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Jake (J)
Erika (E)
Tessa (T)
Kade (Ka)
Tristin (Tr)
Chad (Ch)
Liam (L)
Apollo (Ap)
Athena (At)
Alissa (Al)
Kian (Ki)
Kendall (K)
Chance (C)
Anthony (A)
Sydney (S)

Sydney's pov

I was starting to fell bad because I think I've made Erika cry and she's right I'm It the same person I was in HighSchool. I really really want to talk to her and apologize I figured she wasn't gonna come downstairs so i would talk to Jake and tell him to get Erika downstairs. I waited until I heard Jake walk downstairs then I followed him into the kitchen

Jake's pov

I got up this morning and I had set at 2ish so I got to spend my morning with Erika. I wanted to cook her breakfast so I got up and walked downstairs. When I got in the kitchen Sydney snuck up behind me

J:Jesus what do you want
S:Can you please get Erika down here I want to apologize and be friends again
J:She's gonna kill me
S:Please for our friendship
J:Fine but I'm making breakfast first
S:Ok I'll be in the dinning room

Sydney walked into the dining room while I cooked breakfast. I finished cooking breakfast then walked upstairs. I got on top of Erika and kissed her all over her face

E:Hahahaha jake Stop
J:Wake up

Erika grabbed my face and gave me a long kiss then pulled away and looked into my eyes

E:I love you
J:I love you too

I kissed Erika one more time

J:I made us breakfast
E:But what if Sydney's downstairs
J:You can't stay in this room forever

I got Erika out if bed then we went downstairs to eat breakfast. We walked into the kitchen an Sydney walked behind Erika

S:Hey Rik can we talk..?

Erika looked at me and gave me a annoyed look. I grabbed her face

J:Can you please just talk to her
J:For me
J:Thank you

I kissed Erika then I let her go. She grabbed her food and walked into the dining room while I sat at the table and at breakfast maybe listening in on their conversation

Erika's pov

I sat down with Sydney and started to eat while she did her apology

S:Rik I know your probably not gonna want to talk to me again but I'm truly sorry I had no reason to not accept that you love hand and he loves you. I'm just really protective over you because of what happened in your past I just don't want you making the same mistake
E:I understand that your protective and I appreciate that but you trying to tell me it's not to late is disgusting
S:I know I'm really sorry
E:I'll forgive you on one condition
S:What is it
E:Tomorrow your gonna have a sit down talk with Jake and your gonna explain why you don't like him and get to know him

I hugged Sydney then finished my breakfast. Jake and I changed and went to the gym. Jake did a full work out and I did I light work out because I didn't fell like working out. We took a shower then got dressed. Jake had to leave in an hour and half so we laid in bed and cuddled. We talked and watched some TV. I was completely cuddled up on Jake he just sat there and rubbed my back. I felt safe and warm I smelt Jakes cologne so I felt comfortable and ready to fall asleep but I didn't so I could talk to Jake. Before I knew it jake had to leave

J;Baby I have to go
E:Nooo stay
J:You know I can't
E:Find then come here

I grabbed Jakes face and kissed him we made out for a little then Jake left. I grabbed my laptop and cuddled in bed watching Netflix slowly falling asleep.

Tessa's pov

Me and Alissa wanted to check in on Erika so we walked into her room and she was passed out cold. We left her to sleep and went downstairs to have a little girls day. After we painted each other's nails we gossiped with each other until we realized that it was 5:45 them Jake walked through the door

J:Hey girls
T&Al:Hey Jake
J:Where's Rik
J:Ok thanks
T:Keep it pg-13
J:Shut up

Jake left and me and Alissa continued to talk then we started to watch Netflix

Jake's pov

I walked upstairs and grabbed my computer. I sat next to Erika and did some work while she slept. After a few hours Erika started to wake up and got frightened when she saw me. I laughed then hugged her

J:Hey beautiful
E:Hey sexy
J:How was you nap
E:Good thank you for let me sleep in
J:No problem I know you were tired do you wanna go cook dinner
E;Let's go

Me and Erika got up and made dinner for all of Team 10. When we finished Erika served everyone while I call them down. We ate dinner with Team 10 then cleaned all the dishes. Everyone went to bed but Erika wanted to watch a movie so we sat on the couch and I made popcorn. We watched a movie while we ate the popcorn. After I movie I was exhausted so we went upstairs and I changed then laid in bed. Erika laid next to me then I kissed her and she cuddled up to my chest. I fell asleep instantly while for Erika it took a little longer but eventually she passed out too.

HEY GUYS!!!!!! Hope you liked the chapter!!!!!! Ok so Wattpad is having server problems (for me) and it's annoying the shit out of me it's been going on for a few days like yesterday I was trying to post my chapter and it wouldn't let me because they were having server problems then I had to wait. It's annoy af but as long as I get you guys a chapter it's fine. One more thing when I post I usually get a lot of notifications from you guys (Not bragging just being annoyed because I love seeing my comments ❤️) and I don't know if it's Wattpad not giving you guys the notification or it's me but it takes like 30 minuets for me to get one notification and it's hella annoying because I love seeing my fans enjoy my writing and I know some of you guys wait all day I just don't find it fair. Also I've had to un publish and re publish my chapters from like Thursday to Friday. Sorry for complaining it's just I want you Guys it's See the chapter. Anyways today's quote is "One can not deny what their meant to be." Thank you VanessaEspinoza126 for the quote. Today's shoutout is LouiseThorburn ! Thank you!
BYE 👋🏼


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