Chapter 7

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---At the Park---(Eden’s P.O.V)

Once we all get out of Harry’s amazing car I notice a set a swings. “Rachel!!”

“What?” I point over to the swings.

“THERES SWINGS!” I start sprinting towards the swings. Almost there Eden, you can do this. Rachel suddenly comes running up next to me.

“Haha! I’ll beat you!”

“Oh no you won’t! While getting closer and closer to the park I start to get tired. “Rachel let’s slow down.” I begin to walk the rest of the way to the swings. Then I hear someone yell at me, it was Harry.

“Eden! You can beat her to the swings! I believe in you!” Before I know it, Harry has picked me up and starts running towards the swings and sets me down on one. He then starts to push me on the swings like my mom used to do when I was little.

“Harry I want to go higher!”

“Alright love.” Harry decides to give me an under-dog. I was terrified, I didn’t want to fall. But I knew that Harry would catch me if I fell, maybe he would. I look over to my left to see Rachel being pushed on a swing by Louis. They would be a cute couple. But not as cute as me and Harry would look. I know that for a fact! Then over to my right I see Niall being pushed on a swing by Zayn. Once I get the highest I can on the swing I jump off. Feeling very proud I land on my feet. But then I hear a crack from ankle. “Ahouchh!!!” I collapse down onto my side in pain. To help reduce the pain I grab my ankle. This doesn’t help. In a matter of seconds Harry has picked me up bridal style and has lied me down in the car. He takes a quick look at my ankle.

“I have to take you to the emergency room; you have a gash on your ankle that is bleeding terribly.” Harry takes off his shirt quickly and ties it around my wound.

“Harry you’re going to- ouch, ruin your Jack- ouch Will’s shirt.”

“I don’t care about the Jack Will’s shirt; I care about you getting recovered.” In about 15 minutes all of us have arrived at the ER. The lady at the front desk asks Harry a few questions.

“I’m Harry Styles, yes my friend is injured, I don’t think I have time to fill out the form, she is in very serious pain, in what area? Her ankle. Okay thank you miss.” While Harry finishes his quick conversation, he picks me up again bridal style. I think to myself, “He is so dang sexy.”

“Why thank you.”

“What?” Harry gives me a rather cute smile.

“You just said that I was sexy.”

“Oh haha, I must have been thinking aloud.”

“It’s alright love.” Harry walks me into an examination room and sets me on the examination bed. The nurse walks in right after he sets me down. She quickly records my temperature, height, and weight.

“The doctor will be with you soon.”

Louis’ P.O.V

I sit patiently in the waiting room reading Seventeen magazine. About ten minutes later I walk up to the front desk and ask the lady if I can see Eden. “What room is she in?”

“Room 913 sir.” I notice that the young nurse gets a surprised look on her face. “If I may ask, can I have a picture with you Mr. Tomlinson?”

“Sure love.” I snap a quick picture with the lady and give her my autograph. Then I head on my way to room 913.


“Lou! You’re here!” Harry approaches me offering a hug. I accept it.

“Harry, I was wondering if you could step out of the room for one moment please.”

Harry crosses his arms in denial. “What if I don’t want to? Huh!”

“Curly just go, I have to ask Eden something.”

“What’s your question!”

“I can’t say. Now please step out of the room Haz.”

“Fine!” Harry walks over to me and whispers to me in stern voice. “You better not ask her out!” I whisper back, “I won’t.” Then I shut the door behind me after Harry walks out.

That One Summer *A One Direction fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now