Last day

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Jake (J)
Erika (E)
Tessa (T) 
Kade (Ka)
Tristin (Tr)
Chad (Ch)
Liam (L)
Apollo (Ap)
Athena (At)
Alissa (Al)
Kian (Ki)
Kendall (K)
Chance (C)
Anthony (A)

Erika's pov

Today is our last day in bora bora and I woke up before jake so I wanted to prank him. I got a bunch of ice cold water then stood on the bed and dumped it on him while I filmed it

J:Erika your dead

I jumped off the bed and I didn't see the water on the floor so I slipped and fell.

J:Are you ok
E:Yeah I'm fine

Jake picked me up and we wrestled for a little Obviously he thinks he won but I actually won. We didn't have a lot to do today so i think we're just gonna chill. Me and Jake woke up kinda late so we took a shower then got dressed. We went to lunch because it was 1. I wanted to get a massage and get my nails done so I dragged Jake to a spa and they gave me a quick massage while Jake sat in the room on his phone. Then I dragged Jake to the nails salon and he sat in the chair on his phone bored I laughed at him then I finally finished. I let Jake bring me wherever which wasn't the best idea. He walked into a shoe store and shopped for one pair of shoes for 30 minuets. After he bought the shoes I wanted to get some merchandise that bora bora had. So we walked into a store we grabbed a couples shirts then headed back to the hut. Jake made me help him clean up the water I threw on him but after that we started to pack while I blasted music and danced around. Jake laughed at me which ended u with him on  the floor. I helped him up and we finished packing. The bed was soaking wet so we went downstairs and sat on the couch. I went out and enjoyed the view for the last time.

Jake's pov

Me and Erika left for the airport around 8 tonight but our flight didn't leave till 9:30 so I went on my computer and answered a few emails then FaceTimed Chance

C:Yo how's the honeymoon
J:It's great
J:Can you pick me and Erika up at like 12 to 1 am
J:It's our last day
C:Ohh ok yeah sure just remind me
J:I will how's Team 10
C:It's quite since you know the 2 sex makers are gone
J:Hahahahahaha shut up we all know the couples in that house
C:True but they'll never be that loud as you guys
J:Hahahahahaha shut up did Logan Leave
C:Yeah he left yesterday and Alissa went with him
J:I think we all know what happened there
C:Hahahahahaha well bro I gotta go buy I'll see you guys later
J:Ok bye

I hung up with Chance and Erika sat next to me. I finished my emails then me and Erika watched a movie together. We did random things for the rest of the day and before we knew it, it was 7 so I ordered me and Erika dinner then we changed into some comfortable clothes. Our food came so we sat down and ate. We cleaned up then made sure we had everything. I brung the bags downstairs then we said bye to our room and headed to the airport. We checked in then sat at our gate. Erika laid her head on my shoulder and fell asleep. I went on my phone

(30 minuets later)

Our plane started to board so I woke Erika up

J:Babe our plane is boarding

I picked Erika up and she wrapped her legs around my waist. I handed the lady our tickets then got on the plane. I put Erika in the chair then sat next to her. She slept on my shoulder then I slept on her head

(4 hours later)

I woke up and got Erika up. We walked off the plane and grabbed our bags. I texted Chance when we got on the plane and we saw Chance outside. I hugged him then we got in the car. Erika passed out on my shoulder while I talked to Chance. We arrived at the house and I carried Erika upstairs as she mumbled to me. I slid her in bed and I brung the bags upstairs then crashed in the bed next to Erika. I was almost asleep then I realized I was in my clothes I took them off and slept in my underwear. I took Erika's jacket off then took her pants off and then I went to sleep.

Chance's pov

I walked into Jerika's room and they were both passed out cold so I walked back into my room and fell asleep.

HEY GUYS!!!! Hope you liked the chapter!!!! First sorry for not posting yesterday and the no warning. I didn't want to waist a chapter and it's not because of the drama. My new mindset in 2018 is no more drama and to not care. The reason I didn't write was it was my last day off before I had to go to school and I wanted to relax plus I wanted a break because the holidays tired me out. Anyways don't ask me about the "Jake cheating on Erika" Like is said no drama if you want my brief summary I don't think it's Jake I've done my research and I'm not arguing with anyone. Also don't ask about Tessa and Tristan leaving team 10 honestly it was expected and I think it has no drama involved I think it's just them wanting to go their own ways. One more thing I MIGHT be posting on the HighSchool today but I'm not sure. Today's quote is "Sometimes it's not the people who change, it's the mask that's falls off." Finally today's shoutout goes to villatororios ! Thank you! 😘❤️❤️
BYE 👋🏼


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