Chapter 21

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Author's Note~ Hello everyone! Hope all of your live's are WONDERFUL:D Hope you really really really like this chapter. It is 9 1/2 pages on word... I think I might have over-did it hahaha. 

Lots and lots of love

-Rachel xxx




Harry's P.O.V




“Im hoomeee!!” I say happily while walking through the door to our hotel room. Louis runs over and tackles me into a hug.

“I missed you curly!” Louis yells while messing up my hair.

“Missed you to Lou.” I say while hugging him back. Seconds later the rest of the lads walk over to me and give me a welcoming hug.

“Where’s Rachel?” Eden asks while picking up a vase and looking at it.

“She is napping.” Louis answers sounding very sophisticated.

“Ok, I’ll be right back.” Eden says while walking to the bedroom on the right.




Eden’s P.O.V




The room is silent while I walk into the room on the right. I close the door behind me. The first thing I see is a sleeping Rachel. Hehe.. it’s 9:00pm. Kind of late for napping don’t you think? I walk into the bathroom and fill a small cup with ice cold water. Rachel is going to flip haha. I make my way over to the bed and pour the water on her face. Her eyes jet open.

“What the crap Eden!!!!” Rachel exclaims, slowly leaning up. “Agh.. my back! Ugh... What time is it?” I look over at the alarm clock.

“It’s 9:02pm.” I say while walking to the garbage can and throwing away the cup.

“Are you serious?” She asks, rubbing her eyes. “Oh and guess what?”

“Yes, and what?”

“You’re sharing a bedroom with Harry.” Rachel tells me while putting her hair up into a pony tail. Those six words just made my life. “Eden?” Rachel asks.

“AHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!” I yell in excitement. Suddenly all the boys rush into the room.

“Is everything okay!?!” Harry says, holding his fists up. I push some hair behind my ear.

“Yeah, just got a little excited.”

“About what?” Harry questions me while lowering his hands.

“N-nothing.” My cheeks redden. “I-I have to use the bathroom.” I say very quickly while speed walking to the bathroom. I turn the light on and shut the door, leaning my back up against it. I made such a fool out of myself out there! Why did I scream! Ugh! After a few minutes of contemplating my thoughts, someone speaks up.

“You alright Eden?” Rachel questions through the door.

“Yeah, I- am, uh-“I stutter trying to find the right words.

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