XIX: Toast

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Yoongi P.o.V

"Yoongi! Get up you lazy git!" Someone tried to yank the covers from me, making my eyes shoot open and hands race for the duvet. I groan in protest, rolling onto my stomach and curling my knees beneath me. "Yoongi, come on." I heard Jin laughing quietly.

I sit up slowly, groaning at the pounding headache. "What time is it?" My voice sounded hoarse and gruff, a bit more so than it normally does from the alcohol.

"Almost eleven. I heard you come in around three last night, what were you doing?"

"I cant remember." I grumble, rubbing my eyes with the heels of my hands.

"Yoongi! You were drinking?!" He sighs deeply, throwing a shoe at me. "You know we don't drink until album releases or live shows!" He threw the other shoe at me.

"I drink when I write lyrics, you know that." I crawl out of bed slowly, trudging to my wardrobe and grabbing a pair of blue jeans and a white tank top.

"Yeah, but you don't normally drink that much!" He sighs deeply, walking to my bed and picking up the shoes. "For Christ sake, Yoongi." He chuckled, shaking his head and smacking the back of my head with his empty hand.

Deja vu. Why am I getting deja vu? I rub the back of my neck, memories of last night suddenly coming to my mind. Makseun's new hair makes him look hotter, we finished up a draft of Out, he tried my soju... Oh shit he tried my soju... I groan inwardly as I pull on my jeans. We went to the studio, messed around and livestreamed a bit, worked on the intro the dance for Out. Did I film it? I must've known I'd forget. I pick up my phone from my bedside table, flicking onto my videos and playing the first one. Jesus, we were productive. The entire draft had a dance prepared, but when the song finished neither Makseun nor I walked over to turn it off.

My eyes widened and I felt my heart drop. Shit. Why did I kiss him?! Oh fuck!! I watch the rest of the video, terror turning into joy. He kissed me back..? He actually kissed me back?! A huge smile formed on my lips and I shove my phone in my pocket, pulling my top over my head and spraying myself with deodorant. I open the door, feeling more awake with the sudden change of emotions.

"Morning, hyung, nice of you to join us." Jimin teased, sidling past me tauntingly.

"I thought you'd gone into a coma or something, Yoongi." Hoseok teases from the kitchen, earning the finger in response.

Namjoon and Jungkook laugh from the sofa, shaking their heads playfully.

"I saw Ravi-hyung earlier." Namjoon says casually to us all, but my heart sinks. "Apparently there's been some trouble with N again. He almost said about Leo and Ravi in an interview, they're in deep shit with their manager apparently."

I breathe a quiet sigh of relief. "Aish, that sucks." I walk into the kitchen as Hobi leaves, muttering a last few words that make someone else in there laugh. It's either Makseun of Taehyung, and I don't know which of the two I hope it is. I walk in and see Makseun with his back to me, buttering up some toast.

"Did you forget your coffee or something, Hobi?" He calls over his shoulder to me, obviously thinking I was Hoseok. I walk up beside Makseun and nick a piece of his toast. "Hey!" He goes to swipe it back but realises it's me and freezes, face flushing.

I smirk at him, taking a big bite of the toast and leaning against the counter. "Morning." I say casually, looking out at the others in the living room.

"Morning..." He mumbled shyly, finishing buttering his toast.

"D'you know where the paracetamol is?" I ask, turning to rummage through the drawers.

"Here." He passes me the packet, not looking up at me.

"Thank you." I get a glass from the cupboard and fill it up with water, putting a tablet on my tongue and filling my mouth with water. I take the other too, and then down the rest of the water. I drop the glass into the sink and have another bite of the toast. Makseun drops the knife in the sink and turns to leave, plate in his hand. "Hey, you okay?" He nods, not saying a word. I grab his arm and turn him to face me, concerned about why he's so quiet. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing." He sounds so shy. "Do you... Never mind."

"Do I what?"

He sighed and looked up at me, face flushing. " Do you remember what happened last night? It's just... You drank an awful lot..." He averted his eyes to his toast.

"To be completely honest, no. But I saw the video, so I guess I could say I remember. But I don't know if it'd really count cos its like a second hand memory, but-"

"Oh, shut up, Yoongi." He laughed, hitting my chest playfully. "Do you remember what happened with Ravi before we got back?"

"We saw Ravi?"

He sighed and shook his head. "Don't worry. Forget I said anything." He turned to go, but I grabbed his arm again.

"No, what happened?"

"Nothing. Forget about it." He moved away from me.

"Makseun, tell me." I say firmly, not releasing my grip on his arm.

He sighed again, face flushing even brighter. "You were drunk, it was the soju talki-"

"Makseun~ stop being difficult~" I sing in frustration, making him chuckle.

"Ahh, fine... You said, you said you wanted us to be together..." He muttered shyly, looking at the floor. My face flushes and I bite my lip. This is why I shouldn't drink that much. For god's sake.

"W-Wait, like together, together?" Makseun nods and I bury my face in my hands. "And what did you say?"

"W... I-I knew it was the soju so I didn't say anything."

"What would you say if I asked again now?"

His eyes went wide. "W-What? I don't, I don't know!"

"Makseun, would you like to go out with me at some point?" I ask warily, only now noticing how my heart was pounding and my stomach fluttering. "Like on a date?"

He smiles, face getting even redder if that was possible. "Uh, yeah. Sure. I'd love to." A huge grin spreads over my face and before I could think I had my arms around him in a bear hug. Luckily he had put his toast on the counter so I didn't ruin his breakfast. He pushes me away in mock disgust and kisses my cheek.

I instantly recoil, looking over at the door warily. "What are you doing? Someone could've seen!" I whisper, sliding away from him a bit.

"Does it matter if they do?" He looked taken aback, maybe even a bit upset. "You know they support us being bi."

"Being bi is one thing, but being in a... In a same sex relationship is something else."

"You mean in a gay relationship?" He says, looking away from me. "Right, yeah. They're gonna hate that you're in a gay relationship. They'll never want to talk to you again." He said, bitter tone in his voice.

"You know what Tae is like! He doesn't think, he says. If he finds out, it'll only be a few days before we get separated and ARMY and AURA find out."

"Yoongi, ARMY ship you all with one another and AURA figured out I liked you weeks ago. They won't care. It won't matter to them."

"Yeah, but it matters to me, okay?" I say softly, running a hand through my hair. "I'm fine with being open with my sexuality, but I don't know how people would respond. Particularly BigHit. Just... I'm sorry, but please don't say anything yet. Please."

He smiles softly, nodding his head. "Of course." He kisses my cheek again cheekily, making me scowl at him jokingly as he takes his plate and leaves.

Great job Yoongi, now he'll think you're embarrassed of him.

Great job Yoongi, you pulled the hottest guy in the world.

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