Chapter 29

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Hi guys! Hope you all are having a wonderful day/evening. Next Wednesday I start school! Woooo!! I'm going to be a freshman. I'm so excited. Hope you enjoy this chapter!

Lots and lots of love

Rachel xx




Louis’ P.O.V




I slam the door behind me while walking down the steps to get to the sidewalk. Why did I come here? What’s the point? I bet she has a boyfriend. She could get any guy... She’s beautiful, smart, and FUNNY! I love funny girls. Stop it Louis. You don’t obsess over girls. I pull out my phone and take one last look at Rachel and I’s text messages before deleting them. You never know what you have till it’s gone. I continue briskly walking down the sidewalk. I pull my hood up and slip my sunglasses on when I see a group of girls talking. Now is not the time to get noticed.  I keep walking down the sidewalk until I see a small coffee shop. I’ll just sit in here for a while. The bell dings as I walk through the door.

“Hi welcome to Sammy’s Sweets&Coffee!” A cheerful feminine voice says. I look up to see a cute girl with her lightly wavy hair tied to the side.

“Hi, how are you?” I ask her, trying to start up a conversation. What am I getting myself in to?

“I’m good thanks and you?” She says smiling while counting cash from the register.

“Not too bad. Can I have a regular coffee with sugar on the side?”

“You sure can.” She pours some coffee into a blue mug and hands it to me, giving me the sugars afterwards.

“Thanks, love.” I give her a five dollar bill and walk to a window seat. I take a sip of my coffee while pulling out my phone. I tap the twitter bird and look at some new tweets. One in particular catches my eye.

            @Rayrayyy98: Having a fun time with @Ty.1997 !

Being my mischievous self, I tap the twitter name of @Ty.1997 and go to his profile. He looks a little like me. How weird. I gently rip open the packet of sugar and pour some into my coffee, stirring it around with a spoon. My phone quickly vibrates. I tap the little message bar that says I have a message from Harry.

            From: Harryy!                                                                                     6:32pm

                        Where are you? We have been waiting for you.

            To: Harryy!                                                                                         6:33pm

                        I’m at Sammy’s Sweets&Coffee.

I gulp down the rest of my coffee and give the girl a tip. “Hope you have a wonderful day.” I smile at her while walking out.

“You to!” I walk out of the coffee shop, the bell dinging as the door closes. I walk down the two concrete stairs and begin walking back to Eden’s house. I watch cars drive down the road while I wait at the cross walk. The light switches to the walking man telling me to go. I begin walking across the road until something catches my eye. I stop and stare at a couple having a snowball fight. A noise wipes me out of my faze.

“What the hell! Move man!” I look up to my right to see a man honking his car horn at me. I mouth sorry and continue walking. Once I get onto the sidewalk I take one last look at them. I wonder who they are. I guess I’ll take the “shortcut”. I turn on the corner and walk past the couple. Ah, nothing really to see. I continue walking down the sidewalk, coming up to another crosswalk. I’m maybe about 8 steps away until a guy with a clean cut hairstyle walking to the same cross walk, stopping once he gets there. He has a girl on his back.

“This is so much fun Ty.” The girl giggles. I recognize that laugh anywhere. I catch a glance at her face but she doesn’t notice. Rachel gives a swift peck at his cheek. What have I done? My phone suddenly rings. Shit.

‘I gotta turn this car around I never should have left you there

Boy this traffic is making me sick Boy I can't wait to have you near

I gotta hurry, hurry, hurry Now quick, quick, quick’

I pull my phone out while taking a few steps back to answer it. Rachel hops off the guys back and takes a quick look at me. I don’t think she identified me since I have my hood up and sunglasses on. I answer the call from Harry.


            “You need to come back.”


            “Now!” Harry yells into the phone before hanging up.

I turn around and start jogging back to Eden’s house. I take one last look at Rachel then begin sprinting down the sidewalk. Within minutes I walk up the 3 steps and enter Eden’s house.

“Louis we have an emergency.” Eden says while pacing around the living room, cleaning up anything she sees.

“What is it?” I ask while taking off my sunglasses.

“Rachel is coming over.” My heart starts racing. She can’t see me. Not now, I don’t think I’m ready. She is the girl I love. What? She is taken. “Louis?”


“Rachel is coming over in an hour.”

“O-Ok.” Harry walks by me.

“You can do this.” He whispers in my ear before walking into the bathroom and closing the door behind him. Can I do this? I’m Louis Tomlinson, I’m the master of love. This might be my only chance to make things right. If I can get her to laugh, I’ve won half the battle. There’s just one question. Am I ready to actually see her again?

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