Chapter 20

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Authors Note- Thank you, thank you, thank you for reading my story. This is my first fanfiction I have ever written! I would really love to hear feedback from my readers:) Hope you guys like this chapter, I tried to make it longerrr



-Rachel xxx




Louis' P.O.V



“It shouldn’t take long for us to clean up.” I whisper quietly into Rachel’s ear. She gives me a nod. I hand her the icepack and hop up from the couch, picking up any food wrappers I see. After throwing them in the garbage I make my way over to the telly and put away all of our games. Mario Bros… where is it? Ah ha! I quickly grab the CD and put it in its case and put it on the shelf. Suddenly I hear a high pitched noise.

“Achoo!” I look over my shoulder to see Rachel.

“Was that you?” I ask her. She twiddles her thumbs for a second.

“Yeah.. I sneezed.”

“Bless you!”

“That’s kinda late.”

“That’s kinda late.” I mock her in a high pitched voice. Her cheeks flush instantly.

“I do not sound like that!”

“Yes you do.”

“Nu uh!”



“Alright, whatever you say.” I continue stacking the games up. “So, Rachel.”


“How’s the view?”

“What view?”

“Just think about it.”

“Oh my gosh.”

“You’re answer?”

“U-uh.” I turn around to face Rachel. Her face is a deep red color.

“You don’t need to answer, I already know.” I give her a quick wink and start walking towards the fridge.

“Weeellll..” I stop and turn around.


“It wasn’t the BEST view in the world.” I slap my hand on my chest in a dramatic motion.

“Insulting!” Rachel’s eyes suddenly light up in amusement. We both break out in laughter. Liam walks into the room through two big black doors.

“Time to go!” Liam says very cheerfully to both of us.

“Haha, alright, we’re coming.” I walk over to the couch and offer a hand to Rachel. “Ready?”

“I guess.” She grabs my hand and I gently help her up. “Ouch! My back!” Rachel wobbles a bit before standing up straight. “Okay now I’m ready.” We begin walking towards the big black doors. Rachel’s grip tightens on my hand.

“You’re not going to fall. I’ll catch you.” I hear her exhale.

“Ok..” I open the door with my free hand and let it shut behind us. We then begin walking towards the exit, following slowing behind Liam. We are about half way there until I see Rachel wince in pain.

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