Chapter 25

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"You wish to be turned?" One of two heads on the Fangpyre General, Fangtom, sneered. "You're a brave one." The other head finished.

Kai stood up straighter, holding out his arm. "Bite me. Now."

"You are unlike most humans." The four white eyes followed Kai's movements closely. "In more ways than one. Your face..."

"Scarred, I know, but it shouldn't be an issue." Kai moved in closer. "Are you a coward, Fangtom? Bite me."

"I don't care what you call me; I wouldn't dare bite you." The crimson snake spat. "You have poison laced throughout your veins. You are surely here to kill us and seize control."

"Kai..." Lloyd whispered, clutching onto his arm. "Please, let's just go. This isn't gonna work."

"I know of your face." The snake slithered around him, both heads turning and observing him from every angle. "Dark matter. It's consuming you, driving you mad. Any sane human would turn away, like your little friend here." The general moved towards Lloyd, both heads baring their fangs. "Perhaps I should turn him instead." He cackled.

Lloyd whimpered as the Fangpyre closed in on him. "Kai, please!" He cried out in fear, clinging onto his coat.

Kai lowered his eyes at the boy before glancing back up to the snake. "That is not my plan." He drew the Sword of Fire and ignited it. "If you will not turn me, then surrender, or your precious army is going to flames." He eyed the troops. "I know you're already low in numbers."

Fangtom backed away slightly. "You are truly cunning. I am most impressed." He waved his claws, ordering the troops to back off. "I still would like to know your intentions."

"All-out war. Against the Hypnobrai."

Fangtom's heads nodded at each other. "The Hypnobrai. Foolish tribe, filled with tricksters and liars that betrayed us long ago." They lifted their necks higher and faced Kai. "For freeing us, we grant you the permission to lead us to victory. However, we will need reinforcements."

"All I have is the boy." Kai offered, causing Lloyd to whimper in fear.

Fangtom cackled, slithering closer to Lloyd. "Well then, let us have a taste."

In an act of pure instinct, Lloyd kicked Kai in back of the knees and sprinted away as fast as he could, far away from the tribe. Kai growled in frustration, prepared to chase after him, before the general held him back.

"Now, now, there is no need for that. He is only one boy." The two pairs of eyes squinted ahead. "No. We will need to find a place with spare vehicles, things we can convert to weapons. Do you know of a place, my lord?"

Lord. The title sent shivers down Kai's spine. He pondered for a moment before remembering the day he met Jay.

"Oh yeah." He smirked. "I know the perfect place."
"A boat?" Cole questioned, partly confused but mostly in immense awe of the massive vessel the falcon lead them to. "What's that thing doing in the middle of the desert?"

"Who cares?" Jay grinned excitedly. "It's perfect and it's the coolest place to live! I gotta start making modifications right away!"

"What modifications?" Nya giggled, squeezing his hand.

"It's a secret." Jay hissed at her, smirking. "But if you wanna peek in on the plans, don't let me stop you."

"I hope this place is suitable, my friends." Zane smiled, turning towards them. "I ran a full scan on the building, and no life forms seem to be inside. In fact, this boat hasn't been touched by any life form in centuries. Not even by looters."

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