XXXXIII: Frayed Nerves

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Sorry if this chapter seems a bit rushed, I've had so many kind and heart warming messages from you all I felt like I needed to write the next chapter 😂
Opinions on the new cover??

Jimin P.o.V

"No he fucking wasn't." All eyes shoot to me. "He wanted to hurt you. He didn't want to "fix" you or "help" you. The only thing he was doing was satisfying a sick, sadistic need to hurt people. He is a fucking monster, so don't you dare try to defend him!" My hands were balled into fists at my sides so hard my knuckles were going white as the anger began to boil. My face scrunched up in anger and I felt my throat going tight as tears started to well in my eyes. "I saw what it all did to you, before I even knew what it was that he was doing! I watched you go from a bubbly, crazy nerd to the weirdo wallflower everyone's too confused about to talk to! I saw you buffing up and joining the basketball team and suddenly become a social butterfly and a heart throb. I didn't get it, it confused me. Until we got together, until you started trusting me, I didn't understand it. But now I do. You were trying to get away. You were trying to find people you could run away with or sleep at their house to avoid going home." My voice was breaking and tears collected in my eyes, blurring my vision but I refused to let them fall. "You were terrified of him, Makseun. Fucking terrified. You went out to parties, you joined school clubs, you joined a gymnastics team and auditioned for all kinds of big industries to try and escape him! Don't try and fucking pretend you respect him and that he's a good guy deep down, you seem to forget the pain he put you through and the fact that I watched you break. He even tried to hurt me! There is nothing good in that man - that monster - and there never will be!"

I've never been so angry, so positively boiling with rage. My small frame trembled and a tear rolled down my cheek, sliding down into the corner of my lips. I look around at them before letting out an exasperated whimper and spinning on my heel. I cover my face with my hands as I retreat to my room, closing the door quietly.

It took all my self control not to slam the door like a child, but I knew I was well out of hand with my outburst. I know I'm in no position to get angry, and I know Makseun doesn't need me mad right now, but I just can't help it. After everything I know, after everything that monster did to him, he can't expect me to sit around and let him defend the man that ruined his life.

I just, I just need to calm down. I'll talk to him in a bit, but for now I need to chill out. I need to relax myself. I walk to my drawers and rummage through them to find a face mask or something so I can unwind after a shower, finding a selection of unused masks. I throw one on my bed and grab my bathrobe before undressing and heading to the door, grabbing a towel from my wardrobe and putting my ear to the door as I pull on the bathrobe.

I can't hear Yoongi or Makseun talking, and judging by the tones of their voices and how quiet they were being, I'm guessing they don't want Makseun to overhear. I push the door open, ignoring their stares and plodding to the bathroom. I lock the door behind me and drop the towel and robe over the edge of the bath, turning on the shower and setting it to my ideal temperature.

I wash myself thoroughly, taking my time to avoid talking to the others. I lather my hair in shampoo, taking as long as I can to get it to foam up and rinsing it out. I put in my special conditioner the helps revive my hair and wash that out too, turning off the shower and getting out to dry myself off.

I run the towel over my body and pull on my bathrobe, scrubbing my hair to a decently dry state and leave the bathroom, quickly heading into my room.

Hoseok is draped length ways over his bed, phone in his hands as he types furiously in a chat. When he looks up at me he looks worried. "You okay?" He asked softly, watching me as I rummaged through my drawers for some boxers. I simply hum, pulling them on skilfully without flashing him any of my junk. "That was... quite the outburst before, Jimin-ssi." He says, earning nothing but a shrug in response.

Idol ~ Min YoongiNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ