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Jake (J)
Erika (E)
Tessa (T)
Kade (Ka)
Tristin (Tr)
Chad (Ch)
Apollo (Ap)
Athena (At)
Alissa (Al)
Kian (Ki)
Kendall (K)
Chance (C)
Anthony (A)
Logan (L)

Tessa's pov

It's hard. Really hard. Everyone has been crying. It hurts a lot because we all love Jake and he's like a brother to all of us. It just doesn't make sense why this has to happen to the kindest person in this world who has given his life to other people not even focusing on himself. But Chance has been crying and shaking even since. I tried talking to him but he just stares. I barley slept, well non of us did but I felt bad for Erika because she had to sleep on the couch plus she was pregnant. We're all gonna visit Jake today so I was gonna bring Erika sweat pants and anything comfortable. And of course her hygiene products. I really wanted to talk to Chance so I got up and went into his room. He was staring at the wall crying with huge bags under his eyes. I sat next to him a rubbed his shoulder

T:Listen I need to know what happened
T:I can't help without knowing what happened
C:He saved me *sobs*

I was in shock that's huge yet Jake has to go through the pain.

T:What happened
C:We were driving back to from the paint ball place and this car hit us. Jake covered me making him take most of the impact and all I can see is the crash and him bleeding......
T:I'm so sorry
C:He doesn't deserve this
C:He saved me I should be the one in that bed in a coma not him
T:Chance don't talk like that

Chance continued to talk and I looked into his eyes. I remember the first time we met and how I thought he was cute. He's been through terrible relationships. I don't know what came over me but I kissed Chance. He was in shock but he kissed me back. I pulled away then we looked into each other's eyes and kissed one more time for a few seconds. Then I snapped back into reality (Btw I'm making their relationship like Callie and Brandons relationship in the fosters. If you don't watch it basically their foster siblings but their in love and they dated other people because Callie was adopted and they can't date them that would turn into insets aka riverdale. Sorry just giving some background.)

T:I'm sorry I shouldn't have I'm in a relationship
C:No no no I liked it I mean I've liked you
T:Wait what
C:Yeah I just tried his it
T:Well this can't happen I have a boyfriend
C:I know but maybe in the future
T:Idk but get ready we have to see Jake

I left then I started to freak out I went into Alissa's room and her and Logan had red puffy eyes from crying while they slept. I jumped on Alissa

E:Tessa stop
T:I have to tell you something
E:Is it that important
L:What is happening
T:Yes it is Logan go shower
L:Ugh fine

Logan went into the bathroom and I got Alissa sitting up

Al:What's so important you need to tell me
T:I cheated on Kian
T:Shhh let me explain
Al:With who
T:Listen I went to talk to him but as I looked into his eyes i remember that Ive liked him from the beginning but I swear it was just in the moment
Al:You have to tell Kian
T:What now he'll break
Al:Listen you need to be honest trust me I know what it's like
T:Your right but go get ready we have to see Jake soon

I left Tessa's room then went into Jerika's room and grabbed her a bunch of comfy clothes with her hygiene bag. I then showered and got dressed. We all headed out but stopped for breakfast and I got some for Erika. After we ate we drove to the hospital

Erika's pov

I woke up this morning sore and my heart aching. I saw Jake in the bed with the machine beeping it hurt even looking at him. I turned over and cried for a little. I pulled a chair next to him and grabbed his hand. I talked to him while I rubbed my stomach. I occasionally cried then Team 10 walked through the doors. I walked over to Tessa and hugged her tight

T:How is he
E:How do you think
T:I'm sorry
E:It's not your fault
T:Ik here's some clothes and food go eat then shower while we talk to jake

I st in the couch and ate breakfast everything gathered around Jake and shared good memories about him within each other. I went in the bathroom then Locke stage door and showered. After I got dressed I walked back outside and they had Jakes favorite show on while they were around him. I took a picture then joined them. They all made me fell so much better. It was a cloudy so we did that most of the day until the boys left to get us food because Tessa had to tell me something major. I held Jakes hand as she talked

T:You need to not freak out
T:I kissed Chance
T:It was in the moment I went to check on him but when he talked I looked into his eyes and remember how I liked him from the start then we just kissed
E:You have to tell Kian
T:Yeah I know I'm just scared I love Kian
E:You have to figure that out but you need to tell him
T:Ok thank you guys
Al&E:No problem

We talked for a little longer until the boys came back with food. I ate with Team 10 then they all started to leave slowly. We had a good time but it wasn't the same without Jake there. He was the spark that people loved. We need him he makes a lot of people happy. I do's dbue to Tessa and Alissa then got ready for bed then doctors checked up on Jake then I kissed him and shut the lights off . I laid on the couch and turned the TV on. I looked over at Jake and got sad a tear fell down my face but I watched a TV show the  passed out heartbroken like yesterday

Jake's pov

I heard everyone but I couldn't responded. It hurt me knowing everyone was  crying over me especially Erika. But I'm happy she's with me I just want to kiss her lips and touch her again. I wanna see my princess. I miss her like crazy. I felt little pain in my abdomen but only if I moved. But everyone left and Erika fell asleep I stayed up for a while lost in my thoughts then my mind went to sleep I guess

HEY GUYS!!!!! Hope you liked the chapter!!!!!!! I'm finally test/quiz free well for the week. But is it just me or is Louren really needy. I get that her and Erika are family but their FAMILY their always gonna have a relationship but with Jake who knows how long their gonna be together and you need to savor that time. Yes, relationships do need space to be healthy but Louren can be so needy. Sorry if you fell different but that's my opinion I never was a fan of Lauren I just love Erika. Maybe kelly but she blocked me for no good reason so I have a grudge against her. Anyways today's quote is "Honestly has a power very few people can handle." Finally today's shoutout goes to AnikaOrelius ! If you want a shoutout tell me! Thank you! 😘❤️❤️
BYE 👋🏼


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