Chapter 15

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Jay, Zane, and Sensei got off of their dragons, approaching Kai, Cole, and Nya. Jay turned around to face Garmadon, walking backwards. "Miss me, Lord G?" Sensei sighed heavily and pushed him towards Nya, walking towards Garmadon.

"Scum." Garmadon spat before glancing up at Wu. "Brother. It has been far too long. Tell me, how is the land of mortals?"

"You have seen it for yourself; through the shadows." Wu stood tall, his staff behind his back.

"Foolish little brother." Garmadon growled, but remained on his throne. "You know I did not choose to be banished here. To dwell in the darkness slowly consuming me. You have been nothing but selfish since our childhood."

"And to make Ninjago in your own image? Is that not selfish as well?" Wu began to walk towards him. "You may not believe it, but you still have the ability to discern right from wrong."

"Ignorant as always, Wu." Garmadon flicked his hand towards him. "Samukai, teach him a lesson."

"With pleasure." Samukai smirked, his raspy voice rattling like bones. Fitting. He advanced towards Wu, daggers raised in each hand and twirling them rapidly.

Wu stood his ground and raised his own weapon, prepared to defend his pupils to the death.
Jay cracked his knuckles before thrusting his hands at his sides, the cerulean lighting charging between his fingers. "Alright, dipshits, we can either do this the easy way, or the hard way."

Kai's face was contorted in confusion and shock, his eyes wide as he backed away slightly. "Jay, have you lost your goddamn mind?!"

Jay stopped in his tracks to laugh wickedly. "That's a good one, Kai!" He snorted, brushing a tear from his eye. "Come on, dude, you and I both know this is me at my calmest. Unless you really don't know me that well after all. Which you don't."

Cole shoved Nya aside, landing her in Kai's shaken arms almost perfectly. "Do you ever shut up, mouth of lightning? You talk a lot for someone that couldn't hold his own in a tiny brawl." He positioned himself in a fighting stance and clenched his fists, the ground trembling beneath him. "If you think you're so tough, fight me, one-on-one."

"I believe you mean, two-on-one." Zane spoke, stepping out from behind Jay. He raised his thin hands, ice crystallizing on his fingertips.

"Zane, you fucking traitor!" Kai spat after finding his voice, trying to grab a hold on Nya. "Cole, finish them off quickly, I'm not strong enough to-"

Nya threw her elbow back into Kai's chest, causing him to stumble back and gasp for air. Thank you, Cole! She smirked, running to the other side with her allies. Your smart decision to turn me over to your weaker partner granted me my freedom.

Kai growled in frustration, his hands engulfing in flame. The fire traveled up to his shoulders, stronger than Nya had ever seen. Or stronger than anyone else has seen, for that matter. She thought, observing everyone's shocked reactions.

"Cole, you IDIOT!" Kai practically screamed, the flames growing larger and larger. He turned away from his enemies and instead faced the only one on his side.

"I-I didn't know you wouldn't be strong enough to hold her!" Cole stammered, backing away and holding up his hands. "I figured- she's just a little girl- she's light enough for me-"

"EVERYONE is light enough for you!" Kai growled, shoving him and leaving scorch marks on Cole's chest. "And what are you implying, are you saying I'm not strong enough to hold back my own sister?!"

"N-No! That wasn't what I meant to- I just worded it the wrong way!"

"But it was what you were implying, and I'm sure you were implying that you could be a better general than I am, too!" Kai barked. "Idiot! I am your general and your superior! Don't think I won't kill you in an instant, you insolent scum!"

Jay turned towards Nya. "I-I'm honestly confused here, are we still fighting them?"

"Look alive." Nya frowned, raising her fists. "They could turn on us any minute."

"Nya is right." Zane piped up. "This could very well be a distraction, a way for us to let our guard down."

"Well they better get over it soon, because I wanna kick some ass." Jay grumbled, the lighting crackling in his palms, itching to shock.

"As do I." Nya sighed, her sharp eyes fixated on her brother and Cole. "There's nothing more that I want than to punch someone's teeth in."

"Nya?" Jay asked, moving closer to her side.

"Yes, Jay?" She answered with a heavy sigh, her eyes unmoved.

"I think I'm madly in love with you." He responded, a giant smile planted across his lips as he gazed at her lovingly, his cheeks dusted with a rosy blush.

She met his eyes for a moment before turning forward again and smiling. "I know."

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