Chapter 26

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"Didn't you say you were going to visit your parents today?" Nya asked the lightning ninja, crossing her arms and watching him tighten bolts on the control panel.

"Mmhnm..." He mumbled from under the machinery. "Love you too, sweetheart."

"Seriously, Jay?" She sat on the ground next to him. "I know you heard me. Come on, what's going on?"

"They're just my parents, Nya. I don't have to see them and they don't need to get involved in my stuff."

Nya lowered her eyes. "You know, Jay, some people would give anything to see their parents again."

Jay scooted out from under the panel and sighed. "I'm sorry. It's not that I don't want to see them... but I just... can't see them." He looked down. "Not after the night I left them."

Nya held his hand. "Your past is gone, Jay. Your parents love you. They need to make sure you're okay." She rubbed at his palm gently. "Look, I'll even go with you, if it helps."

Jay smiled softly, raising her hand to his lips and kissing it. "You really are too good for me. Let's get Wisp ready."

"Unfortunately, I don't think that is possible." Sensei's voice appeared behind them.

Jay and Nya yelped as their moment was broken, whipping around to face their master. "Wh-What do you mean, Sensei?" Jay asked, standing himself up quickly.

"I'm afraid the dragons will have to leave soon. They must leave this realm to molt, to mature."

"Rocky's leaving?" Cole asked, absolutely heartbroken and entering the room with Zane. "But we just met them!"

"That must mean Kai's dragon is leaving him too." Zane added. "Perhaps once they are all reunited, the dragons will all be on our side."

"A dragon's behavior is hard to tell." Sensei spoke, lowering his eyes. "We may never see them again, or for a very long time, especially with the fire dragon in need of proper companionship."

"So how are we supposed to get around now?" Jay asked, glancing at Nya and meeting her eyes. "For missions, you know?"

"There is one component to your weapons. The element of creation." Sensei nodded at Jay's nunchucks. "Harness the energy within and you will find the answer to your predicament."

"Huh. Guess I should stand outside for this one." Jay swallowed nervously as he began to walk out of the door. "Wanna come and see, Nya?"

"In a second." Nya responded, feeling the communicator buzz in her pocket. "I'm just going to gather up some supplies in case we have a run-in."

She jogged down the halls and ducked into her room, answering the call. "I'm so sorry, master. I couldn't come in because I was cleaning the-"

"Your new home. I know." The disguised voice spoke with the hint of a smile. "Will you be coming in tonight?"

"Eh... Perhaps. I'm..." Nya's voice trailed off, embarrassed to admit she was going on a date with one of the ninja, more or less. "I'm leaving right now for a mission, and I don't know when I'll be back."

"I understand." The Samurai answered her, sounding disappointed. "And I know it may take time for you to settle into your new home as well. Just don't forget you have a home here with me too."


Nya swallowed and slipped the phone back into her pocket, lowering her head. She jumped when she heard a clap of thunder and a loud cheer from Jay, quickly sprinting outside to meet him immediately after

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