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Jake (J)
Erika (E)
Ivan (I)
Emilio (Em)
Tessa (T)
Kade (K)
Tristin (Tr)
Chad (Ch)
Chance (C)
Liam (L)
Apollo (Ap)
Alissa (Al)
Kayla (K)

Tessa's pov

I woke up this morning and Erika was still sleeping so I left her a note saying that I was going to the Team 10 house to get clothes and breakfast. But I drove to the Team 10 house and Chance was sitting on the couch like he was waiting for me

T:Leave me alone
C:What's your problem
T:Your best friend cheated on mine
C:No he didn't
T:Yes he did
C:Are you kidding me
C:Kayla pinned him against the bed and started to make out with him
T:How do you know
C:They got into a fight and I went to check on Jake but I heard him talking and he was saying she pinned me against the bed and started to make out with me over and over I called everyone upstairs and go ask them they all heard him say that
T:OMG I have to go tell Erika
C:Yeah go
T:Wait did you record it
C:Yeah just Incase
T:Ok send it to me
C:I will

I ran back to the car and sped to the hotel

Erika's pov

I woke up and Tessa's wasn't there then I got up and she left me a note. As soon as I finished reading the note Tessa burst through the door out of breath

E:OMG T what's wrong?
T:Jake didn't cheat
E:Yes he did I know what I saw and don't tell that she kissed her because he kissed back
T:No he didn't listen to this

Tessa shoved her phone in my face and when I heard what Jake said I felt so bad and I started to cry again

E:OMG T I just broke his heart I should off listened
T:Stop it's ok calm down
E:We need to go see him
T:Ok but first calm down

Tessa helped me calm down and we went to the Team 10 house. When I entered the house everyone was downstairs giving a look of disgust I deserved it but then I saw Kayla I ran up to her a punched her in her face


I ran upstairs and up to Jakes room I tried to put the code in but he changed it I banged on the door then I heard a very depressed voice

J:Go away...
E:Jake it's me Erika let me in

I didn't get an answer but then I door opened. The person I saw was not Jake. He had dirty hair and he smelled like alcohol he had not expression

E:I'm sorry
J:It's fine.....
E:It's not I need you
J:Well I'm over it

Jake started to close the door but I pushed it open and hugged him I started to cry

E:Please Jake I need you I messed up I should of let you explain I'm so mad at myself I love y-

Before I could finish Jake pulled away from our hug and put his hand on cheek then he kissed me for 45 seconds

J:I love you too

I hugged Jake and he hugged back

E:Come on let's go get cleaned up

We got in the shower and I cleaned Jake he just put his hands on my hips after I finished cleaning him he kissed me and I wrapped my arms around my neck and we started to make out. I missed him I know it was only a day but when you love someone and you lose them it hurts and you need them back. We finished showering then we got dressed. Jake and I laid in bed

E:Do you want food
J:Sure what
E:Taco Bell
J:Hahahahahaha ok here order it

I ordered the food and I cuddled up to Jake's chest and I felt safe again

Jake's pov

My heart was full I was happy again my one and only was back all I could do was stare at her she was beautiful she was mine I just zoned out and looked at her beauty

E:Why are you staring at me
J:I'm looking at what's mine
E:I'm not yours
J:Will you be my girlfriend again
E:Hahaha of course now I'm yours

I kissed Erika and man did I miss her. Her smile could change the world. I missed her soft lips, How our hands fit perfectly with each other's, and most importantly the way she changes me and makes me fell happy when I'm sad. But I pulled her closer to me and we were still kissing we continued for a good 20 minuets until the post mates was here

J:Can  you get it
E:Of course

When Erika left I grabbed a blanket and a few candles I ran up to the roof and put the blanket down and lit the candles. Not long after Erika came up to the roof and she was a little shocked

E:How did you do this so quick
J:It's from my heart

We ate and just enjoyed each other's presences. After we ate we laid down on the blanket and looked up at the sky and we watched the sunset go down. I cleaned everything up and we went downstairs hold hands. Team 10 was downstairs like waiting for us

T:Awwww my otp is back
C:Listen I'm sorry Jake about bringing her here I didn't know she would do that
J:No it's not your fault no one knew what she was going to do I still love you
C:I love you too

I hugged Chance and we all talked for a little then Erika pulled me outside

J:Where are we going
E:To get froyo
J:Oh ok

We walked holding hands and I took a bunch of cute Pictures of us while we walked getting ice cream. We sat down and ate ice cream while we talked. Some fans came up to me so I took pictures and we walked back home. Everyone was asleep when we got home so me and Erika went to bed cuddling while watching a movie

HEY GUYS!!!! Hope you liked the chapter!! I told you that they would end up together! Sorry if you thought they should of been separated longer but deal with it 😂 Also sorry for spelling mistakes i have to go somewhere
BYE 👋🏼


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