Can We Talk?

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Jake (J)
Erika (E)
Tessa (T)
Kade (Ka)
Tristin (Tr)
Chad (Ch)
Liam (L)
Apollo (Ap)
Athena (At)
Alissa (Al)
Kian (Ki)
Kendall (K)
Chance (C)
Anthony (A)
Zach (Z)
Logan (Lo)

Liam's pov

I had a lot of time to think about leaving Team 10. And I've made my choice. I'm leaving. They've treated me wonderful well sometimes but I wouldn't take it back. But seeing Erika pregnant and with Jake just kills me. Jakes been so patience with me and has given me everything that I need. Yes he has beaten me up but I probably deserved it. For he caring for meI greatly appreciated it and I'm surprised how he didn't kill me. I have to talk with them today. Zach has offered me to move in with him. He's also wanted to be more then friends but living with Erika makes me want her. When I move in with him I'll end up dating him because I'll forget about Erika. I'll come visit every so often but for now I need to distance myself from Team 10 well mostly Erika. Let's not forget that holding my thoughts and emotions inside was driving me crazy. I need to get out and take a vacation. Maybe I'll bust my family. Anyways I got up this morning and laid in bed until I heard the daily Team 10 for breakfast

Jake's pov

I woke up with Erika pressed against me. I smiled then kissed her forehead. I grabbed my phone and went on it until Erika woke up. While I was scrolling through Instagram I saw this recipe for breakfast and it looked easy so I got out of bed and put some clothes on. I walked downstairs and grabbed all the materials well I like tripled them because I had to feed all Team 10. I was halfway through cooking when Erika came downstairs and started to make herself a smoothie

E:Morning sexy
J:Morning beautiful
E:Whatcha cooking
J:I don't know I found it on Instagram and it looked really easy
E:Well it smells good
J:It's should smell good because I'm working my ass off
E:Hahahahahaha do you need help
J:Not right now but I'll need help in a minute
E:Ok I'll be here

Erika put her smoothie in a cup then sat at the counter. We talked then I finished cooking. I called Team 10 down and we all ate together. After I went upstairs and changed then headed into the gym

Erika's pov

Jake went to the gym and made his smoothie. Then I walked upstairs and grabbed my computer. I sat in bed and answered some emails when Logan walked in the room

Lo:Hey Erika
E:Oh hey Logan when did you get here
Lo:I came here last night so I could spend time with Alissa
E:Oh ok what's up
Lo:Where's Jake
E:In the gym
Lo:Man that kid has some ambition I wish I could do that everyday

Then Jake walked upstairs

J:Hey Logan
Lo:Hey Jake
J:What's up
Lo:Oh I was looking for you
Lo:I wanted to say goodbye
J:Hahahahahaha it's nit like we're never gonna see each other again
Lo:I know I thought it would be nice
J:Hahahahahaha well I'll see you later
Lo.Yeah see ya

Logan left and Jake walked in the room and closed the door. He walked into the bathroom and I'm assuming got in the shower. I finished my last meal then put my computer on the bed and got in the shower with Jake. We kissed a few times then finished our shower. Once we got dressed we laid in bed and watched Netflix together. When Liam walked through the door

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