Chapter 20

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As the others left to fight the snakes, Nya grabbed Jay's hand and held him back. "Jay..." She started, unable to get across what she was trying to say.

"Don't sweat it." He said with a small smile, turning to leave once she released him.

"No! Jay, I mean... well, I guess you knew I was going to say thank you." She glanced down, embarrassed. "Just... thank you. I appreciate it."


"I..." Nya looked into his eyes nervously before glancing away again. "I don't deserve it. I hope you realize it's just for the mission."

Jay's mouth opened slightly as if he was going to say something, his eyebrows scrunched in worry. "Nya..." was all he could get out before shaking his head and running towards the fight.

Nya closed her eyes, huffing. Nice going. She scolded herself before spinning off to attack.
The battle was rough. Kai was using every ounce of his elemental power, but each flame took more and more out of him. Finally he collapsed, hobbling to a fountain to hide and recover.

He was suffering from a lack of power, even though he was nearly invincible. How tragic. Kai closed his eyes, trying to think of what could replenish his energy.

"Dark matter." A familiar voice answered for him.

Kai scrambled upwards before frowning. "Oh. It's you." He muttered at the tea lady, holding a cup. "And how did you read my thoughts?!"

"Not your thoughts. It's written all over you." She knelt next to him slowly, offering him the cup. "Drink."

Kai turned up his nose, recognizing the same awful smell. "It's that disgusting stuff you gave me earlier!"

"Disgusting, yes, but beneficial to your survival. You are weak without it. Drink, now."

Kai winced, reminded of the days in his childhood when he had to drink medicine. He knocked the cup back, the awful black sludge sliding down his throat. He coughed, covering his mouth.

"Better?" The woman asked, a small smirk planted on her wrinkled lips.

Kai stopped coughing for a moment, feeling his heart beat quickly as if he had just injected pure energy into his veins. "I... I feel great..." He mumbled, staring at the remnants of black matter in the cup. "Am I going to need to drink that often?" He asked, growing nervous.

"Yes, child." The woman took the cup from him and hid it away in her bag. "You are not used to these new abilities, or your new form." She gestured to his damaged face. "Over time you will not need as much, but for now, dark matter is crucial to your survival."

"What do you suggest I do?" Kai meant to snap at her, but came across as frightened, like a child, his voice breaking.

The woman surprisingly looked upon him with sympathy. "Stop the fight. It's draining your life force." She noted Kai's frustrated expression, knowing he couldn't give up. "Alright then. In that case, I would rely on your allies. Make them do the work for you, like a true leader would." With that, she chuckled and left Kai on his own.

Kai grunted, standing up, only to be knocked down again by a frantic Lloyd.

"Kai!" He looked up at him, his green eyes glassy with tears. "They're winning and they have the staff! What're we gonna do?"

Kai patted Lloyd's head. "Relax, kid, this is just one tiny battle. Order the general to retreat and find me the second-in-command, Skales."

Lloyd nodded with a hopeful smile and rushed off.

Coincidentally, Skales slithered up behind Kai, tapping his shoulder with a sharp claw. "How do you expect us to win?" He asked coldly, his eyes glowing menacingly. "The general is under the control of a child, and you have no experience leading!"

"Skales, my friend, you've been looking at this the wrong way." Kai crossed his arms and smirked. "Don't tell me you haven't considered overthrowing the tribe's current command."

Skales puffed out his blue chest, baring his fangs. "Of course I have. The whole tribe thinks I am a coward for not standing up to Slithraa. They know I have the potential to be a great leader, and so do I!"

"Then prove it." Kai whispered to him, placing a gloved hand on his scaled shoulder. "Slithraa is holding the tribe back. Ninjago once feared the Serpentine; I should know, I was once a frightened child."

He turned towards the dying battle, watching the ninja fight off the last of the snakes and distribute the antivenin through the fountain. His little sister was standing atop it, leading the ninja courageously. Just you wait. He thought to himself, turning back to the snake. With Skales as my pawn, I'll be just as powerful as you are, Nya.

"The ninja are mere humans. You have the potential to lead an army of unstoppable warriors, reigning as the superior species." He watched Skales contemplate this, continuing, "You know we can't advance if we keep taking orders from Lloyd, stealing candy and whatnot. Think about that."

Skales stared at Kai for a moment before looking towards the ninja. He smirked, turning back to Kai. "I have a feeling you will be the key to our success." He hissed.

"No, I can't do much." Kai responded, smirking back at him. "It all depends on you, and of course, the boy's continued control over the general. Soon, the tribe will have no choice but to follow you."

Skales laughed and stormed towards Nya and the staff, kicking her into the fountain and grabbing the golden staff. Nya coughed in the water, trying to send the fluid to apprehend the snake, but Skales was already long gone.

And so begins phase one. Kai laughed to himself, running away with Skales and catching up to the army.

"That was incredible, Skales!" Kai laughed, smacking him on the back. The other warriors clamored positively as well, cheering for him as they raced back to the army.

"If you thought that was incredible, just wait a few minutes more." Skales responded, cackling.
"How did I not see him?!" Nya cried out, covering her face. "We were so close! We had the staff! I shouldn't have lead you guys, I knew it!"

The ninja were flying atop their dragons, catching up to the army. Luckily, they hadn't gone far, and the snakes were right below them.

"You're right, Nya." Cole responded coldly, his voice deep and his speech slurred. "In fact, you should probably forget about staying on the team at all."

"What the hell, Cole?" Jay snapped, holding Nya's hand protectively.

Zane caught on immediately. "Steer clear from him! Cole is under the Hypnobrai's-"

He was cut off by a hit from Rocky. Shard roared in fear, soaring higher to avoid any more hits and to protect Zane. Cole turned Rocky's reigns around, flying towards Jay and Nya on Wisp. Rocky thrashed under Cole's control, the poor creature clearly frightened and confused as to what was happening to his master. Cole's eyes were a piercing red, his expression driven completely mad. The snakes definitely had him under their control.

Jay and Nya cried out in fear as the large dragon charged towards them, its jaws open wide for attack. Jay lifted his reins up, steering Wisp into the sky. "Hold on!" He cried out. Nya wrapped her arms around his waist tightly, but was too late. Rocky hit Wisp's tail and sent her tumbling off the dragon, falling miles below. She screamed as her heart pounded faster than it ever had before, bracing herself for a horrible death.

And then, impact, only not on the ground, but on a cloud-like surface.

Sensei's dragon had caught her, and now she was resting on the creature's golden scales. She felt herself beginning to faint from the shock, the fear of being so close to death finally catching up to her.

The last thing she heard before blacking out was the worried cries of her teammates and Sensei playing a soothing tune on a flute.

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