he was cloaked in the shadows. She opened her mouth instinctively, a sharp gasp escaping her lungs before he smacked a gloved hand over her mouth. Breathing shakily, she watched the redhead in silence, her eyes wider than saucers.

"What did I just tell you?" Jay whispered, raising his nunchucks. "Now listen to me; if you so much as whisper for help, I'll kill both you and your precious sensei, got it?" When Nya whimpered slightly, he quickly widened his eyes. "I-I mean, I didn't mean that seriously, I mean, wait, I did, I-I..." He shook his head, a loose curl on the side of his head bouncing slightly. "Never mind. Just, don't say anything. I'm not here to hurt you."

Nya rose a brow as he slowly lifted his hand away. A certain phrase that was uttered to her not too long ago came to mind. "Such empty threats for a person so full of potential." Realizing she said that out loud, she shut her mouth tightly and watched Jay scoff in reply.

"Excuse me?" He rolled his eyes and lifted her off of the cot. "You know, just because I said I wouldn't hurt you doesn't mean you can go around saying shit like that." He huffed and led her outside to the training course, holding onto her arm.

"Wh-What are you-" She gasped slightly as he lifted her up and plopped her down on a small column. He was surprisingly strong, which caused her to panic a little more, knowing his strength.

"Run the course." He stated bluntly, crossing his arms and standing behind her.

"Y-You mean, like, train?" Nya was more confused than scared at this point. "I-I don't understand-"

"You don't have to. Just give it a whirl." He lifted her into his arms once again, this time almost tenderly. Nya gasped at the sudden gesture, half-panicked, half... flustered? God, get it together... She thought, hiding her flushed face as he set her down closer to the course. He's evil. Pure evil. He tried to kill you over a piece of paper.

"I-I can't..." She whispered, hugging her body, feeling horribly vulnerable. "I couldn't even get past the first part. I-I'm not strong enough."

"Don't say that. You're not weak." He held her shoulders tightly and whispered in her ear, "I want you to run through that whole course. Don't stop if you mess up. Keep running through it over and over until you feel satisfied. Just don't stop."

Nya swallowed before nodding. "Okay. I'll do it." She turned towards him, looking him in the eyes for the first time without fear. As their eyes met, they both shared a shaky breath, studying each other's features. Nya cleared her throat. "But... what happens after? When I'm done?" What are you going to do with me? He didn't come here just to help me train, did he?

"That depends on..." He stopped mid-way, hesitant. "How you perform. So it's best you get started now." He turned back and walked towards the steps of the monastery to observe.

Nya drew in a sharp breath and started running. Dodge the planks. She rushed past them, scraping her arms against some planks but nevertheless continued on. She surprisingly did well as she jumped over the swords on the next round, only cutting the silk of her pajamas ever so slightly on the tip of the last sword. Grabbing a spear, she swung at the dummies' heads, observing their movements. The adrenaline seized her heart as she dodged their arms, cutting her way past their weapons and leaping off to sprint to the end.

Bruised slightly but feeling more accomplished than ever, Nya didn't even need to hear Jay's instructions to know what to do next.

Let's do this again!

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