Chapter 25

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Rachel's P.O.V




“Thank you for choosing American Airlines, enjoy the rest of your day.” Eden and I unbuckle our seatbelts, grab our items and get off the plane.

“That flight was so long!” Eden complains while holding the only thing she saved from the fire. Her Romantic&Airy perfume by PINK.

“The flight probably felt so long because we are upset.” I say with a bored tone.

“Don’t even bring that up… Hey, where did you get the necklace?” Eden asks, pointing to the necklace I received before we left Florida. My mind overflows with memories from the vacation.

“Louis got it for me.” I reply back while twirling the diamonds between my thumb and fore finger.

“Oh.” It stays silent until we both sit in my car that was parked here for 4 weeks. I start the ignition and Eden turns the radio on.

‘I know your heart’s been broken, but don’t you give up. I’ll be there yeah I know it, to fix you with love.’

“This song doesn’t work well in these conditions…” I say while switching to a different station.

‘That should be me, feelin your kiss-‘

Defiantly not.” I switch the station again.

‘They can’t take what’s Ours-‘

“What the hell!” Eden yells. “I love Taylor Swift but this song will make us sad again!” Eden switches the station.

‘I like big butts and I can not lie. Your brothers can’t deny.’

 “This is perfect!” Eden exclaims while dancing in her seat.

‘When a girl walks in with an itty bitty waist and a round thing in your face you get sprung!..’

“So I was thinking we could stop by my parent’s house for a visit. We could get dinner, stay in my old room. Pack some clothes, maybe do some apartment shopping?”

“Yeah sure!”


I pull up into my parent’s driveway and honk the horn. I unbuckle my seatbelt, grab my things and walk to the front door. Eden turns the car off, shuts her door, and stands behind me. I knock on the door. Dalia, my parent’s youngest dog runs to the door and licks the window. Lindy follows slowly behind, smiling once she sees me. My mom eagerly walks over and unlocks the door, opening it for me.

“Rachel! You’re here, so glad to see you! Hi Eden, how was Florida?” My mom asks us while we walk into the kitchen.

“Florida was amazing!” Eden says while sitting down at the kitchen table.

“The weather was spectacular! It was very warm the whole time we were there.” I tell my mom. Eden gives me the ‘Tell her who we met look.’ I mouth no.

“That was great you two had fun, you look tired. Would you like something to snack on?”

“We are very tired from the flight and no thanks mom.”

“Feel free to take a nap and I made some chocolate chip cookies.” My mom grabs the cookie jar and sets it on the table.

“I can’t resist those.” I grab one cookie from the jar and take a bite out of it. My mom sits down and grabs a cookie.

That One Summer *A One Direction fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now