XXVII: Bangtan Wars

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Makseun P.o.V

Leo and I rushed to the meeting room and I was greeted with the smiling faces of VIXX and the frowns of Go-nim and noona. I bow respectfully, biting my lip. "I'm so sorry I was late, I lost track of time." Go-nim hums in response and beckons Leo into the remaining seat by VIXX.

Noona motions with her head to the seat beside her, rolling her eyes. "Do not make this a habit." She said sternly, giving me the side eye. "Right, shall we begin?"

Go-nim clears his throat. "So, let's get straight to the point. Both of us are in need of photo shoots; whether its jacket or concept. So we thought it'd be easier and cheaper if we all did it together. Is that okay with you all?" VIXX and I look at one another, smiling and nodding. Hyuk gives me a cheeky grin. "Good, good. What concepts do you have for Ghost?"

"We have five: G, H, O, S and T." Noona explains, pulling some sheets of paper from a file I hadn't noticed. "G will be based on the good, so it'll be light in colour and probably have animals in it. H will be based on horrors or bad things in life, so it'll be dark in colour. S is sweet, so it will be pastel in colour, and T is tough, so it'll probably have quite dull colours, so we have two good and two bad."

"What about O?" Ravi asks, itching his jaw subconsciously.

Noona gestures for me to explain and I instantly become flustered. "A-Ah, well... I'm working on a song at the moment -well Yoongi-hyung and I are- called Out. O will be based on that song." I explain vaguely.

"And what does that mean for the shoot?" Go-him asks, looking down at his own files.

"Um... I... Noona, help." I giggle shyky, covering my face with my hands.

She shakes her head, sighing deeply. "O will be a split of 'good' and 'evil', basically tradition and non tradition. Out is more about love and how people shun whatever they seem unusual. It'll probably have a white and red theme." She says. "What about your jacket?"

Go-nim and the other members of VIXX explain their ideas, and we eventually settle on needing three to four days to complete it all. "How about Tuesday through to Friday? We have a warehouse we can use and get all the stuff set up easily before then."

Noona nods and agrees, looking up at me. "Anything you want to add?"

I think for a moment. "Oh, for O we need a female model. And what day should we do it? I need to make sure Yoongi can make it."

N rose an eyebrow. "Why does Yoongi need to make it?"

I bite my lip. "Well... Out is a song that the two of us are using to... To come out. The O concept is what we are using to show it more clearly, hence why noona said people shunt things they think is unusual." I say slowly, not looking up at them.

"So wait, are you gay?!" Hongbin asked, sounding quite taken aback.

"N-No! Not gay, bisexual." I say nervously, holding up my hands defensively. Hongbin and Leo look at one another warily as the others nod as if it were no news. Well, I've discovered the less accepting ones of the group...

"Okay, so Tuesday through to Friday for photo shoots. You release the album on December fourth, pre order period starts the fourth November. When are you releasing the concept photos?" Go-nim asked, leaning back in his chair.

"Preferably we'll release G on Sunday, H on the following Tuesday, O on Thursday, S on Saturday and then release T when the pre order period starts on Sunday." Noona explains, packing away her stuff. "When will you be releasing the jacket?"

He shrugged. "We aren't sure yet. Boys, you can go. I need to discuss and plan things with Ahn, so you have the rest of the day to yourselves." Go-nim says to VIXX.

"You too, Makseun." She says, smiling at me as she leaned to my ear. "Next time, if you have a hickey try to hide it. And tidy up your hair." She whispers. I feel my face flush and instantly start pulling up my collar and trying to tidy my hair. She shook her head and pushed me from my seat. "Go."

I smile, laughing nervously. "Yes, noona. Goodbye, Go-hyungnim." I say, bowing respectfully as I leave, closing the door behind me. I see Ravi-hyung stood at the other end of the hall and I can hear the rest of VIXX bullying Leo playfully. "You didn't have to wait, hyung." I call, slowly making my way over to him. Only when I was a few metres in front of him did I notice the cheeky grin on his face.

"You kinky boy." He teased.

"W-What?" I laugh, puzzled by the random statement.

"You come to a meeting with hickeys, sex hair and a boner. Great idea." He laughed, punching my shoulder playfully.

Ohhhh shitttttt

"W-What? N-No, I didn't." Crap did I really have a boner?!

He sorted. "Hah, yeah you did. Your noona noticed, but I don't know if the others did." My face falls into my hands and I groan aloud, walking down the stairs with him. "So, You and Yoongi-ssi, eh?" He said, elbowing me and wiggling his eyebrows.

I hit his arm. "Shut up!" I hiss, scowling playfully. Ravi has been like a brother to me ever since I started as a trainee. He's always looked after me and made sure I'm okay, he's cared so much more about me in four years than Gi-Gun did in my entire life.

He giggles and pushes me down the hallway, walking past the door to mine and Bangtan's apartment. "See you Tuesday, little brother." He says, affectionately ruffling my hair. Little brother. He's so cute.

I smile, swatting his hand away. "Later." I push open the door and am instantly greeted by a mess of Nerf bullets and sofa cushions. Taehyung, Jimin and Jungkook had made a little fortress under a table and were shooting out at Namjoon, Jin, Hoseok and Yoongi who were hiding behind the sofa. "Um... You guys oka-"

"WE'LL TAKE HIM HOSTAGE!" Hoseok screams, running to me and pulling me behind their sofa barrier.

"NO! MAKSEUN!" Jimin yells, doing a forwards roll from beneath the table to the other side of the sofa, poking his head over and shooting Hoseok. "I'LL SAVE YOU!"

Jungkook and Taehyung appear around either side and the three of them start shooting at their hyungs, seeming to be trying to pull of a rescue. Eventually, the hyung team retreat and the others pull me into their little layer.

"We saved you!" Taehyung sings, poking my cheeks playfully.

I look around at them, completely and utterly bewildered. "Uhm... What just happened?"

Jungkook puffs out his chest and pulls a stern face, scrunching up his mouth as he began to talk. "In the many years you have been away, a huge war between the Hyung-Line and the Maknae-line has broken out. Many have been killed and there are too many casualties to count. It is up to us to-"

"Woah! You're not dragging me into a Bangtan War!" I exclaim, trying to wriggle from the den.

"This isn't a Bangtan War anymore, boy!" Taehyung says, mimicking Jungkook's tone. "This is a war between good and evil, young and old!"

"Oi! We're not old!" I hear Seokjin yell, making all of us laugh.

"You are, eomma." Yoongi giggles. An audible thud echoes the room and Yoongi let's out a pained groan, stumbling from behind their sofa den holding his arm. "I'm done, I'm done. I've been bullied enough." He giggles, holding up his other hand in surrender.

"Should we shoot him?" Jimin giggles, loading his weapon and aiming discreetly. The other boys nod excitedly and load their guns. "3... 2... 1... FIRE!" Jimin yells. All of them open fire on Yoongi and he cries out, trying to shield his body with his arms and darting into the nearest room. Said room happened to be mine.

I laugh with the boys and shake my head, slowly backing out of the den. "I'm done too, I don't want to get dragged into one of the legendary Bangtan Wars."

I stand up and turn, coming face to face with the loaded weapons of the Hyung-Line. "FIRE!" Hoseok yelled. Foam bullets zoomed at me ridiculously fast, hitting my skin painfully. I cry out and try to hide myself, scampering clumsily into my room. I slam the door closed behind me and see Yoongi looking at me over the top of the bed.

He giggled. "Bangtan Wars, eh?"

I chuckle and shake my head, scratching the back of my neck. "Bangtan Wars..."

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