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Jake (J)
Erika (E)
Ivan (I)
Emilio (Em)
Tessa (T)
Kade (K)
Tristin (Tr)
Chad (Ch)
Chance (C)
Liam (L)
Apollo (Ap)
Alissa (Al)
Kian (K)

Tessa's pov

Over these past few days I've gotten to know Kian and he was a really sweet guy. We hung out everyday and he made me so happy unfortunately today was my last day here I leave at 6 so I wanted to spend majority of the day with Kian (This is for all the Kessa shippers I kinda ship them I don't really know Kian so I can't really ship them) I TOLD Kian everything that went on in my life including Emilio, Jerika, and of course my second family Team 10. Kian told me his most important things in life and I found out he had a little sister her name was Lily and she was a huge Jake Pauler. I was playing on bringing her to L.A. to meet Jake but me and Kian are the same age and he's a lot taller then me. I sat on the deck and drank my coffee while I looked of the ocean then Kian came outside and sat next to me

T:I have to leave at 6
K:Oh really that sucks
T:Yeah but you could still come over
T:Sure Jake wouldn't mind but you might have to hear somethings because you know Jerika
T:I'm not kidding
T:If you think it's bad now you should of heard them in the old Team 10 house Jesus you could hear them down the street.
K:Damn he must have the magic touch
T:Hahahahahaha everyone says that
K:Well it sounds true
T:Oh and here's a heads up don't try to flirt with Erika because Jake WILL kill you no question
K:Ok well I have nothing to worry about because I had my eye on some else
T:Oh that's cool
K:Well what about you? I know you just got out of a relationship but does anyone strike your eye
T:Yeah but I don't think he'll like me back
K:Your beautiful I'm sure he will just ask
T:Ok thanks

When Kian said he had his eye on someone my heart sunken but when he called me beautiful I also exploded. But me and Kian continued to talk and we hung out all day.

Jake's pov

I smelt food and I thought it was Erika but when I opened my eyes Erika was still cuddled up to my chest on the couch. I lifted my head up and I saw Alissa in the kitchen cooking. I all most forgot that Alissa was a great cook. But I continue to cuddled with Erika because I didn't want to get up. Of course Alissa had to get me up

Al:I made breakfast
J:5 minuets
Al:No now
E:Ok we're coming

Me and Erika got up and walked into the kitchen and sat down to eat

Al:So are we getting new members
J:Yeah I have to check the applications I'll go get my computer

I ran upstairs and grabbed my computer then ran back downstairs. I opened my computer and almost 200 applications came in

Al:That's gonna be fun
J:Can You guys help me look for 2 members
Al:2 girls 2 boys?
J:Yeah we need one of them be twins because the Martinez Twins shared a room
E:Let's start looking

We all started to look and the boys were easy to find their names were Kendall and Paul. Now we had to find twin girls their names were myka and mya the Montoya twins. Obviously we weren't going to let them join right away but the twins were comedians, Kendall is a videographer, and Paul is a stunt man. They all seemed like able. We all agreed then I had to show them to Nick so he could do all the planning. Nick liked them and booked them a flight for tomorrow. They all were down so me, Erika, and Alissa cleaned up the rooms that they would be living in. Then me and Erika took a shower and put comfy clothes on. We laid in bed and watched YouTube videos on my computer

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