Chapter 30

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Early update! *que cheers* I had a fun time writing this chapter and I hope you all enjoy reading it! Have fun my Raychinators!

Rachel xx




Rachel’s P.O.V





I hop off Tyler’s back as someone’s phone rings. I turn around and look at the person. He looks at me while talking. My gut is telling me to walk over there. I just can’t pick my feet up to do so. The man puts his phone in his pocket, looks at me once again and sprints off. What? I wonder who he was, he looked a little like Louis. Tyler grabs my hand.

“Let’s go babe.” He says while walking across the road.

“Okay.” Tyler and I walk all the way to our apartment.

“Hope you had fun today Rachie.” Tyler says while messing up my hair.

“I did, see you later!” I give him a little wave before walking into our medium sized apartment. Tyler gets into his car and drives off. He’s probably going to a friend’s house. I close the door behind me and lock it. I wouldn’t want anyone breaking in. I grab my phone out of my purse and text my best friend forever – Eden.

            To: Eden Styles                                                                      6:59pm

                        Hey! Let’s have a sleepover! I’ll be over in an hour. :D See you soon!

Ah, it’ll be great to see Eden again. I’ve been so busy with my teaching job, I don’t get a lot of free time. But when I do, it’s very little. I put my phone in my pocket and walk to my room to pack my over-night bag. What should I bring? Hmm.. Defiantly my toothbrush and toothpaste. My hairbrush, clothes, and perfume. Do I need anything else? Ooh! I will need my phone and laptop. Last but not least, our all-time favorite snack. Funyuns. I place the plastic bag into my bag along with all my other items. I pick my bag up and place it by the door. My phone vibrates. I pull it out of my pocket to read the message.

            From: Eden Styles                                                                  7:29pm

                        Alrightay, see you in a hour!

I toss my phone into my bag after reading the message. I also slip my laptop in there too. My necklace bounces around on my neck as I walk over to the kitchen area. I think back to what Eden texted me the other day.

            “If you didn’t love Louis you would have taken the necklace off months ago and we all know that.”

That replays in my mind a few times. My hands reach up to un-clasp the necklace but I stop before I take it off. Not yet. Do I love Louis? I run back into my room and pull out a box from my closet. This box holds my pictures. I did acquire a lot of pictures from Florida. I pull out an envelope and pour the pictures onto the beige carpet. My eyes flicker over a few pictures of Eden and I. But my eyes stop and stare at one. It’s of Louis and I. We’re at the beach, he is shirtless, and I’m in my swim suit. We’re both standing together, expect for the fact that I’m on his shoulders. The memory slowly drifts back into my mind.

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