Doctors Appointment

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Jake (J)
Erika (E)
Tessa (T)
Kade (Ka)
Tristin (Tr)
Chad (Ch)
Liam (L)
Apollo (Ap)
Athena (At)
Alissa (Al)
Kian (Ki)
Kendall (K)
Chance (C)
Anthony (A)
Zach (Z)
Doctor (D)
Receptionist (R)

Last night.......

Tessa's pov

I got in bed and called the doctors office to make and appointment for Jerika

R:Hello this is Jefferson doctors how can I help you
E:Yes hello I'm calling to make a pregnancy appointment
R:Ok last name
R:What time
E:I'd say around 4 tomorrow
R:Ok I just got you booked
E:Thank you have a Nice night
R:You too

I hung the phone up then shut my lights off and got back in bed. I watched Netflix will I fell asleep

Liam's pov

I was walking to my room when I heard Tessa say "Yes hello I'm calling to make a pregnancy appointment. Paul" My heart sank I walked back in my room and called Zach

Z:Hey Liam
L:Hey Zach
Z:What's up
L:Can you come over
Z:Uh at 10pm
L:Yes I'll explain when you get here
Z:Sure I'll be over in 10 minuets
L:Thank you bye

I hung up with Zach and waited till he got here. The doorbell rang and I ran downstairs to get it. I dragged Zach upstairs and sat him down on the bed

Z:Whoa Liam what's going on
L:I think Jerika's pregnant
Z:Why is that a bad thing
L:Because I like Erika
Z:Liam....I..I have to tell you something
Z:I really like you
L:I really like you too
Z:No not as friends or friends with benefits
Z:Will you go out with me
L:Um I'll have to think about it
Z:Ok but you have to promise me one thing
L:That's is?
Z:You forget about Erika and Jake
L:I....i...don't know
Z:Let them live a happy life. Move out and come live with me
L:These are think by question
Z:Ok just give me an answer soon
L:I will
Z:Also can I stay the night
L:Yeah night

I shut the lights off and got in bed. All of Zach's questions were keeping me up but I finally fell asleep after 2 hours

The morning

Jake's pov

I woke up with my family cuddled up to my chest. I smiled then kissed Erika's forehead and rubbed her belly. Erika slowly woke up and she had a smile on her face. I was distracted by her beautiful green eyes that I didn't even notice see said something until she kissed me

E:What are you starting at
J:Your beautiful eyes
E:Awww good morning sexy
J:Good morning beautiful

I gave Erika one more kiss then her smile slowly faded and she began to get pale. Erika ran out of bed and into the bathroom. I followed her and I sat next to her. She was throwing up so I held her hair and comforted her. When she finished she washed her face and hands then went back in the bedroom. I flushed the toilet then washed my hands. When I walked into our bedroom Erika was laying in bed on her phone. I got on top of her and stated to take to her belly

Erika's pov

I was on my phone when jake got on top of me and started to talk to my belly I started to record because he was really cute

J:Hey baby I know your in there and you wanna get out but be nice to mommy because she has to carry you for 9 months and daddy doesn't like seeing mommy sick because I just wanna cuddle and kiss her but you making her throw up makes it hard. I still love you and I'm not mad just be nicer to mommy. I love you

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