Rehearsal Dinner

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Jake (J)
Erika (E)
Tessa (T)
Kade (Ka)
Tristin (Tr)
Chad (Ch)
Liam (L)
Apollo (Ap)
Athena (At)
Alissa (Al)
Kian (Ki)
Kendall (K)
Chance (C)
Anthony (A)
Pam (P)
Greg (G)
Logan (Lo)
Nicole (N)

June 17th

Tessa's pov

Last night I woke up at like 12 because I needed a drink of water and I passed Jerika's room and they weren't their I ignored it because I'm not their mom and they can do anything they want but I did want to know where they went so I wanted to ask them. I woke up today and went in their room. Erika was on Jake's chest and they were passed out. I tried to wake them up but they didn't wake up. I'm guessing they are extremely tired so I let them sleep and went downstairs to make breakfast. I finished cooking and called Team 10 downstairs I didn't bother getting and Erika up because they were passed out so I just ate with Team 10

Team 10Where's Jerika
Team 10:We should wake them up
T:No they are like dead asleep
Team 10:Hahahahahaha
T:I'm not kidding
Team 10:We know
Al:You have to wake them up before 4
Al:Remember the rehearsal dinner
T:Ohhhh that's right I will

We all ate breakfast and me and Alissa picked a outfit out for the rehearsal dinner then I got ready because I had a meeting then dance. After dance and my meeting I showered and went to Kians to hang out till 2:30

Jake's pov

Me and Erika both woke up at 1:00 which was surprising because I thought for sure someone would wake us up but they didn't. Me and Erika cuddled for a few minutes then we got up and changed into clothes

E:I'm so sore
E:Shut up you know why
J:Hahahahahaha let's go eat

Me and Erika walked downstairs and ate breakfast then we walked upstairs and changed into some workout clothes. We got to the gym and I stretched Erika out she groaned in pain when Tessa walked in the gym

T:Hey guys
E:Hey T
T:This Is new
J:She's sore
E:I was moving a lot Yesterday
T:Yeah ok

Tessa talked with us for a little longer then she left and me and Erika finished working out. After we worked out we took a shower and got dressed into semi formal clothes. We laid in bed and then my mom called me

P:Hey Jakey
J:Hey Mom
P:When's the venue
J:Today at 4
P:Ok send me the location
J:I will
P:See you then
J:Ok bye

I hung up with my mom and me and Erika cleaned our room a little then we went downstairs and sat on the couch. Erika cuddled up to my chest while we watched TV. Slowly everyone started to come downstairs and eventually everyone was downstairs. We got in the cars and drove to the venue. Nicole was waiting outside for us so we parked and walked inside. Nicole sat us down and basically told us how our wedding was gonna go this took like an hour then we had to rehearse the dance and everything in front. The best man and bridesmaids were giving speeches so we had to make sure that they were ready well Logan because moe wasn't gonna be here until late tonight. Anyways we set the tables up and we had our rehearsal dinner which took a few hours. Me and Erika were just focused on each other. We sat at the sweetheart table and held hands as we talked but we didn't break eye contact the whole time. We finished the dinner and I decided to take Team 10 out to an actual dinner because I made them sit in a huge room for 4 hours. I paid for it but we just talked with each other while we ate. The girls wanted ice cream so we went to the ice cream shop and let them get whatever they wanted. Then we went home and we watched a movie on the couch. We all were full of energy so we played music and danced around the house. I decided to make it better by having them clean while they did it. They surprisingly didn't even realize that they were cleaning but me and Erika practiced our dance one more time then we slow danced for a little. I kissed Erika softly and then we helped Team 10 clean the house. After like 3 hours of cleaning we all were exhausted so we all went to bed but me and Erika stayed up and watched some Netflix tonight because we wouldn't be able to see each other tomorrow until late. Later we both fell asleep cuddling with smiles because we knew what tomorrow was

HEY GUYS!!!!! Hope you liked the chapter!!!!! Merry Christmas Eve!!!! Sorry if this was shorter then usual I'm kinda rushing to make this but the Jerika wedding is tomorrow in my book! Oh and also I've been writing December I mean June its because its December now so I'm just use to it 😂. Sorry. I'll be at my aunts today so I won't be able to double upload. Oh and I forgot to say this but my Christmas break started Saturday and ends the day after New Year's Day so you I might get a double upload. Anyways today's quote is "It's not what's under the tree that matters it's who's gathered around it." Finally today's shoutout goes to savy_lloyd12 ! Thank you! 😘❤️❤️
BYE 👋🏼


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