Welcome To The World

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Jake (J)
Erika (E)
Tessa (T)
Kade (Ka)
Tristin (Tr)
Chad (Ch)
Apollo (Ap)
Athena (At)
Alissa (Al)
Kendall (K)
Chance (C)
Anthony (A)
Logan (L)

Erika's pov

I'm 9 months pregnant now and I'm just about to give birth. Jake's been the sweetest during this pregnancy and I wouldn't take it back for the world. I woke up cuddled against Jakes chest while his hand was on my belly. I gave Jake a long kiss and he woke up

J:Morning beautiful
E:Morning sexy
J:Do you wanna order breakfast
E:Sure what
E:Ok are we gonna get Team 10 breakfast
J:No they can make their own
E:Hahahahahaha ok

I kissed Jake and we post mated our breakfast to the house. Me and Jake watched Netflix as we waited. Once our food arrived we walked downstairs and talked as we ate. Then Tessa came down

T:Wow you didn't even bother to ask
J:We cook for everyone most of time
E:You guys can cook for yourself
T:Fine be that way

Tessa grabbed a granola bar and sat  next to us while we all talked. After we ate me and Jake changed I work out. I did some exercises so Lea could possibly come out quick while Jake worked out. After we worked out we had our green smoothies. Once we finished our smoothies we walked upstairs and took a shower. I got dressed then finished making my hospital bag just incase my water breaks. Jake threw me over his shoulder and put me on the bed then got on top of me

E:Hahahahahaha what are you doing
J:I'm gonna show my girls some love

Jake kissed me then kissed my belly a few times. I pulled his face back up to mine and I kissed him passionately. We made out for a Little then jake laid next to me and grabbed his computer. We both answered some emails and did some work. Jake did some emails while I cuddled up to his chest. I fell asleep for a little. My stomach started to have cramps and before I knew it the bed got wet. I jumped up

J:Babe what's wrong?
E:I think my water just broke
J:Ok let's go

Jake grabbed my bag then helped me downstairs and into the car. I started to breath in and out. As we were walking downstairs Team 10 saw me

Team 10:Omg what's happening?
J:She going into labor
Team 10:No way!
J:I'll call you guys once we get settled
Team 10:Ok good luck

Jake drove to the hospital while I held his hand and gripped it. Once we arrived we walked inside the hospital

J:Hi my wife is giving birth
N:Ok right this way
J:Thank you

The nurse put me in a wheelchair and got us into a room. I changed into the gown then I laid in the bed and she got me all attached to the machines

N:Ok the doctor will be right in with you
E:Thank you

The nurse left and Jake sat next to me telling me to breathe in and out

Jake's pov

I helped Erika breathe in and out while we waited for the doctor

E:Jake can you put my hair up

I put Erika's hair up then after an hour the doctor finally walked in

D:So I'll get you hooked up to the epidural and I'll check how far dilated you are
E:Great thank you

Jerika How We MetWhere stories live. Discover now