Family Fun

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Jake (J)
Erika (E)
Tessa (T)
Kade (K)
Tristin (Tr)
Chad (Ch)
Liam (L)
Apollo (Ap)
Alissa (Al)
Kian (Ki)
Kendall (K)
Myra (My)
Mya (M)
Chance (C)
Anthony (A)
Kevin (K)
Pam (P)
Logan (Lo)

Pam's pov

Since I was in Los Angels for a few days I wanted to prank Jerika at least once. So I got up this morning and looked around for a air horn. While I was looking I bumped into Tessa

P:Oh I'm sorry
T:Hey Pam
P:Oh hi Tessa, good morning
T:Morning what are you looking for
P:A air horn
T:Let me guess Jerika wake up
T:Hahahahahaha here ill help
P:Thank you
T:No problem

Tessa helped me find a air horn then walked upstairs with me. I opened the door and we snuck in. I've never really seen Jerika cuddled but let me say it is cute. I started to feel bad but Tessa told me they wouldn't get mad so I blew the horn and they jumped up but Erika just cuddled closer to Jakes chest. Then Jake looked at me confused

J:Did you blow the horn
P:I wanted to do my first Jerika wake up
J:Hahahahahaha ok whatever
P:Your not mad
J:No we basically wake up to this every morning
P:Hahahahahaha I'm making breakfast so be down in 30 minuets

Me and Tessa left Jerika's room and we went in the kitchen and started to make Team 10 a huge breakfast. While Tessa cooked in-between  she set the table and made it look nice

Jake's pov

I was a little surprised that my mom would wake us up but I just ignored it and kissed Erika on the forehead

J:Morning beautiful
E:Morning sexy
J:What do you want to do today
E:Idk maybe we could do something all as a family
J:I'm down I'll ask my mom when we go down

Erika was cuddled up to my chest so I picked one of her legs up and put it over my legs so I could pull her closer to me. I wrapped my arms around her and hugged her then we cuddled for a while. My mom called us down for breakfast so I pulled away from our cuddled but Erika pulled me back into bed and kissed me then got up and left. I followed her and we walked downstairs and sat in the kitchen so we could eat while we talked

P:So what do you want to do today
J:Erika said that we should do something as a family
Team 10:Agreed
P:Aw what a lovely idea what's in mind
J:Um....ok how about this we go to the waterpark for most of the day then go to dinner and finish the night with a movie
Team 10:I'm down
Al:Great plan but are you inviting Logan
J:Sure I mean it is a family event
P:When are the times
J:Waterpark I'd say 1-2 ish, dinner 6, and movies 8
Team 10&P:Ok
T:I'll plan the dinner and movie tickets
J:Ok then I'll call Logan
Team 10:Ok

We continued to eat and talk. After we finished I walked outside and called Logan

Lo:Hey Jake
J:Hey Logan
Lo:What's up
J:Are you down to go to a waterpark, dinner, and the movies tonight
Lo:Sure what time
J:I'll come and get you around 1
Lo:Ok see you then bye

I hung up with Logan and told my mom and Andy to the gym. I took my shirt off mid way because I was dying of heat. When Erika walked downstairs and laid against the doorframe holding a ice cold water bottle. I walked over to her and she smiled at me. I took the water bottle and grabbed Erika's waist and she wrapped her arms around my neck

J:Thank you
E:No problem you need it

I kissed Erika then I let her go so I could finish my workout. Once I did I walked upstairs and got in the shower with Erika since she was already in the showers. I scared her s little when I got in but then she calmed down. We took a shower then got changed into our bathing suits and put clothes over them

Erika's pov

We got out of the shower then we changed I tried to find the nicest bathing suit I had so I could impress Jake

We got out of the shower then we changed I tried to find the nicest bathing suit I had so I could impress Jake

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Erika's bathing suit

I threw some clothes over it and walked into our bedroom and started to pack some towels and such. Jake walked up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me close to his chest. I smiled and held his hands then turned around and pushed my body against his and warped my arms around his neck. Our heads were leading on each other's the Jake kissed me softly and I kissed him back more aggressively. We started to make out Jake picked me up and pushed me against the door. We made out for a little longer then someone was knocking on the door so we answered

J:You guys ready
Team 10:Yep

I grabbed our bag and got in the car. Me, jake, Pam, Logan, Tessa, and Kian we're taking the Tesla while everybody else took the Team 10 van. We drove to Logan's and picked him up. After we got Logan we drove to the waterpark. When we arrived we all got wristbands and a locker Key. We put all of our stuff in there and then took our clothes off. As soon as I did Jakes moth dropped and started to drool.

E:Hahahahahaha keep your mouth closed Your  gonna catch flies
J:I'm sorry but you look stunning

I wrapped my arms around Jakes neck and kissed him passionately. A few guys walked past and stared at my ass or whistled I showed them my ring and they all stopped. I laughed at them and we started to go on the rides.

(4 hours later)

We finished at the waterpark and grabbed our stuff and headed back home. We dropped Logan off then headed home. I went straight to the bathroom and took another shower. When I got out I did my hair and makeup then got dressed. I curled my hair and put it in a bun, I did like maybe, then I put my dress on with a bunch of accessories

Jake's pov

We got home and Erika went straight upstairs I did some emails then started to get ready. I gelled my hair a little then put some jeans and a shirt on. I sat on our bed doing emails and waited for Erika to come out. When the bathroom door opened Erika looked so sexy. It was a simple outfit but she looked good in it and made it 10x better. I kissed her and we  walked downstairs holding hands everyone was downstairs and ready. We got back into the cars and I headed to Logan's so I could pick him up. We arrived at the restaurant and I opened the door for the ladies. We walked inside and got seated they took our orders and we talked while we ate/ waited for our food. After dinner we all headed to the movies and picked a funny one. When we got into the theater everyone on Team 10 sat in the front while me and Erika sat in the back. She straddled my lap and the lights turned off. I felt a pair of lips smash against mine. I pulled Erika more into my lap and we made out for as long as as we could. After I movie I dropped Logan off and we headed back home. I was exhausted so said goodnight to everyone then changed into my shorts no shirt. I almost passed out when Erika got in bed with me and cuddled up to my chest I smiled and kissed her forehead then I fell asleep

HEY GUYS!!!!! Hope you liked the chapter!!!!!! Sorry for the very late post I took a nap then got lost binge watching stranger things. Anyways today's quote is "I feel like I'm waiting for something that isn't going to happen." Today's shoutout goes to Gigi201388 ! Thank you!


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