Chapter 31

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"Pythor, we've been digging around for miles." Kai huffed, wiping the sweat from his brow. The Anacondrai leader and his two subordinates had traveled to the Sea of Sand in order to unearth a lost Serpentine city.

"I'll have to agree with the human." Skales hissed, slithering down from the deposit. "We've been here long enough."

"Keep digging, you faithless fools." Pythor snapped, feverishly shoveling alongside Kai. "The Lost City of Ouroboros is right underneath us. I know it!"

"You put too much faith in legends." Skales rolled his crimson eyes, collecting sand into buckets for another trip to the deposit.

Kai wiped his brow once more, huffing in exhaustion. He was once invulnerable to hot weather, but after spending years in the Underworld and of course becoming dependent on dark matter, it seemed that the sun was his enemy.

Pythor glanced at him from the side and was about to make a snide comment before he suddenly gasped. His shovel had hit a stone with a loud clank.

Unearthing what he had hit with his tail, Pythor beamed in amazement. "Skales, Kai..." He began, reaching down to grab something. "I do believe we've found it."

The Hypnobrai slithered next to Kai quickly, gasping. Kai rose a brow skeptically, watching Pythor grab what appeared to be a handle in the sand.

At once, the sand beneath them began to rumble, and large stone structures rose from the desert. A large arena began to form around them, and most prominently, a massive statute of a snake stood in the middle of it all.

Pythor slithered around in amazement, spreading his arms out. "I give you, The Lost City of Ouroboros!"
Jay jabbed at the small breakfast on his plate, his appetite nonexistent. Although the team had practically forgotten his encounter with the Samurai, his resentment was still eating him alive. I swear, once I catch that guy...

"Jay?" Zane interrupted his thoughts. "Will Nya be joining us soon?"

"Oh, shoot, I forgot to tell you guys." Jay nodded towards Sensei. "She wanted to go out and run some errands, since we're getting really low on supplies. Sensei gave her a laundry list of stuff, so she's going to be out for most of the morning."

Sensei confirmed this with a nod, before getting up to answer the door. From what is sounded like, the mailman was frantically knocking.

"How did he even get up here?" Lloyd wondered aloud. "We're like, a billion feet in the air."

"That dude'll do anything to bring us our mail." Jay smirked. "I bet he'd even go to the Underworld if we were trapped there."

The others chuckled at this before resuming their meal. Cole took a bite of his greens, looking deep in thought. "You know, I guess I haven't really noticed how low we are in supplies. Especially food." He gestured to their lack of a full breakfast. "Nya's pretty observant."

"Yeah." Jay agreed absentmindedly, his focus going back to the Samurai.

"Personally, I don't buy this." Cole shrugged.

"Buy what?" Zane asked. Jay looked up along with him.

"It's just a wild theory, but..." Cole bit his lip, looking as if he was having an inner debate. "Look, I'll just say this; she can't just be going out for supplies."

Jay tensed up, gripping at his fork. What the hell was he trying to say?

Zane scrunched his brows together. "What are you implying, Cole?" He asked diplomatically, noticing Jay's behavior.

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