Chapter 10

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Jay draped his general's coat over the sleeping Nya, shivering in the cold drizzle. He carried her into the ship's cabin, laying her on top of one of the cots. He stroked her cheek, gazing down on her before walking outside.

He sighed softly, staring at the cloudy night sky as he leaned against the railing. I can't go back. He thought, rubbing at his temples. I can't.
"Fucking idiot!" The General of Fire pursued Jay, whip in hand. "Do you even understand what you've done?!"

Jay stopped in his tracks as he approached a dead-end. The frigid air of the underworld and Kai's anger caused the hairs on the back of his neck to stand. "Kai, please, I didn't mean to-"

"Silence!" Kai barked, stalking towards Jay. "Your incompetence nearly cost us our lives, and my position as second-in-command! Do you know how humiliating it is to be demoted? To be loyal to Garmadon since your childhood, only to have fucking Samukai snatch up your position?"

Jay opened his mouth to speak, only to find himself unable to. He didn't mean to- the gliders weren't meant to malfunction-

"Answer me, asshole! Do you?!"

"N-No! I'm sorry-"

Kai growled in frustration, whipping the side of Jay's face. Jay screamed in horror, clutching his bleeding face.

"Let that be a lesson to you. Don't fuck me over ever again. Do you understand?"

Jay whimpered a yes, tears welling up in his eyes. "I'm sorry..."
Jay felt the scar that traveled from his eyebrow to just above his chin. It served as a reminder to avoid failure at all costs and that he was loyal to the Underworld for life.

He frowned, glancing back at the cabin. No. Now it served as a reminder to never look back, and to not let anyone treat him like less of a human ever again.
"Wake up, Nya."

Nya's eyes fluttered open, meeting her older brother's. She groaned, glancing at the window. "It's too early, Kai..." She mumbled into her pillow.

Kai laughed, pulling at her arm. "Come on, sis. You gotta get used to waking up early if you wanna run this shop someday."

"I don't." She sighed, getting up. "Just because I'm good at it doesn't mean I wanna do it."

Kai rolled his eyes, waiting for her to finish dressing herself. "Alright then, expert. What do you wanna do then?"

"I don't know." She huffed, putting on her boots and following him. "I just wanna explore. I'm tired of being here."

"I promise we'll get out of here, sis." He turned towards her, smirking.

Something was off. He was taller, older, scars slashed across his face. A devilish glint to his eye.

"I'm leaving you, sis. I'm leaving you here to work. Lord Garmadon promised me the world, and I want it more than anything. He said I had the potential to burn cities down and build them back up again." He stalked towards her, his hands engulfed in flames. "I'll burn this village down and build you a mansion. You'll be so happy here, you won't even need a reason to leave. You'll be happy."

"Happy?" Kai was older, but she was still seven years old. A child, innocent and naive. She walked towards her big brother. He was so warm, so inviting.

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