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Jake (J)
Erika (E)
Ivan (I)
Emilio (Em)
Tessa (T)
Kade (K)
Tristin (Tr)
Chad (Ch)
Chance (C)
Liam (L)
Apollo (Ap)
Alissa (Al)
Logan (L)
Banks (B)
Nurse (N)
911 (911)

Jake's pov

I woke up and snuck out of bed I walked downstairs and I made breakfast then Erika walked downstairs

J:Morning beautiful
E:Morning buba
E:You want breakfast

I picked Erika up and sat her on the counter I stood between her legs. We ate breakfast then we walked upstairs and took a shower. Me and Erika didn't have many plans today so we took Apollo on a walk to the park. We held hands to the park when we got there I held Erika waist and we looked at the Lake I grabbed her face and looked into her beautiful eyes I just stared then she smashed her lips against mine. We kissed for a little then we went to a dog store to get Apollo some treats and a new bed. When we walked into the store Logan screamed my name

Lo:Brother Jake!!
J:Why are you yelling
Lo:Because I like to
Lo:I can't say hi to my brother
J:Not with out a reason
Lo:Fine can you lend me $1000
J:We've had this discussion before N O that's a shit ton of money
Lo:Fine but why are you guys here
J:Geee I don't know we came her to buy candy
Lo:Really where is it!
J:Your an idiot
Lo:Thank you!

I walked away from Logan and me and Erika picked Apollo some treats and a new bed. Then we left and went to an ice cream store.  We walked in and the first thing I saw was "Safe for dogs to eat!" I got Apollo and Erika ice cream. We sat down and ate then Kayla walked into the ice cream shop and I was so surprised I thought she left for Ohio but I grabbed Erika's hand and Apollo and dragged them outside

E:What was that about
J:Kayla just walked in
E:Oh really I was thinking to myself
E:How I got so lucky to be with my one and only
J:Aww your mine one and only too

I kissed Erika and the forehead and we walked back home. We gave Apollo his new bed and he instantly fell asleep we took some cute pictures of him then we sat on the couch and watched TV. I laid down and Erika laid down on my chest I put a blanket over us and we almost fell asleep when the doorbell rang. I put Erika on the couch And opened the door. I was in shock of who it was...Banks?

B:Where's Alissa
J:She's not here
B:I know she is
J:She's not she's in the Bahamas
B:Your lying
J:I'm not Check the house
B:I gladly will

Banks ran up the stairs and looked through every room. While he was upstairs I walked over to Erika

J:Have 911 on speed dial I fell like he's going to do something

I kissed Erika then stood at the bottom of the steps. Banks walked downstairs furiously he rammed me into a wall

J:Can you please leave my house
B:I'll do what I want

I saw Erika on the phone with 911. When I looked back Banks punched me straight in the face and it knocked me out cold

Erika's pov

When Banks punched Jake I freaked out banks slammed the door closed

911:Hello this is 911 how m-
911:Ok ma'ma I need to you calm down ones on its way what happened
E:Me and my boyfriend were on the couch then the doorbell rang he answered the door and this guy named Banks searched our whole house for a girl who isn't even here then he just knocked my boyfriend out
911:Ok is he still there
E:No he just left
912:Ok has he down harm to anyone
E:Yes, the girl he was looking for he sexually assaulted her and he would abuse her
911:Do you know his full name
E:Yes it's Banks Fernando (That's not his real name I just wanted to say that 😂)
911:Ok the police should be there soon
E:Ok thank you
911:No problem

I hung the phone up and I ran over to Jake I grabbed water and ice packs. I tried cooling Jake down then the paramedics rushed threw the door and took Jake to the hospital.  The police officer told me to come to the station to make a police report. So I did then I drove to the hospital. I rushed in and asked for Jakes room number

E:Excuse me where is Jake Paul
N:Room 405
E:Ok thank you
N:Your welcome

I rushed down the hallway and made my way to Jake room. I opened the door and I saw that Jake had a cast on his nose a huge bruise on his eye but he was awake

E:Hey buba 
J:Hey beautiful
E:How are you
J:I could be better
E:I'm sorry
J:About what
J:Why it's not your fault
E:I don't know I feel like I should of done something
J:No I don't want you to get hurt
E:Thank you but I hate seeing you hurt
J:I'll survive
E:I know your my fighter

I kissed Jake's forehead and caressed his check then played with his hair

J:Can you call Tessa and tell her
E:Yeah I'll be right back

I went to the hallway and I called Tessa. I told her to tell Alissa and for them to keep their eyes out for Banks. But after I walked back into Jake room

E:Baby do you want dinner
J:Taco Bell
E:Ok I'll be right back

I kissed Jake softly on the lips then I drove to Taco Bell and got us dinner I drove back to the hospital and we both ate dinner then the doctor walked in

D:Mr. Paul
D:Ok so we are going to have you stay for the night and you could leave in the morning
J:Ok thank you
D:Have a good night
J:You too

I shut the lights off and got in bed with Jake we watched movies and I cuddled up to his chest He almost instantly fell asleep but I soon after fell asleep

HEY GUYS!!!! Hope you liked the chapter!!!! Ok so y'all need to calm down Jakes vlog was clickbait and he said he asked Erika for permission why would he ask her if they weren't dating? #Jamanda  #Jerny or whatever is a friendship they think off each other as family and nothing more so everyone breath. But go show some love to JerikaAcrossAmerica because her nana is sick and she's taking this really hard I understand how much it hurts to see a loved one get sick. But to make things better she's sick 🙄. Go to her account and shower he all love tell her Amanda sent you. I hope my fanfic helps you out a little Maya💙
BYE 👋🏼


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