First off happy birthday to Samesodo. Cheers man. He is the one who recommended Irina which is becoming a big favorite. Anyways it's a night of dancing and trouble in paradise. We are on a roll for one hell of a night. Let's do this thing.
Kiba was trying to do himself good by going to find a group of girls. That way they wouldn't separate. If he just saw some girl anything was on the table. We weren't trying to go for worst case. That would be she tries to seduce him and take him home for some hanky panky.
"So Dear think he'll have luck?"
"You know Nova, I think so. He's a womanizer. But he's kind about it. Not treating anyone bad by the sort. Just comes down to preference and how good she is. He wouldn't go for a slut type."
"Very true. Issei seems happy."
"Being in the middle of those three seems fun. For him. I'm all set."
"Of course. And you?"
"Well a cranberry juice might fit the mood. Do you mind? I'll be with the girls."
That a ditch or for safety? The club was far game. A little concerned you walk back to the girls and hope Issei would be a gentleman. "Hey girls I'm grabbing drinks. Issei you're coming with. Need anything while we're at it?"
"Issei. You know what I like."
"Surprise me Issei Dear."
"Malibu please Issei."
Then you go over to the cutest couple of the lot of you. Koneko and 'Gaspy' as she called him. "Two Shirley Temples for me and Kitty."
"Thanks Gaspy."
You walk all the way from the dance floor to the counter. He's a bit annoyed about abandoning his good time but it was for good.
"(FN) is it smart leaving the girls?"
"Do you trust everyone holding their own? I mean only concern is Asia. But at the same time with Rias and Akeno side by side she'll be fine."
"Good point."
The bartender smiles at the two of you as he's wiping the table. "What'll it be guys?"
"Two shirleys, a malibu, an energy, a tomato, a cranberry, and two colas."
"Alright guys." He gets some cups and some ice and pours them all. He nods and serves them up as the bartender helps you towards the girls. "I can give you guys a hand. Let me get a serving tray."
"Thanks dude."
You walk over and it starts to get I get a little out of wack. A few guys had a certain look in their eyes. Looking for some sweet ass. You and Issei cringe. If these idiots wanted breasts, legs, and thighs they needed to find a place to serves fried chicken.
"Hey Red. You alone tonight?" Asked a tall blonde boy.
She laughed. "Yes. Also don't need someone with bad style. Move on now boy."
You fist bump Issei. She burned his ass. The bartender served drinks to the girls as another flock of guys show up. Including some tan guy hitting on Xenovia. Oh buddy I dare you. I am going to chop your hand off and make you eat it.
Honey. Behave.
Wait what? I can read your mind now?
Isn't it amazing what love does Beloved? Now may I have my drink and you get rid of this boy.

Love and Swing (Xenovia X Reader)
FanfictionHigh School DXD is one of my favorite Anime series as far as ideas go. Most of these fan fiction writings are about Rias, Asia, and Akeno but this chick has something about her. The way she tries to "force eggs" on Issei and carries around protectio...