XXXI: Why Me?

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Yoongi P.o.V


I awoke the next morning with a pounding headache slamming behind my temples in time with my pulse, sending shudders of pain through my body. Instinctively I reach out for Makseun.

My hands find empty space.

Huh? Is he up already..? I open my eyes slowly, instantly seeing I'm not in his room. Wait, where... Oh, my room. I see Jin in his bed across the room curled up in a little ball within his mass of sheets.

Urgh... I don't remember anything from last night... What the hell..? I remember... Surprising him at noon... We went out at nine... Drinks. Lots and lots of drinks. Probably a few too many, considering this is the worst hangover I've had in literal years. God, how is Makseun coping? Last night was his first time drinking at a club or a bar or whatever, he probably way overdid it. I know I did my first time in a bar.

Slowly but surely I roll onto my side and ease myself to a sitting position. Oh, yay. Last nights clothes. Lovely. I see a cup of water and some paracetamol on my bedside table. Oh thank god. I practically dive on them, taking the tablets whole and slowly gulping down the water. I drink it slowly, knowing if I drink it too fast I'll get more dehydrated. I let the pain killers kick in before I stand, slowly creaking onto my sore, stiff feet. I stretch my hands above my head, feeling woozy and light headed. Bless you, mama Jin. There's no way I'd think that far ahead of myself and set this out before we left. No way in hell.

I slowly trudge from my room and see Jimin and Namjoon lay across separate sofas on their phones. I bet they had barely anything to drink, light weights.

Jimin looks up at me over the top of his phone and a smirk creeps onto his face. "Morning, hyung." He sang, taking in the sight of the messy, hungover idiot called Min Yoongi in front of him.

"Mph..." I grumble, flopping down on the sofa heavily. He managed to move his legs just in time to avoid me crushing them. Bad decision. The sudden halt jarred my head and I groaned loudly, massaging my temples.

"Wait, Yoongi-hyung, di-" Namjoon starts.

"Don't make me beat you." I grumble, flopping my head onto the back of the sofa.

The leader sighs and rolls his eyes. "Hyung, weren't you with Makseun last night?"

I give him a look that said "are you fucking dumb?" and shook my head ever so slightly. "Uh, considering I just came from my room and not his, obviously not. Plus, if I had when we were both wasted I probably wouldn't be clothed."

Jimin's face scrunches up and he laughs loudly and awkwardly. "Yah! Hyung! That's gross!" He whines, hitting me jokingly.

I push him away slowly, not wanting my fading headache to come back. "Don't hit me, I'm old and hungover." I groan, scowling playfully. My gaze returns to Namjoon who looked incredibly confused. "Why do you ask?"

He shook his head slowly. "No, don't worry. I just thought... Never mind." He smiles up at ne, huge dimples creating craters in his cheeks.

I raise an eyebrow but don't question it. My brain hurts too much to think. "What time is it?" I ask slowly, looking at Jimin's phone over his shoulder. Twelve thirty. I sigh deeply. "So. Which of you lovely boys is going to make their beloved hyung breakfast?" I ask casually, wrapping my arm around Jimin and leaking into him 'sweetly'. Jimin, please be Jimin. Namjoon still can't cook to save his life.

Jimin sighs deeply, shoving me off. "I'll do it... What do you want?"


"Yeah, but-"

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