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Jake (J)
Erika (E)
Tessa (T)
Kade (Ka)
Tristin (Tr)
Chad (Ch)
Liam (L)
Apollo (Ap)
Athena (At)
Alissa (Al)
Kian (Ki)
Kendall (K)
Chance (C)
Anthony (A)
Danielle (D)
Meghan (M)

Tessa's pov

I was thinking about this last night and I figured that if Erika is going to Jake tomorrow she'll know where he is. Then an idea came into my head. OMG we can follow Erika to the hotel and then follow her into Jake's room. I went to tell Chanthony and Alissa but they were all sleeping so I headed to bed. I woke up this morning and made breakfast for everyone hoping Erika would come down. I was half way done cooking when Erika walked downstairs and grabbed a granola bar and water. I tried to stop her but she walked back upstairs. I sighed and finished cooking breakfast. We all ate ate talked but i could tell that Chanthony ad a little bit o Alissa were out of it. But I noticed it most in myself. I've never felt so broken besides when Emilio dumped me and then left. But it's like your getting your heart taken away and it's my best friends that I'm hurting. Now I know the amount of pain Jake went through and now I'm going through it. I can't believe we treated them like shit. We have to fix this and it gives me a stronger reason to follow Erika to Jake's. I pulled Chanthony outside and told them the plan

T:Guys we have to follow Erika to Jake's hotel
C:Wait how do you know she knows we're he is
T:1 their engaged 2 Erika had hickeys down her neck and she smelt like Jakes cologne
C:We're we asleep
T:I'm pretty sure
C:Well it's a good plan
A:We need to talk to him
T:I know that's why I told you guys
C:When is she leaving
T:I don't know so that's why we have to watch her
T:Now go get ready

I walked back inside and cleaned breakfast up then I walked upstairs and took a shower. I got dressed then grabbed my laptop and went downstairs. 20 minuets later Chanthony sat down next to me and we talked while I went on my computer.

Erika's pov

I ate my granola bar and sat in bed on my laptop. I knew why Tessa made breakfast. She was trying to get me downstairs so we could talk but I'm not that dumb. Also I know What  she's gonna try to do. When I leave the house to see Jake she'll follow me and Tessa will know exactly when I leave because she's 100% gonna sit on the couch and wait. I don't know why she thinks I'm that stupid. So I'm gonna sneak out from the balcony by I have to care because you would see me from the living room. So I had to get someone to distract them. I had the perfect person. Kade. We don't hang out a lot but when we do it's awesome. Our friendship is so underrated but I know Kade will do anything to protect Jerika. So I texted him and he knocked on my door. I let him in then told him my plan. Kade agreed with me then left I told him that I'll text him when to  do it. I took a shower and got dressed. I put jean shorts on and crop top. I texted Kade that I was ready and I waited a minute. I walked out to the balcony and climbed down. They didn't notice me so I snuck into the garage and started the car. It was loud and I knew they could hear it so I started the car as fast as I could and drove away as fast I could so they wouldn't follow me.

Tessa's pov

Kade was talking to us then we heard a car start and we all knew who it was. Me and Chanthony jumped up and went into the garage

T:Damn that girl knew what I was gonna try and do
C:Well their goes that plan
T:No get in the car and we'll find her

We got in the car and started to drive around all the local hotels until we found Erika's car outside of the W. We walked inside and asked which room Mr. Paul was staying in the lady told us 213 and we went upstairs to 213. Finally we got there and knocked on the door

Erika's pov

I arrived at Jakes room and I knocked on his door. He opened it and gave me a long kiss. He pulled away them we smiled at each other and walked into Jake's room. We laid in bed and cuddled while we talked. Mid way through our talk someone knocked on the door. I got up and answered the door

T:Why are you here
E:How did you find me
C:We saw your car in the parking lot
T:Oh and good job asking Kade to cover you
E:Whatever why are you guys even here
T:You know why
E:Listen I think y-
J:Babe who's at the door

Jake walked up behind me then looked up and saw Chanthony and Tessa

J:How did they get here
E:I'm guess they found my car
T:Can we talk
J:Can you leave
T:Thank you
J:Kiss my ass

I let them in Jakes room and we sat at the table. Me and Jake just sat there waiting for their words because we both had nothing to say

T:I know you guys hear this shit all the time but I'm sorry. I finally know the pain of what it feels like when people you care about leave
J:What about the twins didn't you hurt then
T:That's different
T:Emilio and Ivan were just "friends" to me
E:Why did you date Emilio
T:I don't know I liked him
T:Anyways you guys are my family and I know how it feels when someone you Love leaves. I'm also sorry that I said you were over reacting when you got drugged I would probably act the same way. But I know we're all very sorry. Chanthony and I have been the most effected by you not being there
J:I appreciate your apology and I'll forgive you guys but I'm gonna stay her tonight
T:Ok that's fine
J:Oh also Chance I'm sorry for yelling at you that I drugged because of you but you never knew
C:I know it's ok
J:Also I didn't mean it when I said I wish I never let you guys back in the house
C:Love you bro
J:Love you too

We all hugged

J:Alright now get the f**k out
J:You all ruined my relaxation with Erika
J:Shut up
T:Have fun
E:I'll be by the house soon
T:Ok bye

They all left and me and Jake went back to cuddling in bed. Jake took a picture of me and I'm assuming posted it on his story. I opened his story and it was a picture of me cuddled up to his chest with the caption "Cuddle Bug ☺️" I smiled at it then kissed Jake. We just relaxed for most of the day

Jake's pov

Erika left to go get clothes for me and her. While she left I ordered us room service and lit a few candles. I turned in her favorite show and then waited hoping the food came first. The food came first and I set it up in from of the bed now I just waited for Erika. 5 minuets later Erika walked through the door and "awwed" I laughed at her and patted the bed so she sat next to me. We ate dinner together while we watched her show and occasionally talked. After we ate dinner we changed into pjs and went into bed. We cuddled in the dark while the TV was on. Erika passed out on my chest and I smiled not long after I passed out to

(5 hours later)

I woke up to a call from the hospital if was like 3 in the morning. I answered the phone in a morning voice

N:Hi is this Jake Paul

HEY GUYS!!!! Hope you liked the chapter!!!!! Why is the hospital calling? Who is for? I haven't done a cliffhanger for a while so there it is😂. I've noticed I don't have a lot to say these days because I forgot 😂. Today's quote is "With all the smiles you borough me, I never thought you could cause me so many tears." Also todays shoutout goes to 102030405060708090c ! Thank you!
BYE 👋🏼


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