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Jake (J)
Erika (E)
Tessa (T)
Kade (Ka)
Tristin (Tr)
Chad (Ch)
Apollo (Ap)
Athena (At)
Alissa (Al)
Kendall (K)
Chance (C)
Anthony (A)
Logan (L)

Erika's pov

Today was one of those days were my pregnancy hormones kicked in. I did not want to get up or do anything. I woke up and I started to roll around the bed. I guess I woke Jake up so he held my waist and pulled me to his chest. He kissed my neck then laid his head on my shoulder

J:What are you doing?
E:Getting comfortable
J:You've been rolling around the bed for 10 minutes
E:Hey leave me alone
J:Ok what do you wanna do today?
E:I'm having extra pregnancy hormones
J:Oh yay
E:Shut up
J:Ok ok jeez do you want me to cook you breakfast?
J:I'll be back I love you
E:I love you too

Jake kissed me then he walked downstairs and cooked breakfast. I took a quick shower then put yoga pants and a sports bra on. I dried my hair and put it a messy bun. I laid back in bed then Jake came upstairs with a tray of food. He sat in bed next to me and gave me the tray of food. I started to eat while I watched Netflix with Jake

J:Did you shower already
E:Yeah my plan is to not move today
J:Hahahahahaha ok so am I gonna be your personal assistant today
E:Well I wouldn't call it my personal assistant
J:Then what would you call it?
E:A wonderful husband
J:Awww but if I'm a wonderful husband do I get a treat
J:What that's so not fair
E:Yes it is
E:I just told you I'm pregnant with hormones
J:Fine but you owe me kisses
E:I can live with that

Jake kissed me then we finished breakfast. Jake went to clean the dishes when he came back upstairs he took a shower while I went on my computer and did whatever

Jake's pov

I took a shower then got dressed and laid next to Erika. Then her moodiness began because she started to yell at me then pushed me off the bed for interrupting her show. I figured I might as well just stay on the floor so I grabbed my phone and went on it. Then Tessa walked in the room

T:Um Jake why are you on the floor?
J:Because someone pushed me off the bed because I interrupted her show
T:Jesus Erika
E:What? I'm hormonal
T:I get that but that was mean
E:He chosen stay on the floor
J:Yeah because you'll do it again
E:No I won't
J:You sure
T:Jake get on the bed
J:Fine if I get pushed off again it's your fault
T:Ok blame me

I slowly got on the bed and Erika didn't push me off

T:Great now The main reason I came in here was to ask Erika if she wanted to hang out but since your hormonal I guess that's a no
T:Ok great well Jake you know where I am if she kicks you off the bed again
T:Yeah no problem

Tessa left and Erika continued to watch her show I took her computer and I started to do my emails. After a few hours later Erika started to get cranky

J:Baby what's wrong?
E:I'm hungry
J:What do you want?
E:Pickles, peanut butter, cheese, and Oreos
J:Ok I'll be back

I kissed Erika's forehead then I walked downstairs. I grabbed all the things Erika wanted with water then I put it on a tray and walked back upstairs. When I walked through the door Erika's face lit up. I laughed at her then sat back next to her. Once I gave her the tray she started to eat. We continued to watch her show then out of nowhere she started to cry.

J:What are you crying at?
E:This movie is so sad
J:Babe it's snowing
E:I know I want it to snow
J:We live in California

Erika continued to cry I took a video of her with the caption "When the pregnancy hormones kick in 😂😂." Erika stopped crying and finished eating I took her tray back downstairs. When I walked upstairs Erika was passed out. She was a whole mess today. I laughed then went to Chance and Anthony and told them everything

A:Dude you should totally buy her a snow machine so it will snow
C:Do it! Do it
J:Great idea give me a minute

I grabbed my computer and rented a snow machine to come to the house in an hour. With the spare time we played video games. After an hour the snow machine arrived and we all went outside to get it running and get snow on the ground. I ordered me and Erika dinner then I went to wake her up

J:Baby baby
E:Jake stop it
J:I have a surprise for you
E:Ugh do I have to get up
E:Can you carry me?

I picked Erika up then carried her downstairs. I put her down then she saw the snow and got really excited. She jumped on me then kissed me

E:Omg thank you!
J:Your welcome!

Erika ran over to the snow and started to play in it. She dragged me into the snow with her and we played until the post mates guy arrived. Me and Erika went inside and ate dinner. Erika cleaned up dinner while I went outside and shut the snow machine off. I walked back inside and helped Erika finish cleaning the dishes. When we finished we walked upstairs and got ready for bed. I shut the lights off then I got in bed with Erika. She kissed me then cuddled up to my chest

E:Thank you
J:Your welcome
E:No I appreciate that you've been here with me even when I'm going through my hormones
J:That why I'm here
E:Awwww I love you
J:I love you too

Erika cuddled up to my chest then we went to bed

HEY GUYS!!!!!! Hope you liked the chapter!!!!!! I'm posting early day because it's the super bowl and I'm gonna watch people come over and act like I want them here. Anyways we got 400k reads! That's amazing and thank you all so much! Today's quote is "People can say they care, but it means mothers nothing until they prove it." Finally today's shoutout goes to Hersheygirl318 ! Go read her story and show her some love! Thank you!
BYE 👋🏼

Hey b*tches Neci her again today was annoying af cause I had homework to do yes I have homework everyday even on the weekends fucking hate highschool ...But anways today is the super bowl kinda excited but not really... Anyways drum roll please..It's time for question of the day

Who do you think will win the superbowl? Patriots or Eagles


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