Chapter 34

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Short chapter! Tomorrow I go back to school and it will be a full week, so i'll have alot of homework. I'll try to type in my free time, but I have a life outside of Wattpad and I hope you all understand. Anywho!

**This chapter has some disturbing scenes, procede with caution**

Enjoy! Vote/Comment/Fan Love you guys




Rachel's P.O.V




My eyes slowly open, awakening me from my sleep. I first notice a gray t-shirt in front of my eyes. I look up to see Louis fast asleep. Awh.. He smiles in his sleep. How cute. I attempt to roll off his legs carefully so I don’t wake him up. I begin rolling off until I lose control and hit the ground. There’s a loud thump when I land.

“Ow..” I moan while rubbing my shoulder. He must be one heavy sleeper. I stand up and walk to the kitchen and prepare a meal for me to eat. I search through each cabinet. There’s like nothing to eat. Does Eden ever go grocery shopping? I find an almost empty box of Cinnamon Toast Crunch and pour the rest of it into a small bowl. While stuffing the box into the garbage I open the fridge with my other hand and pull out the milk. Hm… no one’s watching. I twist the top off and start drinking out of the gallon container thing. Just a few more seconds... Out of surprise someone tilts the gallon up. I drop the milk and start coughing.

“Dude!” I wipe some milk off my chin while coughing and look up to see Louis laughing hysterically.

“That was great!” Louis says while laughing.

“It kind of was! But I’m soaked now!” I reply while leaning down the pick up the milk jug. My foot slips out from under me and I fall onto my butt. “Stupid milk!”

“The milk did not do that, I put butter all over the floor while you were sleeping.” Louis laughs while walking over to help me.

“Oh really now?” I accept his gesture, grab his hand and pull myself up off the ground. Once I’m steady and I pull Louis down onto the ground. “Ha ha.”

“HE HE HA HA!” Louis mocks me. I quickly walk over to the pantry and grab the maple syrup, trying my best not to slip. I flip open the cap and begin squeezing syrup all over Louis back. I set it on the counter and grab out some peanut butter. I open the jar and use my hand to scoop handfuls on peanut butter into his hair.

“Did you know peanut butter is a great conditioner for hair?” I giggle while spreading it all throughout his hair.

“I heard it makes your hair softer.” Louis says seriously and walks to the fridge. He pulls out a can of whipped cream. Louis turns around and stares at me.

“What’s going on?” I say while backing away.

“You’re probably getting really turned on right now..” Butterflies suddenly form and fly around in my stomach. Why did he have to say that? Why.. why… WHY!

“You don’t even know what turns me on..” I mumble while my cheeks begin to heat up. I look up to meet Louis’ face. He moves awfully quick… Before I know it I feel a cold substance fill my bra. I gasp while backing away. “Louis!” I laugh while grabbing a towel and stuffing in down my shirt to soak up the whipped cream.

“No! Don’t do that, it ruins the fun.” I gently pull out the towel from my shirt. My boobs are very cold… I set the towel on the counter and look at Louis. “You know everyone else left. It’s only you. And me.” Louis says seductively while grabbing my hand.  He leads me upstairs and walks into a guest bedroom. I follow him and close the door behind me and lock it, just in case. I turn around and look at Louis. My hormones take over and I walk over to him and put my lips onto his. We kiss for quite a while until I pull away. I take one swift look into Louis’ eyes. I know he wants more. I take a few steps back words and begin striping off my V-neck.

“Tease alert!” Louis laughs. He walks over, picks me up and sets me on the bed. Louis unhooks my bra in a matter of seconds. He cleans all the whip cream off my chest and pulls down my pants, along with my panties. I unzip his shorts and pull them down along with his Topman underwear. He leans over and pulls out a condom, he shows it to me and I nod. He slips it on, and well you know he does his magically thing haha. The moment felt so amazing. We both slip on our clothes and rest on the bed.

“I missed you so much Louis.”

“I missed you too.” I give him a peck on the lips and gaze into his deep blue eyes. I could stay like this forever.


Rachel xx

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