Gender Reveal

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Jake (J)
Erika (E)
Tessa (T)
Kade (Ka)
Tristin (Tr)
Chad (Ch)
Liam (L)
Apollo (Ap)
Athena (At)
Alissa (Al)
Kian (Ki)
Kendall (K)
Chance (C)
Anthony (A)
Designer (D)

Tessa's pov

Today me and Alissa had to plan the gender reveal party and Let's day I was more then excited. I woke Alissa up at 8 then got in the shower. I got dressed then waited for Alissa to get dressed. Finally she finished and we walked downstairs then Alissa had to start whinning

Al:I'm hungry
T:Are you kidding me?
T:We'll get food on the way

I rolled my eyes then dragged Alissa out of the house. We got in the car and started to drive. Alissa would not shut up because she was hungry so I took her to Starbucks. She squealed in happiness then ate in the car.(basic betch😂) I drove to a special cake designer so we could get a cake with the color of the gender inside. We finally arrived after a long car ride with Alissa singing. I walked inside then walked over to the counter until we were helped

D:Hi how may I help you
T:Hi I was wondering if you could make a cake for a gender reveal party
D:Of course when would you like it
T:Umm I'd say 4:00-4:30
D:Ok that's fine what's the gender
T: *******(haha Im not telling that easy😂)
D:Great so you want everything white with blue and pick candies on top then inside the gender
D:Ok great it will be ready
T:Thank you
D:No problem

We left the cake decorating store then headed to a party store. Once we arrived I grabbed plates, napkins, a box, blue and pink paint, confetti, chalkboard with chalk, and a bunch of cute little little things to decorate. The last thing we grabbed were the gender of the baby in balloons. It took us a while but we finally got all the stuff we needed then we headed back home. I'm assuming Jerika was in the shower or whatever because they weren't downstairs but we left the balloons in the car and covered them so no one could see. I laid the box out and me and Alissa wrote "boy or girl?" It's corresponding colors. I built the box then me and Alissa put table cloths on every table and they all had boy or girl at the bottom. We finished up some miner little decorations. Then I almost forgot about the chalkboard. I put boy and girl on each side so everyone had to pick which one they thought it was gonna be. Then Jerika walked downstairs in regular clothes

J:Hey you guys
E:Hey T
E&j:This place looks great
T:Thank you
E&j:No thank you
T:No biggie
E:So whens the party
E:Oh Jesus why didn't you tell me
T:We were setting up
E:It's fine
T:Jake can you go with her
J:Yeah why
T:It's for the gender you can't see it
J:Oh ok
E:Bye T

I walked outside and grabbed the box. Alissa grabbed the balloons and put them in. I tapped the box up then brought it to the back of the house. I put it down then walked inside. Me and Alissa had to leave again because we had to get the cake.

Erika's pov

Me and Jake did our usual thing but after we showered Tessa told me to get ready because the party was at 6. I went in the bathroom and jake went in the office. I sat down and curled my hair. I put light makeup on then put a white dress on with blue and pink accents

 I put light makeup on then put a white dress on with blue and pink accents

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