Prologue: Debut

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The car journey to the Debut Stage was agonizingly slow and gave my heart more than enough time to run on over drive. It pounded in my ears and adrenaline shook my body so much I could barely use my phone.

But finally we arrived. The driver opened the door for me and I rushed inside, already running late, and was shown to the woman who would be my stylist and manager for the next twelve years.

"Hello, noona. I am Kim Makseun, please take care of me well." I say, bowing 90* to show my respect. She smiled and nodded at me, instructing me to change before I sit down on the chair in front of the mirrors.

The designer was flawless and had chosen clothing that worked perfectly with my album. Black leather trousers and a white sleeveless tank top with a pair of black Timberlands. I had a choice of three shirts to wear or tie around my waist, black and white, red and white or plain black. I eventually settled on the red and white one, not putting it on just yet. I'll let noona do her work and put it on just before I go on stage.

She worked quickly and efficiently, doing my foundation and concealer with ease considering we'd only just met. The eyeliner, however, was a different story and took us a while to do but we got there in the end. She then began working on my hair, pulling out a red bandana and tying it around my forehead, making sure my hair wasn't beneath it. She curled my hair a bit and added a touch of shine and volume.

The whole process took almost an hour, giving me 15 minutes to spare as the crowds entered. I run through the routines, listening to a few pointers from my choreographer and taking them on board. A camera man comes in and starts videoing me like he had before.

"Aish! I'm so nervous!" I say with a laugh, scratching my neck as I look into the camera. "I hope all goes well, wish me luck, AURAs!" I wave enthusiastically and wink, rushing to the door as my noona beckoned me over.

"Right! Five minutes until you go on stage, don't forget to introduce yourself first and then ask for the music to start. But don't actually ask, just get into position for Scream." I nod, listening intently through the thunderous chants that forced their way through the walls. We stop outside some doors that lead to the right wing. "When you've finished, don't forget to say goodbye."

I nod and she opens the door, leading me into a room filled with deafening chattering that meant we had to shout to one another to be heard, even if she was right up to my ear. The MC began talking through the mic as they attached one to me, running the wire down my shirt and attaching it to my belt.

"And now, introducing Kim Makseun!" The crowd roared and I made my way on stage, hearing my noona shouting about fanservice as I left the wings. I force a smile on my face despite my nerves and wave at the crowd, blowing kisses like a nervous school boy.

"Kim-Mak-seun! A-U-R-A! Kim-Mak-seun! A-U-R-A!" The crowd chanted my name and that of the fanbase, making my smile widen.

I stood at the centre of the stage and waited for the crowd to quiet down a little. "Hello! I am Kim Makseun! Please treat me well!" I bowed 90* like I had for noona, getting a loud cheer from the stadium. I look back to the sound technician and jog to my starting position as the music begins.


A/N: Hey guys, so this is my first time ever writing a fanfic like this. Normally I'll write from the perspective of a female reader who is not an idol, but I read another FF earlier and it inspired me.

I, in no way, understand what it is like to be an idol and do not know what it is like to belong to a company.

I will try and update as much as possible ❤

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