Chapter 10

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---Next Morning---(Rachel’s P.O.V)

7:18, should I wake up? Nah, I’ll sleep a little longer. A few minutes later I open my eyes again. 7:19, oh my gosh. I slowly get out of bed and look over at Eden who is standing up perfectly normal. “What the-?” I rub my eyes. “Eden, are you standing?”

“Haha yup! My ankle feels a lot better!”

“That’s great! What do you want to do today?” I quickly walk into the bathroom, brush my teeth and hair, and get dressed.

“Uh, we should go to the beach!”

“Okay! That sounds fun, let me put on my swimsuit on under my clothes.”

“I will too.”

Eden’s P.O.V

I walk over to my closet and pick out my swimsuit. I’ll wear the one with the pink and white polka dots! I gently take it off the hanger and slip it on under my clothes. Then I head back into the bedroom. The first thing I see is Rachel blushing towards her phone. I walk over to her to take a look at her phone. She pulls it towards her chest.

“Nooo you can’t see it.”

“Why not?”

“It’s personal, it's about-“

“One Direction?” Rachel sighs.

“Yes. Louis texted me if we wanted to go to their first sound check for the concert today here in Pensacola, the show is in 2 weeks.”

“YES LETS GO, I GET TO SEE HARRY..AHHHHH!!! <3.” I get a tiny bit sad. “We leave to go back home before their show. What if they invite us?” I walk over to Rachel and shake her shoulders furiously. “WHAT WILL WE DO IF THEY INVITE US? IT’S 1,000 BUCKS A WEEK TO STAY HERE!”

“Eden, calm down. Remember? I brought like 4,000 bucks!”


“Yes we could, but how will we buy plane tickets to fly home?”

“Hmm…we don’t HAVE to go home now do we?”

“No..but it would be the right thing to do.” I suddenly get a great idea in my head!

“Rachel! Remember when I read that one fan fiction story on Wattpad where Louis takes custody of the main character!?”

“Yeah, but we can’t do that, we have parents back in Illinois.”

“I know, let’s just call them up and tell them we will be staying a bit longer down here.” I get an devious though in my head. “Then if our parents and One Direction agree, we can eventually fly to London with them and NEVER RETURN.”

“That is a great idea! Let’s just say we won a contest to fly to London, but in reality One Direction pays for our tickets!”

“Yes! Okay let’s go to the beach.”

“But what about the sound check?”

“What time do they start?”

“It goes from noon to three.”

“Well it’s only ten so let’s go have fun at the beach!”

“Okay!” Rachel and I grab our beach bags and we both walk down stairs and drive to beach.


The car comes to a slow stop while Rachel parks into the closest parking spot to the beach. I quickly grab my beach bag and step out of the car. “Rachel! It feels so nice out here!”

“I know! It’s beautiful out! Follow me and we’ll go find somewhere to sit.” I shut the car door and follow Rachel onto the soft white sand. Once we get past the gate the sand is up to my ankles.

“Oh my gosh! It’s so hard to walk.”

“I know, get used to walking like this, we might be going to the beach a lot.” After a few minutes of walking Rachel finds us a suitable spot to sit. Once we sit down and tan for a little bit I go through my beach bag and pull two things out. Boogie boards.

“Rachel! Let’s go stand on the boogie boards in the ocean!” I toss her one of the boards.

“Okay! I’ll race you!” Rachel sprints ahead towards the ocean. We both get there about the same time.

“Look!” I point to an upcoming wave. “Let’s try to surf!”

“Haha, okay! I don’t know how well it will turn out.” Rachel and I swim over to the wave that is getting taller as we speak. Once we get close enough to it, I get picked up by the wave.

“Rachel look I’m surfing! Da-na nan a nan! Crap!” I suddenly lose my balance and fall into the water head-first. “Okay, I’m going back to tan, I just got a bunch of salt water up nose. *Cough* I think I swallowed some too.”

“Okay, it’s great timing too, we have to head to the sound check now!”

“Yay! Let’s go!”

That One Summer *A One Direction fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now