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Jake (J)
Erika (E)
Tessa (T)
Kade (K)
Tristin (Tr)
Chad (Ch)
Liam (L)
Apollo (Ap)
Alissa (Al)
Kian (Ki)
Kendall (K)
Paul (P)
Myra (My)
Mya (M)
Chance (C)
Anthony (A)
Kevin (K)
Judge (Ju)
Police (Po)

Kevin's pov

I was awake all last night talking to Jake's lawyers and they sent me there argument. Today is the day that we go to court and prove Jake innocent. I demanded the day to be today so Jake wouldn't have to stay in jail for longer then he should. I was so confident in this because I know Jake wouldn't do this. They said that they were doing a fingerprint check to see if they match with Jakes. The mystery person was coming to defend there case. The time we were going to court is 11 so I had to call Erika and make her get up and get ready

Erika's pov

I woke up to Kevin calling me

K:Erika get up and get ready
E:Ok what time is the court
K:At 11 and we're picking you up at 10:30
E:Ok I'll be ready by then
K:Make sure you eat well be there for a while
E:I will thank you again
K:Don't it's my job
E:See you soon

I hung up with Kevin and hopped into the shower. After I showered I put my hair in a messy bun and did natural makeup. I got dressed into a suit so I looked professional. I walked downstairs and grabbed a granola bar and ate it. Not long after I heard a honk and got into the car with Kevin and we drove to the court while Kevin told me the plan

Jake's pov

I woke up today by the police banging on my door telling me to get up because I was going to court in 5 minuets. I got up and changed into my other jumpsuit then they led me to the court room. I walked in and there I saw my beautiful fiancé and Kevin and I'm guess lawyers. I sat down and we began the investigation

Erika's pov

When Jake walked in he looked miserable and he had a huge bump on the side of his head. He sat down. Then the "mystery person" walked in so he could defend his bullshit case. When Jake saw him I've never seen him more filled with rage he was about the jump up and choke him

Ju:Ok we are here because Jake Paul is being accused of using drugs by Paul Rogers. Paul we'll start will your side
Pl:Ok My client has nothing to do with the drugs being put in the beside table. However he has told me some things Mr.Paul has done to him. Mr.Rogers say that Mr.Paul has pushed him against the wall and given him death threats
J:You piece of shit
Ju:Mr. Paul watch your language and have you threatened Mr. Rogers
J:Yes but can I explain why
Ju:Go ahead
J:He's missing a big part of it he hasn't said that he kissed my fiancé multiple times basically forcing himself onto her
Ju:Mr. Rogers is this true
P:No she kissed me back
Ju:Ms. Costell is this true
E:100% a lie
Ju:Mr. Rogers I hate to say this but you have been proven guilty for that but that's not why we're here. Ok now Jakes side can present
Jl:Mr. Paul is a very intelligent young man. And would never do drugs. I know he is lying because I have evidence. In the test the doctors took of Jake last night there was no evidence of drugs in his system. Also Ms. Costell has video evidence of Mr. Rogers saying that he planned them

The lawyer grabbed my phone and showed the judge the recording I took. She seemed sold then the officer handed her a file and she read it

Ju:Ok Mr. Rogers you are proven guilty on my document it seems that your finger prints were on the bag not Mr. Paul's.
P:What that's not impossible
Ju:It's not it's the truth. Case closed. Mr. Paul has won and Mr. Rogers will be put in jail by tomorrow. Unfortunately Mr. Paul has to be kept in here for one more day. I'm sorry but you guys can talk to him

The office whispered in her ear

Ju:Wait I'm sorry you can not talk to Mr. Paul until tomorrow he can be picked up around 12
E:Thank you
Ju:No problem you can leave

I was happy that we won but I wanted to see Jake before we left I blew him a kiss and said I love you then smiled and we left to go back home. We got home and everyone was waiting downstairs

Team 10:Yay! Well we already knew he wasn't guilty but still
E:Hahahahahaha I love you guys
Team 10:We love you too

We did a group hug then I walked upstairs and changed into comfortable clothes. I laid in bed and went on my computer. Of course the internet figured this out and were making the wrong choices but all I know is that we won and my baby will be back tomorrow. I was exhausting so I ended up passing out

Tessa's pov

We all talked in excitement then Paul walked through the door we all shamed him and he ran upstairs to his room. I decided to check on Erika I walked into her room and she was passed out. I felt bad so I put her computer away and tucked her in. I wanted to make her fell better so I let her sleep and I was making her favorite dinner later. I went to the store and got all the food. The paparazzi were following me everywhere and kept asking me about Jake I just ignored them and got back home. I walked inside and started to make Erika's dinner. I was half way done when Alissa came down to help. She set the tray up while I cooked. We put everything on the tray and walked upstairs. Alissa opened her door and woke Erika up

T:Hey E we made you dinner
E:Aww thank you put it down

I put it down then Erika hugged us and we talked for a little. We decided to give Erika he own space so we left and ordered Pizza for everyone else. After we all ate we went to bed

Erika's pov

I ate Tessa and Alissa food then went back on my computer. I went on twitter and tweeted "The truth will always come out" and "Don't worry Jake is innocent" I knew that was gonna start drama and be everywhere (aka. KEEMSTAR) I went on YouTube for a little and watched some Jerika edits. I smiled at them and needed up falling asleep while I watched them.

Jake's pov

I hated that I had to stay another night but I'm glad that my room was to myself. I laid in bed and just thought and I guess it made me fall asleep into the last sleep in this jail

HEY GUYS!!!!! Hope you liked the chapter!!!!!! I love the Jerika moments today they basically confirmed it and the Jessa fans are quaking. Anyways Today's quote is "Only those who care about you can hear when your quiet." Lastly today's shoutout goes to reading_nancy ! Thank you!
BYE 👋🏼


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