Chapter 22

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(mature content warning towards the end of this chapter :3)

"Where are you?" Nya called out to the darkness. "Come out where I can see you."

"I'm afraid I am not here." The distorted voice responded. "Walk forward and you will see what I mean."

Nya swallowed, hesitant. "Is this a trap?" She questioned, backing away.

"No." The Samurai answered, deadpan. "It's a phone. Look."

Nya rose a brow but stood on her toes to see down the dark cave. In the distance, a small phone with a dimly-lit display was placed on the ground. The Samurai spoke again, revealing its voice to be coming from the phone.

"Pick it up. This will be our means of communication from now on. This way the ninja or the Serpentine will not be able to track you down, or this location."

Nya slowly walked down the lengthy cave, picking up the phone carefully. It was burning hot from the use, but it wasn't putting her life in danger. She found the flashlight function and turned it on, surveying her surroundings.

The cave was massive, with tunnels coming through every which way. Backing towards the entrance, she glanced at the phone again. "How do I know you aren't a snake? There are tunnels everywhere!"

"I cannot show you my true face, but I can tell you that this cave was once a shelter for humans during the Serpentine wars. They used the tunnel system to evacuate people in every village and keep them secure here. Although most of the entrances were closed off due to the Constrictai, there still exists two exits; the one you entered through, and the one directly across."

"That's great information and all, but it still doesn't tell me anything about you." Nya bumped into a cave wall, turning around quickly. "Why do you want me to help you so badly? What are you getting out of this?"

"The idea of the Samurai is similar to your jetpack; it is merely a prototype, a concept. Only with your ingenuity and my guidance will it be able to take flight." The Samurai seemed to smile through the tone of their voice. "However, I cannot help you in your efforts. Whether or not you choose to continue this cause is entirely up to you. I am merely a sower, planting the seed."

"It's all up to me?" Nya glanced around, her stomach churning in fear. "I don't understand. The times I tried to lead resulted in failure. I- I gave up..."

"You were never meant to lead the ninja." The Samurai spoke softly now. "You were made to create, to build your own story with your own hands. This is your chance to prove your independence."

Nya inhaled shakily, afraid to breathe in the cold, unfamiliar air. She glanced at the phone, internally begging for the Samurai's face to appear. Just let me know you're real. She thought, her heart pounding. Please.

"Will you do it?" Their voice was softer than ever, whispering sweetly into Nya's ears and seeping in ever so slowly. "Please, Nya. I need you." And then, rather quickly, they added, "Ninjago needs you. The way you were supposed to help us originally."

Nya pursed her lips, shutting her eyes tightly. It's not like I have a choice anymore. If I decline and leave, they'll assume I told the guys, and that won't end well for any of us. Although the Samurai had good intentions, Nya was ultimately trapped. She had to say it.

"Yes. Yes, I will join you." The words tumbled out of her numb lips, her heavy heartbeat masking every breath she took.

The Samurai hesitated. "Are you... sure?"

"Positive." Nya stood up straight, swallowing her fear. "I need to go now; the guys are probably wondering where I am by now."

"Of course. You are free to go, and I will see you soon."

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