Chapter 27

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As Jay held the snakes off long enough for Nya to escape with Ed and Edna, Nya began to survey her options as she contacted the others for help.

"The other ninja will be here soon. We're going to have to fight them off until we can get our hands on that cure. I just need-"

"WHAT THE HELL IS THAT THING?!" Jay screamed, interrupting her.

A giant green mech stomped towards the ninja, swinging what appeared to be nunchucks.

"Oh! That was supposed to be a gift in your honor, son." Ed explained sheepishly.

"Thanks, but no thanks!" Jay breathed, sprinting towards the others. "What are we gonna do, Nya? Did you see those weapons? Those vehicles?"

"Right now our top priority is curing your parents." Nya held his hands, calming him down. "We need to avoid getting bitten, or things are just going to get worse."

"The others are coming right?" Jay asked frantically, glancing around. "Because right now, we're crazy outnumbered."

"You're right about that." Kai's voice suddenly appeared behind them. Nya screamed as he grabbed her by the waist, pulling her back. As she began fought him off, Kai suddenly let go, stepping back. "D-Don't fight me... Jesus..." he crouched to the ground, holding onto his face.

"Kai...?" Nya started, prepared to fight, only to watch him stumble away into hiding.

"What the hell was that about?" Jay asked, rushing to her aid. "Did he hurt you?"

"No, he just... ran away, like he was in pain or something." Nya shook her head. "Never mind him, we've got to get that cure!"

"Right!" Jay zapped a few snakes with his nunchucks, clearing a path to the general for Nya.
Fangtom hissed in alarm once Nya began to cut her way through to him. "Kai? My lord! Where are you?"

"I'm here." Kai coughed, gripping onto scraps of junk for support as he climbed up to the snake. "We need to get out of here at once. I need... I need to replenish... dark matter."

"What of the ninja?" Fangtom asked, hailing a helicopter.

"Forget them, and Jay's parents too. They're cutting your troops down, and who knows the amount of damage they'll cause once the others get here."

"You mean us?" A familiar voice asked smugly. Cole.

The earth ninja was standing next to Zane, weapons in hand and prepared to attack. Kai pursed his lips together in frustration. "Dammit." He spoke lowly as he grit his teeth. "Let's get out of here."

The generals hopped onto the helicopter right as it took off, narrowly missing Zane's hand grabbing for the staff. "No!" The ninja cried, attempting to knock the craft down with one of his shurikens.

Kai grinned as he knelt to the floor of the flying platform, attempting to ease the pain he was in. Back to Jamanakai for more of that stuff. Then I'll see if the tea lady has any extra. That way nothing will hold me back.
"We can't let them get away with the staff!" Nya cried out, taking Jay's arm. "Form your jet-thing!"

"Got it!" Jay closed his eyes and transformed his weapon once again. Nya was about to jump inside with him before he waved her out. "Stay with my parents. I'll get it myself!"

Without another word, he flew off, leaving her alone with the other ninja, who didn't stay for very long either. Nya scrunched her brows, watching as they sped off without her.

Edna must have noticed her sullen expression. She took Nya's arm and turned her around. "Sweetheart, don't you have a vehicle?"

Nya opened her mouth, quickly shutting it and shaking her head. "No, my weapon doesn't do that. I don't even have a specific weapon."

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