New York

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Jake (J)
Erika (E)
Tessa (T)
Kade (Ka)
Tristin (Tr)
Chad (Ch)
Liam (L)
Apollo (Ap)
Athena (At)
Alissa (Al)
Kian (Ki)
Kendall (K)
Chance (C)
Anthony (A)
Pam (P)
Greg (G)
Logan (Lo)
Francisca (F)

December 11th

Tessa's pov

So I may or may not have forgot the book the tickets to New York last night but I got up this morning and grabbed my computer. Luckily I found 3 seats for New York at 2:30. I sighed in relief then walked downstairs and made breakfast for everyone. After I cooked I called Team 10 down and slowly they all came down. We all sat down and ate then Jake and Erika worked out while me and Alissa started to pack while we jammed out to music.

Jake's pov

After we worked out we walked upstairs and heard Alissa and Tessa listening to music and that concerned me a little because it was like 10 am but we let them be and we walked into the shower. When I walked into the showed Erika wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me towards her making my lips smash against hers. She pressed against me and I held her back. With each kiss Erika got more aggressively and aggressively. I'm pretty sure I know what she wants to do so I pulled away and grabbed a towel really quick I ran over to the bedside table and grabbed a condom. I ran back to the bathroom then locked the door and got back in the shower


Erika started to kiss me again and I pushed her against the wall. I kissed down her neck leaving hickeys she let quite moans out while she gripped my hair. We continued to make out so I picked Erika up and she wrapped her legs around my waist. I had her pushed against the wall so I slid into her and she let a slight long moan out. She gripped my hair harder and I went faster. After 20 or so minutes I shut the water off and carried Erika into our bedroom while we were making out (Their door was closed by the way). I laid her on the bed and I slight into her again she let a loud moan out and I tried to contain her so I kissed her but she slowly became louder and louder. We had sex for another 20 or so minutes then we got back up and went into the shower again. This time we actually took a shower but we showered close to each other so we were rubbing against each other you could say.


We got dressed and Erika started to pack I laid in bed and went on my computer for a little. Then I got up and walked in the closet. I walked behind Erika and wrapped my arms around her waist. She smiled and laid her head back I kissed her neck

E:You know your such a distraction
J:Hahahahahaha is that good or bad

Erika turned around and wrapped her arms around my neck. She kissed me and of course I had to be a distraction so I started to make out with her. I pushed her against the wall and then Tessa walked in the room

T:Ok jeez you guys are gonna be separate for a few days
T:I mean really first it was the second now it's the making out
E:Not my fault he's a distraction
T:Who's fault was the first one
T:Exactly my point
T:Anyways Erika we leave at 2
T:So continue packing not making out
E:I will
T:Oh jake can you drive us
T:Thank you
J:No problem
T:I'm watching you
Jerika.Hahahahahaha ok

Tessa left and I kissed Erika then let her continue to pack. I went back on my computer

Erika's pov

It didn't take me long to pack because we were only going to New York for a few days so I didn't pack much. Since we did have a flight I decided to change into some comfortable clothes

 Since we did have a flight I decided to change into some comfortable clothes

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Erika's outfit

I changed then put my hair in a bun. I brought my suitcase into the bedroom then laid in bed with Jake. He put his computer down and we cuddled until Tessa told us to come downstairs. Jake brung my bag downstairs and into the car then he put Alissa's and Tessa's in too. We got in the car and while Jake drove we held hands and we all talked. We arrived at the airport and jake got our bags out Jake hugged Tessa and Alissa Bye. I hugged Jake and he wrapped his arms around my neck while I hugged him. He pulled away and gave me a long and gentle kiss

J:Bye beautiful
E:Bye sexy
J:I'll see you in a few days
E:Yeah I love you
J:Love you to have a good time
E:I will

I gave Jake one last kiss then me and the girls. Checked in and waited to board our plane.

(25 minuets later)

We boarded our plane and got settled in. Not long after we took off and now we're on our way to New York.

Jake's pov

I left the airport and went to set. They didn't need me for long so I was just there for a little. When I got home I checked my phone and the paparazzi got a picture of me and Erika saying goodbye to each other and of course all the fans were sad that we were separated but we'll be back in a few days. Anyways I sat next to Logan on the couch and we talked

J:When do you want to go home
Lo:Whenever you can get me there
J:I'll ask Alissa since you guys are dating because you can stay longer
Lo:Thank you so how earlier with Erika
J:Really do you think I would tell you
Lo:Yes we're brothers
J:Well you can kiss my ass
Lo:Hahahahahaha fine be that way

We talked for a little longer then I went upstairs so I could work a little. After I finished I went downstairs and I made myself some food. I cleaned up and walked back upstairs. I laid in bed and I texted Erika goodnight because I figured that she was passed out. After that I took my shirt off, shut the lights off and got in bed. After 5 minuets I passed out cold

Erika's pov

We arrived in New York and got our stuff. We got a taxi and they drove us to our hotel. After we settled in we were all hungry so we room service. After we ate we all changed and shut the lights off. Jake texted me goodnight and I said the same back. We watched a movie but that didn't last long because we all passed out.

HEY GUYS!!!!! Hope you liked the chapter!!!!!! I'm sad that there will be no Jerika for 10 days but Jakes last day in Ohio is the 28th or 29th so.....he could technology flight to wherever and surprise Erika so they could go to the wedding as dates. Also about a book after this I think I'm gonna hold off on the sequel of this book and make a different book I know I said I was gonna make a HighSchool (And I still might) but I have a idea. One more thing I'll need a break from writing when I finish this book because I've basically been writing a chapter for 148 days straight. Anyways today's quote is "Everyones true colors show eventually." Today's shoutout goes to raura_rosslaura ! Thank you 😘❤️❤️
BYE 👋🏼


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