Chapter 6

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Louis’ P.O.V

While walking over the fridge to get another carrot, I step on a purse. Who’s is this? I pick it up and yell over to Liam. “Liam! Who’s purse is this?”

“I don’t know, go through it.” I open up the purse and take out a phone. This IPhone looks familiar, I slide the slider to unlock the phone. I notice that the wallpaper is of Rachel and her friend Eden. They look rather happy.  I don’t think Rachel will mind if I take a look at her messages.  I quickly tap the green IMessage symbol to open up her inbox.  While gazing at the phone someone taps my shoulder.

“Louis, what are you doing?” Harry looks down at the phone. “Who’s phone is that?” I quickly put the phone back into the purse, slightly blushing.

“It’s um, Rachel’s phone.”

“How did you get it?”

“Well, I think she left her purse here last night, I stepped on it while walking to the fridge so I went through it to see who’s it is.”

“Your very nosy.” Harry gets a mysterious look in his eyes. “Lets’ read her messages.”

“Hazza! I didn’t know you were so.. NOSY!”

“It’s Rachel’s phone what could possibly be on there?”

“Let’s look.” I once again tap the messages icon and open up the most recent conversation with Eden.


        Edaan Bruhns!!: Hi!

        Me: Halloo! What’s up?

        Edaan Bruhns!!: Nothin much Ms. Tomlinson, how about you?

        Me:  Same..

        Edaan Bruhns!!: Why do you like Louis so much?

        Me: Why do you like Harry so much??

        Edaan Bruhns!!: Answer my question, I asked first!

        Me: Fine, I just think that he really funny, sweet, and down right sexy!

        Edaan Bruhns!!: Didn’t need to go into detail there

        Me: I gotta go, ttyl!

        Edaan Bruhns!!: Okay

Harry and I stare at each other for a mere moment. Both of us say in unison. “Oh my gosh.” I say quickly to Harry.

“Haz, Rachel likes me.”

“Okay, why do you sound worried?” Harry playfully hits my arm. “You can steal any girls’ heart.”

“Haha, thanks, but it’s I’m really attracted to her. She is really pretty.”

“Well, Agent Tomlinson, aren’t we going to the park to investigate these situations? Niall is at their condo at the moment, let’s head over there now and return her purse.”

Rachel’s P.O.V

“Rachel, we need to clean up, you have torn up the whole room to search for your purse.” Moving around some pillows I reply.

“But, it’s my purse! We have to get it back!” I quickly move downstairs to see Niall eating a banana while watching Britain’s Got Talent. “Niall have you seen my purse?”

“Yeah, Harry texted me that they found it at our place.”

“They? Harry and who?”

“I think Louis, why?”

“I just don’t want anyone going through my purse; I have like- important stuff in there.”

“Like what?”

“Girl stuff, Niall…girl stuff.”

“Alright, the lads should be here in a few minutes.”

“WHAT!” I’m not even dressed yet. I sprint up to my room to change. What am I going to wear!? Louis will be here any minute and I have to look my best! I KNOW! I’ll wear this: After getting dressed, I do a quick French braid up-do that looks like this:

By the time I make my way downstairs I hear the doorbell ring. “I’ll get it!” Eden says to me. She opens up the door to see Harry and Louis. From the breakfast bar I can see Eden blush, I can’t blame her. She is in love with him. “Hi Harry! Hi Louis!”

“Hi Eden, may we come in?”

“Yeah sure!” Both Harry and Louis step foot in our condo. Harry walks over and sits next to Niall on the couch while Louis walks over to me with my purse. He gives me a cute half smile. “This is yours, it was left at our flat last night.” I slowly grab my purse, slightly touching his hand. I blush a little.

“Thanks Louis.” I give him a sweet smile. It is dead silence until Niall blurts out.

“So! Who wants to go the park!”




“Well let’s go!” In a matter of seconds everyone is piled into Harry’s car. Then we start our drive to Oaklend Park.

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