Chapter 33

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Jay pushed past the others, rushing to the Samurai's towering mech, ignoring his massive blade rising, prepared to strike. You're no different from these snakes. He thought, gritting his teeth.

Jay skidded to a halt, glaring into the cockpit and meeting the Samurai's concealed eyes. The others were calling for him to get back, but he wasn't planning on stepping away any time soon. Not now, not ever.

"Hey, asshole!" He shouted above the snakes' cheers and his teammates' pleas.

The Samurai tilted his head downward, expressionless.

"Yeah, I'm talking to you!" Jay raised his fists. "If you did anything to Nya, I'll kick your ass!"

The Samurai stepped back, his crimson goggles still staring deeply into Jay's eyes. It may have been his imagination, but he could have sworn the bastard was shaking. Good. You deserve it.

In the distance, he could hear Kai and Pythor cackling, and soon the whole area erupted into laughter. Jay swallowed, standing tall. "I mean it! Now you all better tell me where to fuck she is!"

"Calm down, Jay." Kai called out to him, his laughter coming to a close. "We haven't seen my sister anywhere."

"Enough about the girl." Pythor growled, silencing Kai. "We all came here for a fight! You all best begin, or there will be no man left alive!"

Jay swiveled his head back to the Samurai, only to almost have it taken off. The blade barely missed him by an inch, the Samurai using all of his force to swipe at him.

"Hah! You- You missed me!" Jay called breathlessly, stumbling backward. His heart pounded in his ears as he retreated back to the team, the Samurai's mech reworking itself to stand up again.

"Welcome back, Romeo." Cole rose a bushy brow.

"Shut up, Cole." Jay panted, narrowing his eyes. "Nya could be hurt, and you're making jokes..."

"Guys, I believe we may have bigger problems." Zane spoke up before any arguments could break out. The Samurai thrust a spinning blade at them, once again narrowly missing them.

"What is this, preschool?" Kai suddenly scoffed. "I wanna see some blood!" He stormed to the edge of the area, shouting, "Chop these guys up how you cut up my armies! Or are you scared of the ninja?" He laughed, throwing a red-hot stone at the mech. "Are you their little bitch?"

That seemed to do it for the Samurai. He tightened his grip on his blade and sent it flying towards Kai and Pythor. Kai cried in alarm, retreating back to where Skales was sitting.

"Funny. The only little bitch I see around here is you." The Samurai's robotic voice drawled out loudly.

The arena was reduced to hushed whispers and chuckles at this. Jay's mouth dropped open. If he didn't despise the guy, he would have laughed out loud at that.

Pythor narrowed his magenta eyes, reaching for a lever. "You may think you're so clever, but I am in control of this fight."

With a pull, spikes shot up around the arena's border, and before any of them could make a jump for the weapons and Lloyd, the floor began to tilt underneath them. The ninja and the Samurai tumbled towards the deep pit under the arena, all saved by the long, sturdy spikes. Tightening their grip, the ninja all panicked, unsure of what to do next.

"How the hell are you holding on?" Cole asked the Samurai, staring at his heavy mech.

"I won't be able to hold on for much longer." The Samurai responded.

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