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Jake (J)
Erika (E)
Tessa (T)
Kade (K)
Tristin (Tr)
Chad (Ch)
Liam (L)
Apollo (Ap)
Alissa (Al)
Kian (Ki)
Kendall (K)
Paul (P)
Myra (My)
Mya (M)
Chance (C)
Anthony (A)

Tessa's pov

I wanted to surprise Jerika with breakfast in bed because I know Erika feels bad about lying to Jake. I walked downstairs and into the kitchen I started to cook breakfast then Kian walked in

K:Hey T
T:Hey Kian
K:Who are you cooking for
T:I feel bad that I'm telling Erika to lie to Jake
K:Oh that's nice

Me and Kian continued to talk while I cooked breakfast. Over these past few days me and Kian have gotten close he's a great guy. I was also planning when Kians sister could come out to see Jake. I finished cooking then I put it on a tray. I asked Kian if he would help me open the door. We walked upstairs and Kian opened Jerika's door up. We saw Erika cuddled up to Jakes chest and Jake with his arms around her. I awed a little bit then tapped Jake on his shoulder

T:I made you and Erika breakfast in bed
J:Ok Thank you can you leave it on the side table
J:Thank you
T:No problem enjoy
J:I will

We walked out of Jerika's room and walked into mine. Kian and I sat in bed watching movies. He laughed at me then looked at me I looked at him. I've started to grow feelings for Kian but I don't think it's time yet. Kian looked into my eyes and I did the same

K:I have to tell you something
T:What is it
K:I know this seems a little early but I've been meaning to tell you for a while I just didn't know how. Tessa I like you I mean a lot it's ok if you don't feel the sa-

Before I could let Kian finish I smashed my lips against he's I just couldn't wait anymore. Kian kissed back and pulled me closer to him I grabbed his face and we kissed for a minute. Then we pulled away

T:I'm sorry it that was harsh
K:No I just wish I made the first move

Me and Kian continued to watch movies but we were just a little closer

Erika's pov

I was having a bad dream about Jake breaking up with me about Paul kissing me. The guilt was getting to my brain I don't think I could hide it anymore I have to tell him. I jumped up in a panic and Jake was next to me

J:Babe what's wrong
E:Bad dream
J:Oh are you ok
J:Tessa made us breakfast
E:Aww really
E:Well have to thank her later
J:Yeah here I'll get it
E:Ok oh and can you get my shirt

Jake got up and gave me my shirt I put it on then he grabbed the food and sat next to me. I cuddled up to his chest while we ate and watched TV. After we ate Jake went to go workout and I walked downstairs and cleaned the dishes. When I finished I ran upstairs and closed the door I slid down in and had a full panic attack. I started to past the room. The guilt filled me and it was killing me I had to tell Jake but I didn't know how. Ok relax take a shower and then tell Jake after no big deal. I hopped into the shower and took a shower. Jake walked into the bathroom and joined me. I was basically done so when he walked in I walked out. He had a confused face on but I was too guilty to even be near him. I threw some clothes on and I waited for Jake to get out of the shower. I was fidgeting some much. I bit my nails, I twirled my hair, I started to get nervous, I was shaking. I tried to breath in and out and I tried to forget it but it keep coming up

Jake's pov

Erika was actually really weird. This morning she was very cuddly and now she won't even look at me I was very confused. Yesterday she was her usual sexy self but today she barely looked at me. I started to get worried. Did I do something wrong? Am I not go enough? Is she cheating on me? All these crazy thoughts came to my head I had to ask her. I finished my shower and threw random clothes on. I walked out of the bathroom and Erika was shaking and bit her nails

J:Babe we need to talk
E:We do
J:Are you ok? Did I do something? What's wrong
E:You didn't do anything I'm just filled with guilt
E:Ok...so a few days ago Paul kissed me... I was gonna tell you right away but Team 10 told me to his it and it's been digging into me ever since

I didn't know how to feel....I didn't care that Paul kissed Erika I'm use to that. I'm hurt that my family didn't want to tell me. I didn't know what t think I just let a tear down my face. I wasn't mad at Erika at all. I mostly mad at Team 10 why wouldn't they want me to know. Yeah they probably thought that I would kill Paul but it still hurts that they didn't want to tell me and didn't want my fiancé to tell me even though it's been hurting her. Erika tried getting my attention by kissing me. I just couldn't believe what she said to me. I kissed her back and she was a little surprised

J:Babe I'm not mad at you
J:But I'm a little mad at Team 10
J:I'm going to stay with Chance tonight because I just don't want to be here tonight I want to clear my head
E:Please just stay
J:I'm honestly not mad at you I just want to clear my head I will be back tomorrow morning
J:I'll be back I swear on my life
E:I love you
J:I love you too
E:Wait one more thing

Erika pulled my face and smashed my lips onto hers and we kissed for a little. Then I pulled away and left the house I called Chance and he told me to come and talk so I did.

Erika's pov

I know Jake isn't mad at me but it still hurt seeing your one and only walk away. I laid in bed and cried a little just thinking. How did I let them do this to me? Jakes right.... I should let them control me. All the thoughts came through my head. Sat their for hours just thinking and then Tessa walked in my room and I was kinda mad at her

E:Don't talk to me
T:What Why?
E:I knew I shouldn't of lied to Jake
T:Why is he mad at you
E:No he's mad at Team 10
T:What?!? Why
E:You told me to not tell him
T:For Paul's safety
E:Tell that to him
T:Where is he
E:I'm not telling you now let me be alone
T:Ok...I'm sorry
E:Just go!

Tessa left and I turned the TV on I cried a little and watched movies then I fell asleep

Tessa's pov

Honestly I was kinda mad at Jake. He has no right to be mad at us. I needed to talk to him but no one knew where he was. I asked everyone then I called Chanthony and they said they haven't seen him since yesterday. I gave up I laid in bed and fell asleep

Jake's pov

I told Chanthony about everything and they were on my side. We talked out for a little longer while we watched football I eventually passed out on the couch. I was not looking forward to talking to Team 10 tomorrow.....

HEY GUYS!!!!! Hope you liked the chapter!!!!! DOUBLE UPLOAD!!!! Sorry anyways I'm glad Loren basically confirmed that Jerika has sex but let's be real we already knew. This Jessa account was being a dumbass and wrote a whole essay about how Jerika's fake and how people show respect each other's ships. But I'm like honey you are a hypocrite in her bio it's say #Jerikawho honestly I'm done talking about it because I will get triggered.
On a good note today's shoutout goes to LeleDobwar ! She was excited for more! 😂 Thank you! See you guys later. 😘❤️
BYE 👋🏼


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