Chapter 6

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Nya was approaching her third run of the course when the doors to the monastery suddenly slammed open.

"STOP!" Sensei cried out, advancing towards Jay.

Wu's shout broke Nya's concentration and caused her to smack into a plank, the world suddenly going black as she drifted off. The last thing she saw was the golden hue of Sensei's spinjitzu preparing to apprehend Jay.
"Nya? Are you awake?"

Groaning, Nya sat up, surprised to be back in bed. Wu was kneeling beside her, a wet cloth in his hand. "Where- Where's Jay?" She glanced around before the pounding in her skull caused her to rest against her pillow.

"The lightning master is in our custody." Sensei answered, gently patting Nya's head with the wet cloth. "I will go and interrogate him once you recover. I must learn the whereabouts of my brother and the other masters."

"Why can't I come?" Nya asked, coming across a little whinier than she had intended. "I have a right to know where my brother is too."

"I fear that the lightning master came here to turn you." Wu sighed, touching her arm. "I do not want to risk anything."

"He won't manipulate me." Nya pressed, sitting up. "I promise, Sensei. I'm not going to turn. Please, let me help; I-I know Jay can be turned just as easily as my brother can be."

Wu handed her a glass of water before standing up. "Drink and take as much time as you need to recover. When you are finished, we will meet on the training grounds and I will give you my answer." Without another word, he slipped out of the room, leaving Nya alone.

Sighing heavily, Nya glanced around the empty room. Her head ached more than anything. She took a small sip of the water, only to discover she was incredibly thirsty. Gulping down the contents of the glass, she got up, wanting more. Where's the kitchen again?  Shrugging to herself, she decided her search for a tap would be a good opportunity to explore the monastery.

After pouring herself some more water, Nya debated on her next destination when she suddenly remembered seeing a small set of cages on the side of the mountain that resembled stables. Eager to explore, she strolled outside and exited through the main gate, grateful she didn't run into Sensei. Although she had gotten her strength back up, she still had the killer headache. Training probably wouldn't be the best idea right now. 

She carefully walked down the steps to the stables when she suddenly heard a popping sound. Something electric...

Oh no.

"Hey, Water Lily." Jay's casual tone sent chills up Nya's spine. Dumbfounded, she walked down the line, only to discover him locked inside the last cage, sitting cross-legged and firing blue sparks in the air.

Scrunching up her nose, Nya crossed her arms and watched him. "Sensei told me your true intentions. You were trying to get me to turn. End up just like my brother. And you, for that matter."

Jay rolled his eyes. "Was I?" He chuckled and moved closer to her, leaning against the cage. "Maybe I only wanted to get to know you better."

"You aren't as cool as you think you are. You know that right?" Nya leaned closer to him, pursing her lips confidently. "You're just trying to get into my head. Trying to make me... Make me..."

"Make you what...?" Jay's hand slipped out of the shadows. Nya swallowed, her heart pounding as badly as her headache. He brushed his thin fingers against her face, feeling ice cold against her hot, flushed cheeks. What's wrong with me?!

"I need to go-" She started, feeling sick. Then, when he continued to caress her face, "Jay, please, I shouldn't be here. Th-This shouldn't be happening..."

He didn't seem surprised at all that she used his name. "I know. You're a good little girl, aren't you?" He pulled her face in closer without any effort on his part; Nya was too stunned to resist. "But I know you can be bad. And I don't mean for my boss or anyone else. You can be a bad little girl, just for me."

And then he kissed her. He kissed her right on the lips, like it was nothing.

Nya's heart was about to burst out of her chest. Her stomach was churning and her cheeks were red-hot. I can't do this... What the hell am I doing?!

She pushed him away and reached through the bars, slapping him for good measure before sprinting up the stairs and into the monastery. I am such an idiot. Why didn't I fight back?! He-He's a monster!

Tears welled up in her eyes as she made her way back to her room. How could she have been so stupid to let her guard down like that?Sensei was right about two things. For one, that creep was trying to manipulate me. And for the other...

I am weak.

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