Chapter 23

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"I wouldn't go near that thing if I were you." Skales warned the master of fire, slithering behind him. "Even as a scaled beast myself, I would never attempt to tame a dragon."

Kai waved Skales away. "If you're so afraid, then go back with your army. This is a personal matter anyway. You don't need to concern yourself with this."

Skales huffed and let Kai alone, slithering back to Lloyd and the army, making sure to show off his new form with each twist of his torso.

Kai stood at the entrance of the fire temple, taking in a deep breath. The smoke from the great volcano didn't seem to affect him at all, instead making him stronger. He breathed in the musk and pushed open the maroon doors, lifting his chin up as he basked in the wave of heat that hit him.

A deep growl echoed throughout the temple as the guardian leapt from its post, landing in front of him with a thunderous boom. The beast snarled at him, backing away.

"Are you afraid of me, dragon?" Kai whispered, the corners of his mouth pulling into a smug grin. "You're five times my size, and yet you cower at me." He moved closer to the creature, holding up his hands. "Are you afraid to succumb to me, my pet?"

The dragon tucked its head into its shoulders, agitated. It whined softly, curling its tail around the stone that once held the Sword of Fire.

"You miss it, don't you? You miss having a mission, a purpose." Kai paced the floor in front of the beast, still locking eyes with it. "Dragons are loyal creatures. You feel as if you failed your master."

The guardian seemed to whimper in response, raising its wings defensively. Kai laughed at this.

"There's no need to feel guilt, my pet." He held out a hand, letting it take in his scent. "I am your master now. It is time for us to obtain the Sword to its rightful owner."
Nya ignored the knowing smirk from Cole as she pushed past him to grab breakfast.

"Must've been some concussion, little sis. I could hear you moaning all n-"

Nya elbowed him in the stomach, cutting him off. "That's enough." She huffed, clearing her throat. She pursed her lips as she remembered what had happened the day before. "... How are you, by the way? I didn't get a chance to see you or the others."

Cole's face fell as he rubbed the back of his neck. "Better, a lot better. I'm sorry, Nya, I should have known the snake hypnotized me. I wish I could take everything I did back."

Nya held his hand and smiled softly. "There's no need to apologize, Cole. It wasn't your fault." She stirred her oatmeal and sighed. "Even if something awful happened to me or the others, the team could never blame you."

"Really?" Cole asked glumly, lowering his eyes. "I feel like Jay would've killed me."

"Maybe." Nya smiled to herself at the sound of his name before shaking her head. "I-I was kidding." She reassured him. "Don't worry, Cole, everything worked out in the end."

He looked up at her with a weak smile. "I can see why you're the better leader. I guess I was too selfless. I didn't even realize I was a danger to you all by hiding it."

Nya looked into his eyes, her stomach sinking. "That isn't true, Cole; you're an excellent leader, solid as a rock. I'm impulsive and negative. There's no way I could be a positive influence to any once, much less a stable leader."

"Eh... thank you." He smiled warmly and hugged her tightly, reminding Nya of their first meeting where he had nearly crushed her to death.

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