Thank You ❤️

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Jake (J)
Erika (E)
Tessa (T)
Kade (Ka)
Tristin (Tr)
Chad (Ch)
Liam (L)
Apollo (Ap)
Athena (At)
Alissa (Al)
Kian (Ki)
Kendall (K)
Chance (C)
Anthony (A)
Sydney (S)

Sydney's pov

Today was my last full day in LA and I was kinda sad because me and Erika were fighting sometimes this week then we would get along sometimes this week. I'll really miss her but I know she's probably still a little mad so I'm gonna palm her and Jake a romantic date night. The only problem is I don't know what there is to do in LA so I'll have to ask Tessa and Alissa. I got up this morning and found my way to Tessa's room

S:Hey Tessa
T;Hey Sydney what's up 
S:Um can you and Alissa help me plan Jerika a romantic date
T:I thought you hated Jerika
S:I didn't hate Jerika I didn't like jake but I got to know him so I like him
T:See he's not a bad guy
S:Yeah Anyways So can you help
T:Of course if it's Jerika me and Alissa are in because were their biggest shippers
S:Hahahahahaha ok we'll plan it when Jake leaves
T:Ok me and Alissa will be somewhere
S:Ok I'll find you thank you
T;No problem

I left Tessa's room and went downstairs. I cooked everyone breakfast. I called Team 10 and Jerika didn't come down so I went into their room and they were sleeping. I jumped on them and jake woke up  and protected Erika while Erika slowly woke up

S:Awww that's so cute you tried to protect her
J:That's my wife
S:I know it's just cute
J:What's up
S:Oh breakfast is ready
J:Ok we'll be down

I was laying on top of them but mostly Jake not on purpose. When Erika finally opened her eyes she told me to get off Jake

E:Get off my man

Erika kissed Jake

S:Hey relax I don't want him
E:Watch your back
S:I will but you should get up today
E:Shut up
J:We'll be down in a minute

I got off of them then walked downstairs and started to eat my breakfast. A few minutes later Jerika walked downstairs

Jake's pov

Sydney left and me and Erika slowly got up we walked downstairs while we talked

J:I have to go to set
E:Ok I'll hang with the girls

We sat with Team 10 and ate breakfast together. Me and Erika helped Sydney clean up the kitchen then I went to workout. When I finished working out Erika was still in the kitchen and she had made my smoothie. I kissed Her cheek then sat on the counter while I drank my smoothie. I finished my smoothie then put it in the dishwasher and walked upstairs. I got in the shower and starts to shower then Erika joined me. After our shower we got dressed then laid in bed. I had to go to set in 30 minuets so me and Erika cuddled then I kissed her goodbye

J:Bye beautiful
E:Bye Jakey
J:I'll see you in a little

I kissed Erika goodbye then drove to set.

Tessa's pov

Jake left them Sydney and Alissa walked in my room. They sat in my bed and I closed the door then sat back down with them

S:Ok so where's cute places to go
T:So there's this really nice restaurant that over looks the ocean you'll have to book that because Erika loves ocean views
Al:Jake loves sports so you can have them go to a miniature golf
T:Then they could go on the boardwalk and come home whenever
S:Wow ok you guys just thought of that right away
T:Listen we're trained Jerika date planners
S:Hahahahahaha that's good to know
Al:So can you get the reservations then me and Tessa will help Erika pick a outfit
T:And when your done you can help us
S:Ok sounds good

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