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Jake (J)
Erika (E)
Tessa (T)
Kade (K)
Tristin (Tr)
Chad (Ch)
Liam (L)
Apollo (Ap)
Alissa (Al)
Kian (Ki)
Kendall (K)
Chance (C)
Anthony (A)
Danielle (D)
Meghan (M)

Anthony's pov

I woke up this morning in my room that was in my best friends house. Today was a big day for me. I was gonna get my puppy and surprise Team 10 I know Erika will be really happy. Also today is the day I am going to properly introduce my girl friend, Meghan. I was excited but scared but I know everyone is going to like her. We've been dating for a few months so I know she won't fall for Jake. Well at least I think she will. Anyways I got up early and I decided to make Team 10 a massive breakfast. It took a little longer but I finally finished and put food an everyone's plate. I woke up everyone but my personal favorite Jerika. I walked into their room and of course they were cuddling. I didn't want to do anything terrible because Erika yelled at us the other day. So I laid on top of them but they just ignored me and continued to cuddle so I stayed there until Jake started to talk

J:Why are you here
A:Oh I made breakfast
J:Ok but then again why are you on top of us
A:Oh because I needed to wake you guys up
J:Whatever we'll be down
A:Ok have fun

I got off them and back downstairs and of course Team 10 was already eating not long after Jerika came downstairs.

Jerika:Hey guys
Team 10:Morning
A:I have to tell you guys something
Team 10:What's up
A:So you know how I have a girlfriend
Team 10:Yeah
A:Well your gonna met her today
Team 10:Well we all can't wait
A:Thanks guys
That's what family is for
A:I love you guys
Team 10:We love you too

We did and group hug and continued to talk while we ate they still had no idea about the puppy which I was so happy about

Jake's pov

After breakfast I encouraged everyone on Team 10 to workout. Half of us ran around the neighborhood while the other half worked out in the gym. We did this for an hour then switched and did the other thing. They all wanted to kill me but they do nothing all day so this is the least they came do. At the end they all felt great and jumped in the pool with all their clothes on but me and Erika went upstairs and took a shower. We made out for a little then got dressed and went to the office. Erika pulled her chair up to my desk and we answered some emails together then had a mini meeting with Nick. After we finished Tony called us downstairs and I'm pretty sure it was to meet his girlfriend. We walked into the living and sat on the couch Erika sat on my lap while Anthony and his girlfriend stood in front of us

A:Ok guys I would like you to meet my girlfriend Meghan
Team 10:Nice to meet you
M:Same here I hear a lot about you guys
Team 10:Good things?
M:Hahahahahaha of course
Team 10:Good
A:So I'll start introducing you to everyone this is Kade, Chad, Tristen, and Liam
M:Hi nice to meet you
A:Next we have Tessa, her boyfriend Kian, Alissa, and Kendall
M:Nice to meet you guys
Al,T,Ki,K:Same here
Al&T:Yes another girl
A:Then we have Chance, his girlfriend Danielle, Apollo
M:Nice to meet you guys
C,&D:Same here
M:Aww what a cute dog
A:Last but my personal favorite Jerika. Jake Paul and Erika Costell. They are engaged
M:I've heard a lot about you
J:A lot of people have
M:It's nice to meet you guys Anthony tells me that you guys are so cute and your his favorite
A:What.....I never said that
Team 10:Sure...

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