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Jake (J)
Erika (E)
Tessa (T)
Kade (K)
Tristin (Tr)
Chad (Ch)
Liam (L)
Apollo (Ap)
Alissa (Al)
Kian (Ki)
Kendall (K)
Paul (P)
Myra (My)
Mya (M)
Chance (C)
Anthony (A)
Doctor (D)

Liam's pov

I just got back from my trip so I wanted to wake up a bunch of people. First I put my stuff in my room then I walked into Tessa's room and screaming

L:Hahahahahaha I'm back
L:Come help me wake people up
T:Fine who
L:I was thinking Jerika, Paul, and Alissa
T:Ok but Jerika isn't such a good idea
T:I always wake them up
L:It's fine

We woke Paul and Alissa up and they both decided to yell at us. For Jerika I grabbed a bucket a filled it with ice cold water Tessa tried Stop me

T.Liam I don't think this is a good idea
T:Come on it's not fair I know you still like Erika and your not the only one
T:Yeah Paul likes her to just leave them alone
L:Come on
T:Liam no!

I walked into their room and Erika was on Jakes chest with her left hand on his chest. Tessa almost yelled at me but I dumped the water on them. They both jumped up but I think Erika was naked so when she lifted off his chest a little he wrapped the blanket around her and put her on the bed and before I could say anything Jake started to chase me down the hall little did he know I put oil on the floor. Jake ran full speed after me and didn't see the oil he slid and fell straight back then he screamed in pain


Erika's pov

Jake ran after Liam and Tessa handed me a shirt with a bra I put it on and got out of bed I put some shorts on then I heard a loud thud and someone curse. I ran down the hallway and I saw Jake on the floor in agony so I ran over to him

J:Shit! Shit! Shit!
E:Baby what happened
J:Liam put oil on the floor and I slipped but my ankle rolled then I heard it crack
E:Can you walk
J:I don't know
E:Here let's try

I helped Jake get up and he walked on one am foot I brought him to the bathroom and sat him on the counter. I grabbed a towel and and wiped the oil off then I grabbed Jake a shirt. I put some reasonable clothes and gave Jake some shoes I walked him to the elevator and took him down. When we were downstairs everyone was awake and their

Team 10:OMG what happened
E:I'll tell you guys later I have to take Jake to the hospital
Team 10:Ok

I got Jake in the Tesla and drove to the hospital. I left Jake in the car and check in and told them to get Jake a wheelchair. I led them to the car and they got Jake in the chair. The wheeled him in and told me to wait in the waiting lobby while I did paperwork for Jake. I sat down and this guy kept staring at me I stuck my left hand up and he automatically stopped trying to get my attention. After I finished the paperwork I handed it to them and sat down and waited for me to see Jake.

(2 hours later)

They finally told me that I could see Jake I walked into Jake's room and he was half asleep and he had a machine hooked up to him. I walked over to him and held his hand

E:How you feeling
J:I could feel better
E:I'm sorry
J:It's not your fault
E:I know but I hate seeing you in pain
J:It's fine I've had worse

The doctor walked in the room and told us that Jake sprained his ankle the door left and grabbed a chair and sat next to Jake just talking. He was slowly drifted off the sleep so I kissed his forehead and let him sleep. I went in the hallway and told Team 10 to come

T:What's the news
E:He's fine he just sprained his ankle you guys can come
T:Should we bring Liam
T:Ok we'll be there in 30 minuets
E:Alright see you then

I hung the phone up and walked back into Jakes room I sat in the chair a played on my phone when Team 10 barged throughly the door

Team 10:Jake!
L:Shhhhh he's sleeping
Team 10:Oh sorry
L:Listen Erika I'm sorry I though it would be funny I thought he would just slip and fall
E:It's fine he's a fighter he'll be fine

We all talked quietly until Jake woke up and he was a little confused because everybody was around him

J:Who are you guys?

We all looked at each other and I almost burst out into tears

Team 10:We're Team 10
E:And I'm your fiancé
J:I'm sorry I don't recall who you are

I held his hand and my eyes started to fill with tears

J:I'm kidding calm down
Team 10:Asshole

Jake pulled me bed with him and hugged me

J:I'll never forget you

Jake wiped my tears away then kissed me for a few seconds then he pulled me into a cuddle

J:Shit! That hurt
E:I'm sor-
J:Not your fault mine
L:Jake just know I'm sorry I didn't know you were gonna sprain your ankle
J:It's completely fine I'll survive
L:Thank you

We all talked for a little then Team 10 left

E:Babe do you want me to get lunch
J:Yeah Taco Bell please
E:Ok I'll be back

I left the hospital and headed back home I grabbed some extra clothes for me and Jake and then headed to Taco Bell. I got his favorite and went back to the hospital I walked into his room and gave him his food his face lit up we ate lunch/dinner then watched some TV until the door walked in to give jake his splint

D:Ok so he can leave whenever tomorrow
E:Great thank you
D:No problem have a great night
E:You too

The doctor left and I turned the lights off I changed into some shorts and kept my shirt on I got in bed with Jake but I got on his chest and straddled him. I grabbed his face and gave him pecks on his lips then I kissed him on I rubbed against him then he pulled away from our kiss

J:Babe stop I'm not wearing anything under this
E:That's how I like it
J:Hahahahahaha I'm tired let's just got to sleep

Jake couldn't turn on his side so he wrapped his arm around me and cuddled up to his chest. We watched TV and both passed out

Tessa's pov

I felt bad that Jake sprained his ankle so I called Team 10 down

T:Ok guys we need to do something nice for Jake and Erika
Team 10:Agreed
T:So let's cook them breakfast before they come home tomorrow, clean the house, and me and Alissa will clean their room are we down?
Team 10:Yeah
T:Let's go

Me and Alissa walked upstairs and started to clean their room. Alissa changed the sheets while I picked their laundry up and put it in the basket. I took their garbage out and I saw something I didn't want to see I saw a used condom and I wanted to throw up I gagged then brung the bag downstairs. Me and Alissa started to do their laundry after I vacuumed their room while Alissa made everything perfect. We both high fives each other and ordered Team 10 pizza. We all sat on the couch and ate pizza on the couch while we watched TV. After I cleaned up and went upstairs I laid in bed and went on my laptop for a bit when I realized it was 11 so I went to bed ready to get up at like 8 yay! 😑

HEY GUYS!!!!! Hope you liked the chapter!!!!!! I fell bad for Erika but I know she'll be fine she's a fighter. Also I think I'm gonna be doing a quote at the end of each chapter. Today's is "Once they stop talking to you, They start talking about you." If you cant tell it's a quote about fake friends and i fell like this relates so much to Jake and the twins and of course my own personal life but I won't get into it. The shoutout goes to isabel_macdonald ! Thank you I love those Jerika hearts 💙!
BYE 👋🏼


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