I love you

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Jake (J)
Erika (E)
Tessa (T)
Kade (K)
Tristin (Tr)
Chad (Ch)
Liam (L)
Apollo (Ap)
Alissa (Al)
Kian (Ki)
Kendall (K)
Paul (P)
Myra (My)
Mya (M)
Chance (C)
Anthony (A)
Kevin (K)

Tessa's pov

I went downstairs to go get breakfast and I looked over and I saw Jake passed out on the couch that's sparked an idea in my head. I ran back upstairs and into my room. I had to figure out a way to get Erika out of their room and make them talk to each other but first I had to get Jake to talk to me. I didn't want to wake him up so I got ready for the day. I walked back downstairs and Jake was on his phone he looked over at me then rolled his eyes and continued to look at his phone. I sat next to him and he turned away from me

T:Jake stop Can we just talk
J:Oh I thought you couldn't tell me anything
T:Stop I didn't tell you for a reason because I thought Erika would be mad at me
J:Little did you know you caused pain in both sides
T:Listen I talked to Erika last night and I told her that I didn't tell you and said to me I should of
T:Are you gonna take this seriously or are you gonna be an ass about this

Jake started to talk louder and soon he was yelling

J:I'm the ass? I'm losing one of the most important people to me yet you refuse to tell me then proceed to call me an ass? You have some nerve. You what I appreciate everything you've done for me but now your ruining me. I'm losing the love of my life, my mind, and my weight because you didn't tell me something
T:Jake that's not what it meant
J:Tessa I'm done I'll talk to you later
T:No J- *sighs* shit..

I'm such an idiot I just drove him farther away from me because of a stupid sentence I said. Why couldn't I of told him then and there and none of this would of happened. I need to find him and get Erika there and get some sense into him. I called Chance and asked him if he would know where Jake would be

C:Yo Tessa
T:Do you know where Jake would be if he's mad
C:Uhhh...yeah why?
T:Just tell me
C:He'll kill me
T:Listen your about to lose your best friend if you don't tell me
C:Fine he's probably at the treehouse he bought
T:Where is it
C:I'll send you the location
T:Ok thank you bye

I hung up with Chance and he sent me the location now it is tie to get Erika over there and I needed a plan so I sat down and thought

Erika's pov

I woke up this morning feeling the way I've been feeling these few days. Sad, heartbroken, and lonely. I messed up big time and I had no intentions of leaving out room. I was lost in my thoughts when I heard someone yelling I quickly realized that it was Jake and ran up to the door and listened in. I heard Jake say "I'm losing one of the most important people to me yet you refuse to tell me then proceed to call me an ass?" It broke me knowing that he thinks he's losing me for some unknown reason I felt bad then the door slammed shut and I knew Jake left. I left the door and took a shower after I put some clothes on and laid back in bed. Then someone knocked on my door

E:Who is it

I got up and unlocked the door and laid back in bed

E:What's up
T:I know you haven't left this room in days so I'm sending you to this treehouse
E:No Tessa I don't want to go
T:To bad I'm packing you a bag and your staying a few days without a choice
E:Fine when am I going
T:In 10 minuets
E:I hate you
T:I love you too

I got up and made the bed then helped Tessa pack my bag I said goodbye to her and got in a car

T:Remember knock on the door

I drove to the location and 30 minuets later arrived at the treehouse. I walked up to the door with my bag and knocked in it. The person who opened the door made me want to cry ...

Jake's pov

I don't know what's been going on with Tessa she seems be off I don't know why because she won't tell me anything but this was my last straw. I got in my truck and drove to my secret treehouse. No one knows about this place except Chance and Anthony this is the first thing I bought in L.A. Then again it made me broke but it was my happy place sometimes you need to embrace nature and I needed it most right now. I unlocked the door and smiled this was the first time in a few days I smiled. I walked in and put my stuff in my room then I sat on the couch and watched TV. I heard a knock on the door which was weird because my treehouse is in the middle of nowhere but I got up and answered the door. Then I say the person that was hurting me right now and she looked at me the same.

J:Why are you here
E:Why are you here
J:This is my treehouse
E:Well why did Tessa send me h-

We both realized what Tessa did and why she did it

J:Come in

I let Erika put her stuff in my bedroom and we sat on the couch

E:Jake first I'm sorry I didn't tell you because none of this would of happened
J:Ok but what's wrong
E:You know how I told you I was ok with you kissing another girl
E:Well I'm really not..
J:What?!? Why didn't you tell me I love you and it hurt when you refused to talk to
E:I know I'm so sorry but I felt even worse when I found this picture

Erika showed me the picture of me and Joy kissing

J:*whispers* F**king asshole
J:You trust me right
E:Of course
J:She fell on me and the paparazzi was there even though they weren't supposed to be and took a picture of her kissing me but I swear on my life I didn't kiss her back
E:I believe you
J:Also they director told me he would get rid of that photo but I guess he didn't and I'll have to kept my promise
E:What was the promise
J:Don't worry about it
J:Do you want dinner

I ordered us some food and we sat on different sides of the couch. I wish that she would cuddle up to my chest but we still had some tension. We ate our food then watched TV a little more and decided to go to bed

J:I'll sleep on the couch
J:I figured you would want some alone time
E:No I've had enough
J:Ok fine

We both got changed and laid on opposite sides of the bed. Then I saw the ring I gave Erika in her hand she was reading it then put it back on

J:I love you
E:I love you too
J:Goodnight beautiful
E:Night sexy

We both slept on different sides of the bed but I wanted to fix that tomorrow

HEY GUYS!!!!!! Hope you liked the chapter!!!!!! Jake's new song is fire!! Sorry for the later post I had to clean today because I'm hosting thanksgiving tomorrow. Today's quote is "A good friend knows all your best stories, A best friend has lived them with you." One of my favorite quotes I don't have a lot to say about it but I just really like it. Anyways today's shoutout goes to Misssims123 ! I've never had such a demand for chapters but hey I'm not complaining😂 No double upload today I
Need to finish getting the house ready for thanksgiving and pre-write tomorrow's chapter. Maybe a double upload on Friday? 🤫😂
BYE 👋🏼


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